Tomb Raider 1 Remastered Guide: Level 1 “Caves” Walkthrough


 Tomb Raider 1: Remastered Guide: Level 1 “Caves” Walkthrough

Intro and Bat Caves

Bridge Room

Bear Pit

Vine Area

Intro and Bat Caves

The opening cutscene takes place in the desert at Los Alamos, New Mexico. There is a nuclear explosion (don’t worry, it’s only a test) that reveals the discovery of a broken container with a woman trapped inside. The scene then shifts to Lara Croft in the lobby of a Calcutta hotel. She is approached by a man named Larson who proceeds to put a computer in front of her so she can speak to his boss, Jacqueline Natla. 

Natla wants Lara to travel to Peru to collect an age-old artefact with mystical powers that is buried in the unfound Tomb of Qualopec. After Lara is tasked with finding the trinket, the scene moves to Peru where Lara and her Peruvian guide are scaling down a mountain. The guide reaches the ground first and stands before a set of large doors that Lara opens via a secret button from above. 

From the doors come a pack of wolves which quickly make a meal out of the guide. Lara drops down and disposes of the beasts before stepping through the doors into the cave within. 

You’re now in control of Lara. The cave doors close behind you so you have no choice but to enter the confines of the caverns around you. Follow the paw prints on the snowy floor and watch out for the darts that shoot out from the walls.

As you round the corner, Lara will instinctively look up and to the left at the area where you need to go. Before you head that way, keep moving forward to a room in the cave that contains a stone block. Either backflip off this rock (if you are using tank controls) or climb the steep end and jump forward (if you are using modern controls) and grab the ledge of an opening. Inside is the first secret area which contains a medipack. 

After retrieving this all-important health item, double back on yourself and climb up the rocks to your right (the area that Lara looked at earlier). Clamber through the opening and head down the cave, taking out the bats as you go. You have unlimited ammo in your dual pistols so blast away at those flying bloodsuckers with reckless abandon. 

You’ll come to a junction. Moving straight ahead is the way to go but if you want another medipack, veer to the left and keep going until you reach a steep wall (pictured above). Stand to the left of the wall and then jump up to grab the ledge. Grab the medipack in this second secret area and then head back to the junction to continue forward. 

Follow the tunnel and enter a darkened area with a hole in the ground. It’s safe to drop down (there are no spiky pits just yet) so do so and pull the switch to open the closed door.

Bridge Room

After stepping through the door, a bat will attack you so shoot it before it takes a nibble! There’s a wooden gate to the left but as it can’t be opened, you can ignore it. Keep moving forward until you see a hole above you. Jump up and through the hole and then continue on until you come to the bridge room. 

In the large open space below the two bridges are a pair of wolves. These are not your friends. Don’t drop down into the area below as you risk being eaten. Instead, take the high ground and shoot at the wolves from a position above. Once they’re dead, cross the second bridge and enter the room nearby. 

Bear Pit

This new area has a pit (image above) with greenery hanging above it. Down below is a hungry bear that you might consider avoiding. However, there is a medipack below, so while you could just jump across the gap to continue on with your mission, it’s better to take out the bear so you can bolster your health supplies. 

Thankfully, you can kill the bear from above, so when you get a lock-on, blast away until it’s dead. Drop down into the pit, step through the doorway and then kill the bat that’s in front of you.

Keep moving until you find a medipack on the ground. Pick it up and then step on the pressure plate which opens a door. Step through and you’ll discover you’re back in the bridge room. Head back in the direction you went in earlier to return to the area with the bear pit. Jump the gap, grab the ledge, lift yourself up and press on.  There is a set of stairs in front of you but before you head downwards, look to the pillars on your left and seek out the medipack.

Vine Area

Climb down the stairs and into an area with overhanging vines. As pretty as they are, you don’t want to spend all of your time looking at the greenery as there are a pair of wolves waiting to take a bite out of you. 

After killing the wolves, climb the pillar on the left and then take a running jump towards the ledge with greenery concealing an opening. Inside here is the third secret area with a medipack. There’s another medipack in the main area so collect that too and then pull the switch on the platform at the right side of the room. This will open a door that is on a timer so head through before time runs out and then follow the stairs upwards. 

Continue forward, watch out for the dart trap as you climb the stairs, and then enter a new area. There’s a wolf in here so take it out and then drop down the hole in the floor. You will come to a large area with a gap to jump over as you enter the room. If you don’t make the jump, you’ll have to deal with dart traps in the hallway below, which can easily be dodged or jumped over. If you do fall, make your way through the bottom area and then work your way back to the top when you reach the end. 

Once you have successfully jumped the gap, you will encounter another wolf. Don’t stop to pet it. Instead, send it on its way to Animal Heaven and then pick up the medipack nearby. Keep running until you reach the end of the top section and then pull the switch in front of you. This will open the exit doors that lead the way out of the first level. 


Level 2: City of Vilcabamba >> 

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!

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