The Wheel of Time Season 2 Review – Amazon Prime’s fantasy drama is intriguing though less immersive

Season 1

Season 2


Episode Guide

A Taste of Solitude – | Review Score – 3/5
Strangers and Friends – | Review Score – 3.5/5
What Might Be – | Review Score – 3.5/5
Daughter of the Night – | Review Score – 4/5
Damane – | Review Score – 3.5/5
Eyes Without Pity – | Review Score – 3.5/5
Daes Dae’Mar – | Review Score – 4/5
What Was Meant to Be – | Review Score – 4.5/5

Amazon’s epic fantasy tale, The Wheel of Time, revolves around a compelling battle between two forces: good and evil. The fabled Dragon Reborn has been given the responsibility of influencing the final outcome of the fight. Inspired by Robert Jordan’s books of the very same name, this adventure series takes place in a realm brimming with a wide range of characters, beings, and forces.

At the heart of the narrative lies the One Power, an enigmatic force that bestows magical capabilities on a select few characters. On the other hand, the Dark One, a malevolent and exceedingly formidable entity likewise grants its followers with extraordinary abilities.

By the end of The Wheel of Time season 1, Moiraine reveals that the fight between Rand and Ishmael is just the beginning. After the battle, Moiraine is also unable to wield the One Power. In the end, Rand asks Moiraine to break the news to his loved ones that he has passed away.

The Wheel of Time season 2 kicks off with an exciting, although fast-paced, premiere. Episode 1 doesn’t spend much time diving in and introducing us to unfamiliar characters. We’ve hardly had time to get to know any of these characters before we’re thrust into some very intricate events.

Season 2 of The Wheel of Time centres on the friends as they navigate various obstacles. To further complicate matters, they are dispersed across the world, and so they’re separated from each other. Since Moiraine is now helpless, the friends have to find alternative means of strength.

The season opens and closes on quite different notes. The finale episode ties up all the loose ends, and the introduction of a new character leaves us wanting more.

The inaugural season of the fantasy drama places a lot of importance on setting up the fictional universe. The intricacies of mythology and lore are presented to us. As for season 2, it expands on that and advances the narrative. The Amazon Original show introduces us to a wide range of beings who pledge their allegiance to the Dark One.

Ismael makes an appearance more frequently throughout this season. Furthermore, the narrative introduces a new malevolent character referred to as Lady Suroth. The season also constructs a fascinating storyline focused on the morally questionable character Lanfear. The backstory for their acts is compelling, and you can sympathize with them to a certain degree. However, you won’t find yourself rooting for them. The depiction of violence exhibited by the demonic characters, including the trollocs, Lanfear, Ismael, and Lady Suroth is unsettling throughout The Wheel of Time season 2. 

Having said that, the show consistently minimises the amount of harm that these malicious characters are capable of causing.Even unprepared characters who haven’t been admitted into the Aes Sedai’s society yet are capable of fighting the malevolent creatures in battle. The thrill element of the show is diminished as a consequence of this factor.

As for the introduction of darkness within our primary characters, it gives them a sense of depth. It is evident that Mat is supposed to be a nuanced character, that exhibits a certain degree of moral ambiguity, as he always prioritises his own interests without hesitation. Furthermore, it is observed that Egwene also has feelings of jealousy towards Nynaeve.

Even more so than usual, Liandrin excelled this season. As a rule, it’s pleasant when a gray character turns out to have some sort of motivation for their actions. In episode 4 of Season 2, Liandrin finally confides in Nynaeve about her son, and the audience can’t help but feel sympathy for her plight.

Supporters of Jordan’s novels will be disappointed by the show’s numerous deviations from the source material, especially its modified plot elements. There is no underlying idea of men being inferior to women, for instance, throughout the book. This concept, however, is relentlessly pushed throughout the show, especially by Liandrin.

Although the visuals are aesthetically pleasing, the action sequences are breathtaking and the costumes are exquisite, the essential elements of this narrative, such as fostering empathy towards the characters, cultivating a sense of immersion in the depicted setting and evoking genuine concern for the well-being of the characters, are regrettably absent.

The majority of the characters have fascinating arcs. The development of Nynaeve’s character throughout this season is quite intriguing, and it keeps viewers on the edge of their seats the entire time. Moiraine, Egwene, Nynaeve, and even Rand all appear to have developed excellently. However, Mat and Perrin’s characters seem to be overlooked this season, and they are the least fascinating and captivating of the bunch.

Additionally, there are flaws in certain characters’ performances. Sure, Moraine, Lan, and Nynaeve, among others, are excellent. But some of the primary cast, though, including Perrin and Mat, perform only adequately. 

As a whole, although there are numerous deviations from the source material in this adaptation, the show is succeeding admirably in its goal of thrilling and entertaining the audience. It has been more about developing the narrative and introducing viewers to new foes and darker sides of our primary characters this season. All of season 2’s visuals, from the settings to the fight scenes to the outfits, are stunning. We’re hoping that next season, characters like Mat and Perrin will have more to work with. However, the season in its entirety was quite fascinating, and we’re looking forward to seeing what the future season has in store for us.


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  • Verdict - 7/10

1 thought on “The Wheel of Time Season 2 Review – Amazon Prime’s fantasy drama is intriguing though less immersive”

  1. Let’s be fair here. The person who wrote this review has a vested interest in making sure that people see this series. The truth of the matter is they took a magnificently nuanced work work, butchered it, made it crude and sold it as polished work. Rosamund pike as Morraine, does not deliver, Lan from the books is a colossus and in the show, he is an effeminate prick, who hasn’t figured out what he is about. Elyas Machera is supposed to be antisocial yet the shows one seems to be a mixture of Hurin the social butterfly and an imagined Elyas. Min is as shallow reflection of Elmindreda from the books. She is not that tomboy who is easygoing and easy & pleasant to be around.

    There is no Gawyn and Elaine Trakand is too prissy than the Elaine from the books. The shows Elaine is not Willy and comfortable to use her femininity appropriately to achieve her goals.

    Sheriam and Liandrin are not really portrayed as embodying the black Ajax ethos.

    What is the point of having logain teach Rand how to channel, instead of any of the forsaken being captured to do the task instead of Selene arranging that. I thought the point is that certain aspects had been lost to antiquity of time & that the old &new had to be weirded to bring forth new ideas. Like Nyneave. Learning from Mogdiene before healing stilling/gentling.

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