As we learned in the previous episode, Lizard isn’t the true antagonist around everything, as he’s just been doing his job as part of the NARC squad. The NARCs are responsible for the drug killings, but he was led to believe the true architects were Kai and the others. Leuji is the true villain here, and she’s hacked into them and followed their journey from the very beginning. Their actions, while looking like a rebellion, have actually been orchestrated all this time.
Insight should be full of evidence against her monstrous actions and so, the plan is enacted to work and pinpoint times when the Wall was crossed, uncovering traces of the data Leuji has destroyed. With the Delivery Report to help them, once the data is grabbed, they can make a delivery and incriminate her, taking it straight to the Digital Ministry.
So episode 6 of Tokyo Override picks up with Spoke and Amarin retrieving the data from various digital Walls around the city by hacking in, restoring these fragments. They’re helped along by the timings that Lizard and Father have in the Delivery Report, using that to as proof of Leuji eliminating a number of tagless people.
Spoke and Amarin grab the data and pass it to Kai and Hugo. These two will be the ones to deliver it to the Digital Ministry. Hugo is still recovering from the attack against him though, but he’s determined to do this. They need to be careful though, given security is tight and the sensitivity to the Wall has been increased. It doesn’t take long for them to be detected, thanks to a new update, and with the authorities after them, they split up.
Remember the Grand Prix? Well, this now serves a purpose as Leuji gets wise to what the gang are doing and Leuji attempts to reroute the gang away from the wall. Kai uses her skills to force her way through as the changes are made right in front of them. However, Leuji suddenly reaches into the digital construct of the city and rips a part of the bridge lean off, sending Kai and Hugo hurtling down.
However, Kai manages to use the system to her liking, becoming the master hacker and controlling the system by crafting roads for herself. Leuji can’t catch her, as Kai bursts in, plug in the data and destroys Leuji’s set-up.
Leuji is too late. The city returns to a state of normality and in fact, it’s being dubbed as the “Tokyo Turmoil” incident after all of this, and brushed off as a system error by the authorities.
With the system updated, Leuji leaves the city with her tail tucked between her legs. However, she speaks to Lizard about her role in the drug-trafficking ring. According to her, it was just the most efficient method toward optimizing the city. She’s been booted out of administrative duties within the system, and she’s free to slip away without much in the way of repercussions.
As for Kai, she returns to Suma Garage and after beginning her journey as a nobody with no family, she ends with the polar opposite. The delivery guys are her family now and she’s delivered a newfound confidence and optimism toward life.
The Episode Review
So Tokyo Override comes to a pretty predictable and rushed conclusion, with Leuji stopped but also a lot of room for a potential follow-up. The whole series has felt like its rocked through its plot without much time to breathe and allows us to really warm to every character. The reveal about Leuji is a good one, although it would have been good to see more consequences for her actions. I feel like she got off easy in the end.
As for Kai and the others, there’s a nice journey for our protagonist, finally finding her home amongst others who feel like anomalies in an optimized city, and the worldbuilding on the whole has been really solid. There’s definitely a feel of this being inspired by Watch Dogs, especially with the hacking, but the story has been decent overall, and definitely quite original overal.
In the end, things are left on a decent note, albeit a rushed one, and hopefully we get to see more of our characters in the future.
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