Under Ninja Episode 3
“Under Ninja” is an anime that follows Kuro Kumogakure, a 17-year-old high school student who goes on to become a modern-day ninja.
After WWII, the Allied Command in Japan established a new organization to deal with terrorism and other forms of violence in the Pacific. Ninjas were employed by the agency, and their primary responsibility was to deal with domestic issues.
Over time, the program expanded to its present state, whereby twenty thousand ninjas are overseen in a wide variety of domestic and international operations. Kudo is a ninja who belongs to that group. The high school dropout of today could soon be Tokyo’s first line of defense against an influx of foreign killers.
If you’ve been following the anime over the past few weeks, you might be eager to know when the next episode will be released.
Here’s all you need to know about Season 1, Episode 3 of “Under Ninja”, including its release date, time, and where you can watch it.
Where Can I Watch Under Ninja?
Episode 3 of Under Ninja will be available to watch on Crunchyroll.
Under Ninja Episode 3 Release Date
Under Ninja Episode 3 will be released on Friday 20th October at 01:30 (JST)/ Saturday 21st October at 4:30 (GMT) with the episode expected to clock 23 minutes long which is consistent with the timeframe for the rest of the series.
How Many Episodes Will Under Ninja Have?
Under Ninja has been commissioned to have 12 Episodes in total. After the release of 2 episodes, expect there to be 10 more episodes.
Is There a Trailer For Under Ninja Season 1?
There is indeed! There is an epic trailer, which you can find below.
What Happens in Episode 2 of Under Ninja?
Episode 2 of Under Ninja follows Foreigner in his desperate pursuit of the ninjas. He goes on to become the Nerima Slasher and snip off the male organs of anyone who pisses on the wall in the area. This brings him into conflict with Susama a former ninja and weirdo. Kuro engages in combat with the girl from the opposition and claims victory.
We’ve covered the whole episode with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below:
Read More: Under Ninja Episode 2 Recap & Review
What do you hope to see as the anime progresses? What’s been your favorite moment of Under Ninja so far? Let us know in the comments below!