Undead Unluck Season 1 Episode 16
Undead Unluck is a new Shonen series that’s aiming to take the community by storm. The story revolves around Fuko, a girl whose Unluck ability makes it challenging for her to accomplish her objectives. Suddenly, she meets Andy who wants to use her powers to end himself. However, a mysterious group gets involved in their affairs, forcing Andy to put his life-ending mission on hiatus.
If you’ve been following this anime’s promotional material, you may be curious to find out when the first episode is releasing. Well, wonder no more!
Here is everything you need to know about episode 16 of Undead Unluck Season 1, including the release date, time, and where you can watch this.
Where Can I Watch Undead Unluck Season 1?
Undead Unluck Season 1 is airing in Japan on the MBS/TBS Networks. It is available to stream on Disney+ and Hulu outside of Asian territories.
Undead Unluck Season 1 Episode 16 Release Date
Undead Unluck Season 1 Episode 16 will be released on Friday 26th January at approximately 4:30pm (GMT) / 9:30am (PT) / 11am (CT). Of course, it’s dependent on how quickly the platform uploads new episodes. Expect this to be pretty close to the release time though.
Undead Unluck Season One’s English Dub is now available. However, only episodes one to six have been released with it (so far). You’ll need to watch the remaining episodes in the native Japanese language with subtitles.
Season 1 Episode 16 is titled “Revolution” and will be 24 minutes long.
How Many Episodes Will Undead Unluck Season 1 Have?
It has been announced that Undead Unluck Season 1 will have 24 episodes in total. So with that in mind, we’ll have 9 episodes left after the first episode airs.
Is There A Trailer For Undead Unluck Season 1?
Yes! You can find a trailer for Undead Unluck Season 1 below.
What Happened In Episode 15?
In Undead Unluck Season 1 Episode 15, Unrepair hands Fuko an Artifact that shows her a vision of God torturing humanity. He tells Andy and Fuko that he works for Under and reveals Under’s goal is to rule the world before God arrives. He asks Andy and Fuko to join Under, but Andy refuses. Unrepair departs and Chikara arrives, confirming he overheard their discussion about God. Andy, Fuko, and Chikara enter Chikara’s school to discuss the matter further.
During this chat, Chikara reveals he accidentally murdered his parents with his powers. Although this instance made him contemplate death a few times, Chikara knows his parents wouldn’t want him to end his life. Therefore, he hopes by joining the Union he can live on, atone for his sins, and save people. Before he leaves, his classmate Ryo arrives, sharing incredible university-related news. Chikara tells Ryo he’s happy for him.
A vehicle arrives to pick up Chikara, Andy, and Fuko. Ryo tries stopping Chikara but Chikara asks Andy if he can have Nico wipe everyone’s memory of him. Nico does the deed, and Ryo returns to the school like nothing happened. In the car, Fuko tells Andy she wants to murder God for her, Chikara, and humanity’s sake. We cut to Juiz, who appears to be in an undisclosed location. Additionally, we learn Chikara and Fuko are about to undergo a training regime of some kind.
Then, we see everyone from Juiz to Chikara sitting at the Union Roundtable. The episode closes with everyone awaiting Apocalypse’s orders.
We’ve covered the entire episode with a lengthy recap that touches on all major plot points and discusses the chapter with an accompanying review. You can find that link below.
Read more: Undead Unluck – Season 1 Episode 15 Recap & Review
What are your hopes for Undead Unluck season 1? What’s been your favorite moment of the anime so far? Let us know in the comments below!