XO, Kitty – Season 2 Episode 8 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

Sealed With A Kiss

XO Kitty Season 2’s finale starts with Kitty reflecting on how much things have changed over the past year, as she prepares for the end of her last semester at K.I.S.S. She is happy to reconnect with her Korean family members and plans to reunite her grandmother with her sister.

Thankfully, her sister Margot and grandfather managed to convince her grandmother to put her grudges aside and fly to Seoul and end the longstanding beef with her sister. On the other side, Jiwon, Kitty’s long-lost cousin, convinced her grandmother, too.

What happens between Jin and Q?

Jin becomes more supportive of Q, who is getting offers from D1 schools and an invitation to USC’s track program for the summer. Unfortunately, thanks to Jin’s leg injury, he couldn’t participate in the regionals. Q worries that Jin might be depressed, but it turns out that Q is happy to let go of his old dream. For so long, he has been chasing a dream based on his family’s expectations and he realises it might not even be his dream.

What happens between Yuri and Juliana?

Unfortunately, they don’t get back together. After the kissing, fall-out. Juliana starts getting close to Praveena and they start dating. Nonetheless, Juliana and Yuri agree to be friends. Sadly, at the end of the season, Yuri learns that her dad is being sued in a class action lawsuit and his funds have been frozen.

Who saves the day?

After Min-ho learns the truth about Stella, he starts acting weird as she threatens to frame Kitty for the Moonleak and reveal that Joon-ho knocked up his backup dancer. He ends up pulling away from his friends and this causes concern. On the day of the concert, Kitty figures out that she was right about Stella and Min-ho was cornered.

She encourages Min-ho to tell his dad the truth. Joon-ho also stands up for his relationship with the backup dancer and confesses he loves her. Kitty alerts the gang and they come through for Min-ho. They also offer to help Dae when Stella messes with his backup dancers.

Stella’s plans to ruin the concert and other competitors’ performances are derailed when the gang helps Dae. Fortunately, Eunice performs through her snafu. too. Joon-ho’s public revelation of his relationship with Eun-ji also takes away Stella’s last chance to ruin Moon.

With all hands on deck, the Moon legacy lives to see another day. In the end, Stella confesses that she fell for Min-ho, but her revenge mission was important to her, too. The police takes her away. As for the winner, Eunice is declared the champion and Dae is happy for her. Later, Dae’s dad shows up to inform him not to worry because the class action lawsuit against Yuri’s dad changes their financial situation.

On the other hand, Min-ho saves the day when he offers to reach out to a friend with a private jet to fetch Margot and Grandma after their flight gets cancelled.

How does Kitty Season 2 end?

Kitty is excited to reunite with her family. The teary reunion puts things into perspective for her and she decides to find a way to stay at KISS. Thankfully, the successful concert brings renewed interest from investors, and Principal Lee agrees to grant Kitty’s request for a heritage scholarship. Kitty is excited to share the news with Q, who encourages her to shoot her shot with Min-ho.

Unfortunately, when she goes to see Min-ho, he starts by saying he is temporarily done with relationships and is leaving for Joon-ho’s summer tour. For a brief moment, we think they might kiss while they hug goodbye. Sadly, they, but Kitty gets the courage to ask to join Min-ho on the tour and he agrees.

The Episode Review

What a binge-worthy roller coaster this season was! Kitty wanted a drama-free semester, but that was not meant to be. The chaos, love triangles and teen angst is what makes this show a binge-worthy teenage show.

There is never a dull moment in Kitty’s life and even though she means well, she is always causing trouble. I think that is one of the charming aspects of Kitty’s characters. Each character in this show has different layers to them and it is intriguing to see that in every new season. This was a good season and definitely worth the wait. Noah Centino and Jane Parrish’s cameos were some of the highlights this season.

Thankfully, they didn’t leave us on a major cliffhanger this season. At least we know there might be hope for Kitty and Min-ho. I was never on the Yuri bandwagon and I am glad that Min-ho is getting his chance. In the words of Lizzo, “It is about damn time!” While Yuri and Kitty would have made a great couple, it was clear they are not there yet.

Yuri was pining for Juliana and somewhere along the way, Min-ho made it to Kitty’s heart. Although some may disagree, Min-ho and Kitty are so endgame. They have a certain dynamic that makes it easy to love and root for them. They have a good foundation with their enemy to friend arc and they care for each other.

This season saw Kitty get answers about her mom and find her Korean family. It makes sense that Kitty never gave up on reuniting the sisters. I think this was a huge thing for Kitty. It probably felt like she has found a part of the puzzle that is her. I loved the scene where they paid tribute to Kitty’s mom in the traditional Korean way. It shows that Grandma is finally coming around and accepting her other granddaughter. 

As for Stella, I loved that she shook things up and proved that Min-ho can be dedicated in a relationship. Subconsciously, that might have been something that Kitty was wary about. However, seeing him with Stella showed her that he is not just a playboy, he can commit to one woman. Sadly, although we liked Praveena, her character was under utilised. At the same time, I wish the writers gave us more of Eunice and  Dae’s story.  

Well, that is a wrap for XO Kitty season 2. What were your favourite moments and music track? What would you love to see in season 3 if we get one?

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