Track List
No Excuse
Is This How It Ends?
Shades Of Grey
The Underground
Welcome To Dystopia
Dig Their Own Graves
Space & Time
Welcome to Dystopia is an intelligent record by Canadian band The Veer Union, and it goes against the grain, giving us an insight into the band’s workings and their disapproval of how the world is run. These grievances are legitimate as the world shrinks before our very eyes and begins to crumble.
The Veer Union do not hold back, with their songs a statement of intent. They play and shout, they scream and ponder, and their music has the style and meaning to change perceptions, although only some listen. On Welcome To Dystopia, the band has worked extensively, putting in the work while thinking about the future.
‘No Excuse’ starts the record. A voice comes in with authority, and then the super-charged instrumentals become at one with the vocals. The breakdowns are inventive, and the message is ever so clear.
‘Shades Of Gray’ begins softly until the vocals and instrumentals intertwine to create an arresting atmosphere. It’s a song of purpose, rather dark, but with a message which should be understood.
‘The Underground’ opens with shuddering guitar riffs and a voice of reason. The screams come in for a slender minute but add substance. A storm is brewing, and the fear becomes commonplace. The percussion here is distinguished.
‘Space And Time’ begins as a subtle inclusion. The chorus then lifts the track to its limits. The intelligent wordplay increases the likability.
The Veer Union take on the world here, and with this record, they have upped their game.
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Verdict - 8/10