A Stormy Date: Part 2
Episode 15 of Urusei Yatsura Season 2 begins with Asuka serving Mendo tea on her date. Meanwhile, Lum investigates the Mendo Family Estate to search for Ataru. She stumbles upon Mendo’s guards, who are wearing the same animal outfits as before. Lum has a hunch that Ataru’s hiding among the men in the area. She approaches a few guards, telling them they’ve been ordered to perform moat-cleaning duties.
The guards leave to tackle the task. Lum electrocutes the water to see if she can draw Ataru out. Then, one of the guards visits Mendo and tries to inform him about what’s happening. Mendo tells the guard to remove his outfit and the guard complies. This freaks Asuka out, causing her to attack and send the guard flying. Next, she squeezes Mendo, and Mendo tries to calm her down.
Unfortunately, Asuka shatters Mendo’s rib cage, making him unconscious. Ataru shows up while in disguise. He says Mendo should recover from this development in an hour or so. Until then, Ataru places himself behind Mendo and plans to act as him via puppetry. Ataru and Asuka head to the garden to continue her and Mendo’s date.
Meanwhile, Tobimaro observes Asuka and Mendo from afar. He reflects on their current relationship with Asuka. Then, Ryoko visits Tobimaro, and Tobimaro is surprised by her arrival. Asuka overhears Tobimaro’s remarks, but Ataru tells Asuka to pay that no mind. Meanwhile, Ryoko tells Tobimaro to pipe down because she doesn’t want anyone to spot them.
Suddenly, Lum enters the area and overhears Ataru’s discussion with Asuka. Lum confronts the two and removes Ataru’s disguise. This entices Asuka to hurl Ataru and Mendo in the air. Mendo awakens from the slap and asks Ataru what’s going on. The two land in the moat where the other guards are. Mendo asks the guards why they’re cleaning the moat and don’t have their disguises on.
The guard says he ordered them to do it, but Mendo knows that’s not the case. Also, Mendo knows the moat stretches from multiple directions. Asuka finds herself in one of those areas and attacks every man she spots. Asuka’s left in tears, but Lum arrives and offers to lead her somewhere. Lum and Asuka arrive at Mendo’s Family’s tank. Lum says Asuka can use the tank to escape the area.
However, Asuka has different plans for the vehicle. She rips it apart and undresses herself. Ataru and Mendo arrive but Ataru stops Mendo. He tells Mendo that it’s rude to interrupt a woman while she’s changing. While the two observe Asuka, she uses the tank’s pieces to give herself a suit of armor. Mendo confronts Asuka about her armor. Asuka refuses to remove her attire because Asuka’s afraid she and Mendo will get separated again.
Before Mendo persuades Asuka to remove the armor, Ataru reveals himself to Asuka. This entices Asuka to attack him and flee the area. Ryoko’s servants find Asuka strolling through her family’s mansion alone. The servants lead Asuka to Ryoko’s room. Ryoko questions why Asuka’s wearing armor and Asuka questions who Ryoko is. Essentially, Ryoko can’t believe Asuka thinks Mendo is a relative of hers.
Before the two discuss things further, Mendo arrives and pulls Ryoko aside. He doesn’t want Ryoko telling Asuka the truth. Then, more chaos ensues when Ryoko unveils Ataru’s hiding within Mendo’s cloak. Before things get feisty, Asuka’s mother and Lum arrive. Asuka’s mother punishes Asuka for resorting to her old tricks. She tells her and the others that she’s moving forward with a different plan.
Asuka’s mother alludes to having Asuka go on a date with Ataru. Mendo argues that’s a horrible idea, but Asuka’s mother’s not backing down. This encourages Asuka to stand up to her mother and challenge her to a battle. Asuka gives it her best shot, but her mother outperforms her. Everyone’s shocked by Asuka’s mother’s performance.
Asuka’s mother binds Asuka and Ataru via a chain. Asuka tries breaking the chain, but Asuka’s mother knows she’ll try to. She asks one of her guards to bring Tobimaro here. Tobimaro arrives and he’s wrangled up via a rope. Tobimaro says if Asuka flees, he’ll die. Asuka doesn’t know what to do. Lum wraps a blindfold around Asuka’s eyes. She believes Asuka will tolerate Ataru better if she can’t see him.
Additionally, Lum says she’ll tag along and hurt Ataru if he tries anything weird. While Ataru and Asuka are dating, Ataru asks Lum to go away, but Lum refuses. Ataru pulls off a funny antic on Asuka, resulting in her running toward Mendo’s mansion. While running through several walls, Asuka’s mother warns her to calm down, otherwise, she’ll continue to inflict pain on Tobimaro.
Asuka and Ataru arrive near a tree. She’s flustered about the situation she and Tobimaro are in. Ryoko arrives, telling Asuka that she should retaliate and save Tobimaro. Asuka fears she can’t defeat her mother. Ryoko says she can either do that or suffer more with Ataru. Asuka flees and notices her mother, Tobimaro, and Mendo in the distance.
Ryoko tells Asuka she must act more courageously. Asuka vows to grab Tobimaro and flee the area. Before Asuka can deal a decisive blow to her mother, Tobimaro deflects her attack. After that, discussions surrounding marriage enter the picture, resulting in more banter between Asuka’s and Mendo’s family’s side of things.
Asuka grabs Tobimaro and uses Ataru as a propeller to flee the area. Her mother questions what she’s up to and Asuka tells her she no longer wants to be an obedient child to her. Asuka’s mother requests Lum snip the chain binding Asuka and Ataru together. Asuka and Tobimaro fall into the water while Ataru flies off somewhere.
Asuka’s mother heads toward Asuka, demanding her to revoke what she said to her. Asuka apologizes to her mother and promises she’ll overcome her androphobia. Then, Ataru pops up and Asuka returns to fearing men again. Then, we cut away to Tobimaro in his room. He’s sleeping in his bed and notices Asuka’s sleeping next to him.
The episode closes with their mother arriving and punishing him.
The Episode Review
Considering the type of tale Urusei Yatsura is, many anticipated things would go south regarding Asuka’s date with Mendo. Although everything seemed swell for the pair, Ataru, Lum, and others found ways to tamper with this date of theirs. Much like the episode with Mendo’s nightly fears, this one offers a similar unsatisfactory resolution.
While Asuka’s character can always improve over time, she’ll likely remain stagnant with no essence of growth. It’s unfortunate considering Asuka displays some admirable feats in this chapter. For instance, many people will empathize with Asuka when she stands up to her mother. Simultaneously, seeing Asuka bow before her mother and revoke her sentiments later, hampers that moment, making it obsolete.
All that aside, Urusei Yatsura’s comedy remains its best quality. Seeing Asuka rummage through several walls and slap people into the stratosphere will make any anime fan chuckle. In addition to the slapstick, this episode’s conversations will tickle several fans’ funny bones. Although it was strange seeing Lum assist Asuka in dating Ataru at times, the banter between her and Ataru remains hilarious and charming.
Overall, this was an okay episode of Urusei Yatsura. It offers more of the same and leaves much to be desired on the character front. Nevertheless, we’re optimistic this season will have some chapters worth remembering and relishing.
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