Virgin River – Season 6 Episode 10 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

Virgin River season 6The Big Day

Episode 10 of Virgin River season 6 starts with Jack and Mel taking a few moments for themselves and sort of eloping. They take the horse, Sugar, and ride to the riverbank. Mel confesses that she has been carrying all the ghosts in her past, and she is worried it is too much. She doesn’t want to start her new life with Jack with all those ghosts in her head.

Jack assures her that he loves her past scars and accepts her as she is. He is also coming to terms with his past. He says his beautiful, impromptu vows to her, and they return to the venue. Once Jack and Mel return to the venue, the wedding beautifully carries on. Vernon gets the hospital’s permission for Everett to attend the reception and sing his song for the couple.

What happens between Brady and Lark?

At the same time, Brady and Brie confess their love for each other, but it is complicated. Lark overhears their conversation and tries to give Brady the benefit of the doubt. However, at the reception, she asks what Brady talked about with Brie, and he lies to her. She makes up her mind to leave Virgin River and takes all of Brady’s money.

What about Preacher and Kaia?

The wedding triggers Kaia and makes her doubt if she is ready to get married again. She tells Preacher that a second marriage is not in her future but later changes her mind. Preacher’s best man speech commending Mel and Jack’s braveness for choosing to love again helps soothe some of her concerns. She realises that marriage is not that bad when you have the right partner by your side. As the reception wraps up, she informs Preacher that she might be open to getting married to him.

What’s going on with Vernon and Hope?

After spending the better part of the day arguing, they make up after the wedding ceremony. They decide to celebrate their love and deal with Vernon’s medical license problem later. Vernon appreciates Hope for always trying to defend him. With their fight settled, they get on the dance floor and try to give Muriel and Walt a run for their money. Needless to say, Muriel and Walt won. Speaking of Muriel, she remains optimistic that she will win her battle with cancer.

What happens to Mike and Brie?

Mike is inspired to propose to Brie and reveals he knows that she slept with Brady. Still, he is willing to overlook this. The revelation catches Brie by surprise, and the episode wraps up without us knowing her official answer to Mike’s proposal.

Before the proposal, Brie had sought advice from Kaia and Mel about what to do. She admitted she still has feelings for Brady, but she feels guilty about lying to Mike, In the end, the girls advised her to let both men go.

How does Virgin River season 6 end?

The following morning after the wedding, Vernon gets a letter notifying him that his license has been suspended, pending investigation. He starts to wonder if there is a personal vendetta against him. Hope storms into the clinic and reveals that she got a call from a woman at the Grace Valley Hospital who hinted that they wanted to expand their network into Virgin River. It turns out that the hospital has always been planning to get Vernon out of the picture, but he is not going down without a fight.

Elsewhere, Jack and Mel wake up after a blissful, steamy night as newlyweds. Mel offers to check on Charmaine since she was a no-show at the wedding. She is worried that Calvin might have hurt Charmaine. Jack offers to go and asks Mel to rest.

As Mel rests, she gets a visit from Marley. Marley is worried that Phil and Darla are backing out of the adoption. Marley asks if Mel would take her child instead,

Meanwhile, Jack arrives at Charmaine’s house and finds the door unlocked. Inside, there is a sign of struggle. He hears a lullaby from one of the rooms. The episode wraps up with Jack being shocked by whatever he saw behind that closed door,

The Episode Review

What did Jack see after opening that door? Did Calvin kill Charmaine and take away the twins? We have so many questions and the cliffhanger ending makes us desperate for the next season. We also didn’t see that Marley twist coming. Why did Riley and his wife pull out of the adoption? They were so devoted to the kid.

Even more important, will Mel accept Marley’s offer? It would be cruel of Marley to dangle that carrot in front of Mel and then take it away. Meanwhile, what will Brady do now that Lark has taken off with all of his money? How did Mike find out that Brie slept with Brady? Lastly, will Brie accept Mike’s proposal? Vernon’s clinic is one of the cornerstones of Virgin River. Unfortunately, the hospital is trying to ruin his legacy, but they poked a bear and should be prepared for the fight.

The finale sets up the storyline for the next season. It will be intriguing to see how Mel and Jack adjust to their newly married status. How Vernon will fight for his clinic and whether Charmaine is alive. There is a lot of potential for the next season to be even more thrilling.

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Expect A Full Season Write-Up When This Season Concludes!

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