Whiskey on the Rocks – Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Episode 1

Episode 1 of Whiskey on the Rocks begins in 1981 when a Soviet Whiskey-class submarine is on its way back. It just so happens to be a naval officer’s daughter’s birthday. As the officers talk among themselves, the captain allows them to drink and celebrate, recalling his own daughters. He declares a truce on the Cold War until 6 am, and the officers let loose. One of them, completely and utterly drunk, charts the course of the ship—so it’s no surprise when the submarine runs aground in Swedish waters.

Meanwhile, one of the fishermen spots the submarine. He rushes back to inform his brother, and since they’ve recently had a new telephone connection installed, they decide to put it to use and call “someone.” They consider calling the Home Guard but refuse to forgive the person in charge for not returning the hammer he borrowed 20 years ago. Instead, they call a government office in Stockholm.

Interestingly, the receptionist tells them that the prime minister is busy and reassures them that everything will be fine once the winds start moving. One of the brothers, frustrated by having to call one person after another, laments getting a phone in the first place. Eventually, they decide to call the newspapers so the news about the submarine reaches the prime minister, allowing them to return to their regular fishing duties without the submarine blocking their way.

While all this is happening, the submarine’s captain instructs the officers to send a message to Moscow, informing them that the navigation system is destroyed and the submarine is stranded in Sweden. The news reaches the Russian General Secretary and, subsequently, the U.S. president, who is convinced that the Soviet vessel carries nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile, the Swedish prime minister receives a call while taking a bath, but the line cuts off as soon as he picks up. The episode ends with the prime minister telling his wife that he’s busy and that, if the call is important, the caller will ring back.

The Episode Review

The first episode of Whiskey on the Rocks serves as a fabulous tongue-in-cheek satire of the iconic and hilarious Cold War-era event. The reimagining of what could have happened onboard the submarine—where naval officers indulge in their supposed Cold War truce with whiskey on the rocks, quite literally—is amusingly portrayed.

Adding to the humour is the general reaction of the common folk, who make use of the telephone for the first time and treat the incident with sheer apathy. This is another amusing instance that reflects the absurdity of the situation.

This debut episode sets the tone for the rest of the show, promising a similar light-hearted and satirical humour throughout the series, with comedic touches like the Russian General Secretary referring to the U.S. president as a “cowboy.” The show effectively pokes fun at the entire situation without bias, satirizing all the stakeholders involved. Overall, this is a great opening episode, and we can’t wait for more.


Next Episode

Expect A Full Season Write-Up When This Season Concludes!

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