Brothers & Sisters
Episode 4 of Virgin River season 6 starts with Mel and Jack getting ready for their respective parties. Mel is happy that Joey is coming, while Brie and Kaia plan everything, and she is excited to see what they’ve been up to. Meanwhile, at Brie’s, Brie and Mike talk about their awkward night, and she apologises for being hard on him.
As the day progresses, Mel unintentionally hurts Joey’s feelings. Joey is hurt that Mel refers to their mom as only hers, and she also wanted Joey to meet Everett, failing to mention that Brie would be her maid of honour while Joey would be her matron. The party goes on to different bars, but to cheer Joey up, Mel asks Brie and Kaia to allow Joey to plan something. They end up in a karaoke bar, and Mel defends Joey when a random guy bullies her for bad singing. Afterwards, the sisters have a talk, and Mel assures Joey that she is not losing her. She apologises for hurting Joey’s feelings, and they make up.
In the meantime, Lizzie receives practical gifts for her baby from her mom. She also meets with Ricky and confesses she is scared to be a mother. Ricky comforts and assures her she will be an amazing mom and partner to Denny.
Muriel asks Hope to drive her to the biopsy appointment and swears her to secrecy. After the appointment, they return to the restaurant and join the sewing circle. Hope convinces the ladies to have a day off and have fun. As a result, they start drinking and share some fun, intimate details about their lives. Things heat up when Kaia and Brie forget to cancel the stripper, and he ends up giving Muriel a lap dance.
In the middle of all this, Brady asks Lark if her mom is sick, and she questions if he doesn’t trust her.
At the hospital, Denny and Vernon deal with a patient with a neurodegenerative disease. The experience causes Denny to start planning his long-term care once his Huntington’s symptoms get worse. He tells Vernon that he wouldn’t want to burden them, and also shares that he can’t get married to Lizzie because he doesn’t want her to be burdened by his care. Vernon reminds him that he is not a burden.
As for the boys, they have some fun playing paintball, and the younger generation wipes the floor with them. Things take a bad turn when Mike and Brady get into an argument though. It seems Brady is still hurt over losing Brie to Mike. Jack asks the men to put the war behind them and stop living as if they are still in battle. He reminds them that they are the lucky ones who survived.
In the end, Mike and Brady make up. Jack invites Ricky and they play football together. The boys all cheer for Ricky and welcome him into the Marine brotherhood.
After the long day of celebrations, Brady drops by Lark’s place and confesses he is falling in love with her. He wants them to trust each other and break their cycle of childhood trauma. He’s shaken by a voicemail from a drunk Brie, who confesses she can’t stop thinking about him.
In the meantime, Mel returns home and shares how her day went. Jack shares about his day and announces he won’t wear his military uniform. The episode ends with Jack stripping for Mel before they fall into bed.
The Episode Review
Well, that was a sight for sore eyes, and we are not complaining. Muriel and Mel deserve their cowboy moment. Away from that, Muriel and Hope have come a long way. They are now better friends than they were rivals. It is nice that Muriel trusted Hope to take her to the appointment and keep her secret. Hopefully, the biopsy report will be out soon and Muriel can stop having to worry about the lump. Fingers crossed it is not breast cancer.
In this episode, we explored the evolving relationship between Mel and Joey. At the end of the day, they are still sisters and will always have each other’s back. Still, Brie is a good sister-in-law, and Mel gets to add more people to her family like she always wanted.
It was touching to see Ricky build Lizzie’s confidence in her parenting skills. He is right; all good moms worry even before the kid is born. He is also right about all the progress Lizzie has made since we last saw her. On the other hand, Denny is overthinking his relationship with Lizzie. He wants to avoid burdening her, but I am sure she would want to be there for him. At the end of the day, they are a family. Families are there for each other when the journey of life gets tough.
Lastly, Brie is tripping, and her feelings for Brady are becoming more hard to hide. You know what they say about love being like a cough; you can’t hide it. Sooner or later, she will have to pick between the cop and the firefighter. And let us be real; we all know where her heart lies. In vino veritas!
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