The Snow Girl 2: The Soul Game – Episode 4 Recap & Review

Episode 4

Episode 4 of The Snow Girl 2: The Soul Game begins with Nacho reading about Miren’s sexual assault in her book. At present, Miren pops another pill after she passes the test. She asks about Laura but God’s Raven refuses to answer till she completes the game.

Jaime shows up at her place regarding Tomas’ investigation. It looks like she has done her own research into the Slide. He is curious as to why and she reveals that the Slide assaulted and filmed her. She asks Jaime to set up a meeting with Tomas.

Meanwhile, the cops question Cristobel. He claims he was trying to save Allison and her child. However, he doesn’t know her and doesn’t remember why he said he did. On Saturday, he was working on a protest at HQ till 2 am. Mercedes looks uncomfortable by this detail. 

At Diario Sur, Alberto and his lawyer show up. He claims Tomas is paranoid and revisiting the incident has led to an alcohol overdose. He sweetly threatens the newspaper and Paco instantly puts a stop to Jaime and Miren’s story. She notes that Alberto is a Los Arcos alumnus and asks about the Soul Game but he feigns ignorance. 

Elsewhere, Belen visits Julio, Laura’s investigator. He begs her not to reopen the case and promises he did all he could. She assures him and brings up the purpose of her visit – his views on Cristobel who is the prime suspect in Allison’s case. He has a clean record but he believes abortion is murder. Julio suggests that Cristobel could very likely punish an expecting mother who goes through an abortion like Allison.

At school, Garrido warns Nacho that Miren is selfish and feeds off other’s suffering. He tells the kid to stay away from her. As for Tomas, Jaime confirms that he is indeed in rehab. However, Miren now wants to pursue Alberto as something is off about him.

Meanwhile, Belen and Chaparro visit Cristobel’s HQ. The in-house therapist claims she was with him till 2 am. The cops don’t believe her and she starts rambling. They realise that she is having an affair with him and a CCTV nearby confirms their alibi. They also get a new lead on Allison’s abortion as new data has been retrieved.

Onto the Mendoza mystery, Jaime sets up a meeting with Manuel, a former journalist and influencer. He knows all the gossip but only cooperates when Miren agrees to an interview with him. He tells them about Alicia Martos, a student at Los Arcos who died in 1983. He was banned from reporting it. Emilia Pedraza, a teacher tried to get the cops to investigate but they never did.

Belen visits Juana and reveals that Allison had a home abortion with some shady pills. Turns out, Juana knew about it and was ashamed, calling Allison selfish. Belen is furious as she rants to Chaparro that Allison was all alone. 

Meanwhile, Miren and Jaime visit the Pedrazas but the daughter shoos them away. It is time for the second test and Miren runs off before Jaime can ask her for dinner or a ride home. He waits nearby till he finds Emilia returning from the market.

Onto the second test – Miren needs to face her darkest fear. God’s Raven makes her visit Green Soul, the club where she was roofied and sexually assaulted. He instructs her to swallow a sacramental bread and soon, she starts feeling dizzy. She rushes out and sees the red coat guy before she faints.

At home, Nacho overhears his aunt and uncle fighting as Mercedes knows about the affair. He tunes them out and decides to read The Snow Girl.

Meanwhile, Emilia is more than happy to share what she knows. She left in 1983 and never agreed with the school’s ideology. Alberto was Alicia’s classmate but Emilia claims he was a good boy. He was manipulated by his best friend, Garrido who she believes is responsible for Alicia’s death.

He made up a group of the most religious students including Alberto and Alicia. And to test their faith, he started the Soul Game. The tests were based on the Bible. Alicia died during one of the tests and the rich parents covered it all up.

We see Garrido visit Juana who is on her janitor shift. He claims God is testing them and that He will forgive Allison if she has repented. He leaves her and then smiles at himself. At the end of The Snow Girl 2: The Soul Game Episode 4, Juana is cleaning up one of the rooms when she finds a bloody Bible that belongs to Allison

The Episode Review

The Snow Girl 2: The Soul Game Episode 4 continues with a slow pace which is slightly bordering on dullness. It seems like there is not enough in the mystery to tell a 6-episode story which is why the writers are stretching the narrative. There is not any character exploration in the filler scenes that could explain the slow pace either.

The family drama of Miren, Jaime and Chaparro is dropped and picked up whenever it is convenient while the cops continue to run around like pawns to the story.

However, the suspense behind Laura’s disappearance keeps our attention as we are yet to learn how she is connected to Slide, the Soul Game and Miren. Garrido’s creepy behaviour finally makes sense and the God’s Raven are possibly his minions. We won’t be too surprised if the red-coat guy is someone we know.

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