New Classmates
Episode 11 of Wind Breaker begins with Sakura and his friends getting all the limelight they deserve for competing with Shishitoren. When Sakura, Suo, and Nirei return to their class, Sakura meets a new classmate, Tsugeura. Tsugeura is sporty, flashy, and pushy, known to be on the same level of physical capability as Suo and Sugishita. He is obsessed with “virtues.” Nirei is obviously smitten with him and instantly begins spewing facts from his “secret” notebook, which Tsugeura acknowledges as his “virtue.” After encouraging his classmates to go out for food and drinks, and being instantly rejected, Tsugeura and Nirei manage to have Suo and Sakura tag along.
In the café, where Tsugeura’s health-conscious self shines, the quartet come across another classmate, Mitsuki Kiryu. Nirei instantly switches to fanboy mode while Sakura blushes as Kiryu enters holding a girl’s hand. They assume she’s his girlfriend. Tsugeura’s hyperactive, scary-looking self ends up making Kiryu’s companion afraid, leading Kiryu to comment on Tsugeura’s carelessness about how he can easily be perceived as frightening. What seems like the beginning of a fistfight ends up in a series of whispered apologies from Tsugeura, making the scene quite amusing.
As Kiryu and the girl begin to leave the noisy place, they encounter a gang waiting to teach Kiryu a lesson. It seems that Kiryu had saved the girl who was being harassed by a man. When Kiryu beat him, the man sought revenge with a bunch of his gang members. This is when the other Furin members join the duo, and Sakura kicks the man who begins to attack Kiryu, saying, “Using a ton of guys to surround someone? How lame. I hate guys like you.” And the fight begins.
Tsugeura encourages the opponents to hit him, which they do, causing Tsugeura to fall to the floor, much to his classmates’ shock. He bounces back immediately, knocking out his opponent and, in a flashy display of “virtue,” says, “I let the opponent shine, then I step into the limelight! That’s my virtue!”
Meanwhile, Kiryu seems to be diverting his opponents over to Sakura. While Sakura yells at him for this, it’s revealed that Kiryu has been protecting the girl and Nirei, who are standing at the back. But Suo assures him to go all out, saying, “I’m right here.” The fight ends in Bofurin’s victory with Tsugeura yelling the Bofurin motto, “Anyone who causes pain, who brings destruction, who holds evil in their heart, will be purged by Bofurin without exception!”
After safely seeing off the girl, the group takes a liking to each other. Kiryu asks for Sakura’s phone to add his phone number, and the group laughs over Sakura’s only contact – Weather. They joke, “From now on, I’ll have to ask you for the weather, Sakura-kun.”
While at Kotoha’s café the next day, Sakura feels happy about having five contacts in his phone and being included in one group. Kotoha sees this and adds her own number as well. The group comes alive with text messages from the rest of the members, and Sakura questions, “We’ll see each other at school. Why talk over smartphones?” Soon, they start discussing the group captain, and Sakura begins to ask who the group captain is. Hilariously though, he’s so technologically challenged that by the time he types out a message, the rest of them begin a different topic, leading to Sakura’s frustration!
He arrives at school, yelling about who the grade captain is. This is when three upperclassmen arrive, whom Sakura remembers participating in the fight with Hiragi when he first came into town. They include the Grade Captain, Enomoto, and Secondary Captains, Kusumi and Kaji, for the Tamon Team. The first years are supposed to select their Grade Captain, the one responsible for his class, and Suo raises his hand only to recommend Sakura for the position!
The Episode Review
Wind Breaker is definitely one of the most popular anime of this season, and rightly so! Every character is so well-rounded that we can imagine them as real people. All of them have distinct and unique personalities. With such strong character representation and an engaging plot, we cannot help but want more! Considering it’s only a few days that have passed in the anime while season one is almost at its end, it seems fans like me might just be able to watch the finale season in the next few decades, sigh.
On a different note, Wind Breaker’s comedy is just top-notch. Who knew Sakura would be so technologically challenged, and the scene where the topic changes with the speed of light in the group chat is so relatable sometimes, isn’t it? With new friendships blooming and Sakura’s one step forward to being at the top, we cannot wait to see how his journey unfolds! Rest assured, waiting for the next episode will be painful and exciting at the same time. Are you ready to say goodbye?
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Episode Review