Tower of God – Season 2 Episode 3 “The Trustworthy Room” Recap & Review

The Trustworthy Room – Recap

Our recap of ‘Tower of God’ season 2 episode 3 begins with some of the players, including Ja Wangnan, Miseng, Goseng, and Nia, bonding over a game of cards while enjoying their break. Meanwhile, the chief test director advises Love not to let his personal grudge against the FUG member interfere, but Love remains adamant.

As the players prepare to sleep, Love announces the beginning of the game – the Trustworthy Room. The rules are as follows: a team of 7 players must secure 6 rooms. Each team has a defender and a leader for each room. The defender protects the room while the leader either recruits members for the team, called fellows, or steals rooms.

Additional teammates or rooms captured by the fellows are to be transferred to the leader. Gatekeepers can only own rooms, which can be taken from them, and a leader cannot be a gatekeeper as well. However, they can transfer ownership of the room to other fellows and appoint new gatekeepers. Among the 6 rooms, the sixth room should be room 608, where Yihwa and Viole are staying.

Love further informs that the rules for Viole are different. Yihwa and Viole’s connectors have both leader and gatekeeper roles. If Viole can take his connector from Love and the room from Yihwa, he wins. He would also win if the test takers are fewer than 7 due to conflict.

The test begins. Goseng leaves Miseng in the room, asking her not to open the door. She becomes a member of Ja Wangnan’s team. While alone, a stranger lady sets her eyes on Miseng. Akraptor, worried about her and seeing her as similar to his daughter, stands guard at her door, fighting and winning against the woman.

Meanwhile, the president’s son forms his own team and tries to stop Viole from leaving his room with Yihwa, but both are frozen by Viole’s powers. Viole visits Love and agrees to his demands of playing another game with him, even if it could get him killed. Despite his efforts, Love proves to be extremely powerful due to being a ranker.

The Episode Review

The episode was interesting with the new game that’s begun. We already see the players budding into trustworthy teammates, and it’s worth noting that the game also tests team spirit and almost feels like a team-building activity, only with high stakes. There’s a brief hint about Akraptor’s character, which can determine his relationship with Miseng through the series. Meanwhile, there’s definitely something up with the moneylender, and it seems he might be laying out a trap.

However, the episode was certainly too short, with most of it just laying out the rules for the games, making it challenging to constructively comment on any particular aspect. And so, this is where we end our ‘Tower of God’ season 2 episode 3 recap and review. We will meet you in the next episode with more insights!

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