XO, Kitty – Season 2 Episode 1 “K.I.S.S Me Again” Recap & Review

K.I.S. S Me Again

 Episode 1 of XO Kitty Season 2 sees Kitty return to K.I.S.S thanks to Yuri’s intervention. Thankfully, Kitty is not taking this second chance for granted. She is ready to relinquish her title as the chaotic queen and turn over a new leaf.

She plans to concentrate on her studies and learn more about her mom. She hopes to do some no-drama dating and put Yuri in her past. She takes Lara-Jean’s advice and writes a letter detailing her feelings for Yuri to help her get over the latter. She hopes the letter will be an anchor to stop her from making chaos again.

 Meanwhile, change is in the air at K.I.S.S. Professor Lee is now the Principal in the wake of Principal Lim’s scandal. The scandal also caused the school to lose a few students and donors, and Principal Lee has his work cut out for him.

Thankfully, the full gang is back together, but there is some awkward tension between Kitty and Min-ho. Given how they left things in the last season, this is to be expected. The same goes for the fact that Dae is still in love with Kitty and blames himself for the awkwardness between Min-ho and Kitty.

On the other hand, Yuri and Juliana are back together and surprise Kitty when they announce they will be sharing the dorm room. Kitty hoped to get a single room and seeing Yuri bring up all the feelings she had been bottling up. She realises she is in for a long-time nightmare, having to watch her crush, Yuri being all lovey-dovey with her girlfriend while they live together. Even the appearance of a fourth roommate, Stella, doesn’t help.

With no choice left, Kitty asks Principal Lee to switch her room, as rooming with a friend will be a distraction to her new goal of concentrating on her studies. He promises to check into it. Kitty also asks him about one of her mom’s friends, Simon.

Lim tells her that Simon might be the man that Eve followed to Seoul. He also mentions that Eve had a falling out with her parents, especially her mom, who didn’t want Eve to travel to Korea. This is a surprise to Kitty, who was under the impression that her mom always got along with her grandmother

On a personal front, Yuri is dealing with some heavy personal issues. Her parents are getting divorced and her mom is rejuvenating in some wellness centres in Thailand. She invites the gang to a barbecue dinner to usher in the new semester. At first, Kitty wants to bail out on the barbecue, but her flimsy excuse fails to cut it. The only silver lining to her day is probably that she makes a new friend, Praveena, during the school assembly.

Simultaneously, we have our heartthrob Min-ho, who is making an effort to avoid Kitty. He is also not pleased that his dad sent him a gift hamper without considering what he likes. He is certain that his dad wants to use him for a PR stunt and he might be right. It turns out that his dad is the new investor.

Thanks to his donation to the Arts programme, he will be sticking around to launch a performing arts programme at the school. He is a big talent manager and everyone except Min-ho is excited to get a chance to be part of his new programme, which might give them a chance at stardom.

During the barbecue dinner, Dae asks Kitty to talk to Min-ho, as he thinks he is responsible for their awkwardness. Min-ho acts like he is over Kitty, and it was never that serious. He claims he is over it but questions if there might be a chance that Kitty likes him since she smiled after her confession.

As the dinner progresses, Yuri gives a touching speech about how glad she is she made a second family at K.I.S.S. The speech makes Kitty change her mind about switching rooms. She deludes herself to think she can be just friends with Yuri. When she confesses to Yuri that she is Bi, the latter is supportive and shares that her parents have not been supportive after she came out.

After the barbecue dinner, Kitty video calls her grandmother. Unfortunately, Grandma hangs up on Kitty when she brings up Eve’s move to Korea. After the call with her grandmother, Kitty becomes more curious to find out what her grandmother is hiding.

The episode ends with Stella expressing her interest in Min-ho, and Kitty shares his phone number with her. However, based on a different call that Stella gets, she might not be who she claims she is.

The Episode Review

Welcome back! It has been too long since we last caught up with the K.I.S. S. gang. It looks like Kitty is in for more chaos. Right off the bat, she is stirring trouble by keeping Min-ho’s confession a secret and hiding her feelings for Yuri while being roommates. If history has taught us anything, it is that she will soon suffer the consequences of her decisions. Won’t it be ironic if she causes Yuri and Juliana to break up after all she did to bring them together?

We also have new characters who will be pushing the plot further and introducing a new mystery element to the show. Who is Stella and why is she targeting Min-ho? Is he the only one in her cross-hair? So far, we like Praveena, but will she manage to help Kitty get over Yuri? We are also loving all the K-pop songs used in this episode. We know there is a lot in store for K-pop lovers this season and we massively appreciate it.

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