Whiskey on the Rocks – Season 1 Episode 5 Recap & Review

Episode 5

Episode 5 of Whiskey on the Rocks begins with Fälldin arriving at the Swedish naval base in Karlskrona, while Aleksandra issues a public apology on Brezhnev’s behalf. Meanwhile, Lagercrantz orders a military exercise near the Soviet submarine, which alarms all the stakeholders.

Fälldin soon discovers that Lagercrantz is preparing for war and acting unilaterally, defying Fälldin’s official orders to hold the line. He decides to communicate “securely” with Aleksandra via a pay phone, though, amusingly, their conversation is wiretapped by both the Soviet Union and the Americans.

During their discussion, it’s revealed that the lieutenant aboard the submarine is preparing to defect and pose as captain of the Soviet submarine. However, since the line is tapped, Soviet leader Andropov orders the lieutenant’s discreet execution. This task is assigned to Aleksandra’s secretary, who is instructed to convince the Swedish foreign minister to hand the defector over to the Soviets.

On Reagan’s side, the Americans work on deciphering Fälldin and Aleksandra’s cryptic conversations about sheep.

Meanwhile, the Soviet lieutenant successfully defects with the assistance of the Swedish navy. In a parallel development, Soviet officers approach the Swedish foreign minister to carry out Andropov’s orders. They attempts to assassinate the minister using a lethal syringe, but the plan is foiled by the CIA, who kill the assassin and convince the minister to hand the defector over to the Americans, citing their role in saving his life.

The episode concludes with the Swedish naval commander informing Fälldin about the presence of nuclear warheads on the Soviet submarine, further complicating the situation.

The Episode Review

Once again, a marvelous episode delivers the perfect buildup for the political drama set to unfold in the finale. This episode raises the stakes, showcasing one of the most absurdly tense moments in Cold War history, while interweaving subtle comic jabs. It pokes fun at the CIA, the irony of Fälldin relying on “secure” pay phone conversations, the absurdity of the Soviet Union being led by Brezhnev’s declining health, and more.

The show continues its critique of all stakeholders involved, sparing no one from ridicule. It even takes aim at the media for exacerbating the situation through sensationalized interpretations of events.

As we approach the highly anticipated climax, the absurdly comical showdown between the global stakeholders scrambling to preserve their images—while ignoring the looming threat of nuclear war—promises to deliver a phenomenal finale. It’s a conclusion that will perfectly complement Whiskey on the Rocks as a biting political satire.

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