Hour Five : 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Episode 5 of The Pitt sees the man from the waiting room who collapsed with a seizure brought into ER. Dr. Langdon immediately jumps into this with Santos, who’s still reeling over her mess up last episode. She’s argumentative and disagrees with Langdon, but he’s the senior officer so his word goes.
Langdon chews out Santos when they’re alone, after Robby initially backs him up while dealing with the patient. Langdon tells her that she needs to start trusting him if they’re going to work well together.
Santos is hung up on the vial of Lorazepam though, believing the tight seal could be an underlying issue. She speaks to Dana about it, and she gives the greenlight for Santos to investigate and see if there is something to her concerns.
Meanwhile, Whitaker (who’s now in new scrubs for a second time) meets his latest patient, Bob Chazen. He’s a cyclist who has injured his leg 10 days back in Utah. It’s a pretty gnarly injury but seems like a simple enough procedure, especially with his diagnosis. Whitaker is not happy with him being given simple cases, and promises that he’s okay after he lost a patient early on. But it’s better safe than sorry.
However, the blood blister he’s tasked with bursts, spraying blood all over Whitaker. Apparently there was an artery here he didn’t see and he once again is going to need new scrubs! Whitaker is jittery and not particularly confident, especially when he has to do stitches.
Mohan shows up and helps, explaining that actually, the cut arteriole actually saved the man’s life, much to the surprise of everybody in the room. However, Whitaker ends up with morgue scrubs for the rest of the day!
Out in the waiting room, Doug continues to seethe while waiting to be seen. After 5 hours, he confronts Dr. McKay and Javadi when they head to the waiting room. It’s now time for Doug to be seen…but only for a temperature check and then it’s back to the waiting room again!
As for McKay, she speaks to her new patient and explains she’s been sober for 9 years and is hoping to get custody of her son back. She chalks it up to a misunderstanding but the truth behind what’s happening with her is being revealed in a very organic way in this show which is nice to see.
Elsewhere, Robby tries to convince Collins to falsify records for a 17 year old girl called Kristi who’s pregnant. Given how close to home this case is for her, she refuses to do it. So Robby takes over. He covers for her, and Collins is very grateful, and you can definitely see there’s chemistry between them. It turns out they actually used to date back in the day, briefly.
A new patient is also brought in within the hustle and bustle, coming in the form of an elderly woman called Ginger Kitajima. She claims she just fell in the rose bush and tripped, but we soon learn she has schizophrenia and appears to be an isolated shoulder injury.
She has a good sense of humour and it would appear she’s going to be in and out of here quickly. Ginger ends up having to wear a sling for 6 weeks and it’s quite tough on her daughter, who’s her primary caregiver. Melissa tries to reassure her, given she’s also had to go through this herself with her sister. She recommends that Rita (Ginger’s daughter) try to get some help but she’s struggling. Melissa reassures her, pointing out that caregiving fatigue is a big thing and she needs to look after herself.
Unfortunately, Javadi comes in and discusses Kiara and childcare, which does not turn out well. McKay tells her she needs to try and build empathy with patients and not judge them. However, it would appear that Rita has done a runner when she fails to collect Ginger, which could well have been exacerbated by Melissa’s speech.
Meanwhile, Robby and Mohan check on Joyce, where we learn that she’s not getting enough oxygen and will need intubation to save her life. It’s a big call, but Robby tells Mohan in private that she needs to start dealing with her as a patient, not as a friend. She’s wasting precious time that could be spent dealing with other patients.
Speaking of patients, Whitaker’s next happens to be a guy called Travis who has been brought in with post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage. While Robby heads off to speak to the kid’s parents on the phone, en-route Robby is exasperated when he finds out Mohan hasn’t got the consent form signed yet. Robby raises his voice and demands she get a move on. However, her personal touch with patients is admired by Collins, who reassures her that she’s doing a good job and this is partly what the job is all about.
Predictably, Whitaker gets blood thrown up on him as Travis starts vomiting blood. Everybody rushes in to help the patient, and it seems like he’s going to be okay.
However, as the episode closes out we have a couple of big reveals. The runaway ambulance crashes, and the nurses prep ready for some new patients to come inbound, while Kristi’s mum shows up at the ER, irate. Turns out the woman pretending to be Kristi’s mum is actually her sister, Lynette. Unfortunately, as a minor, the decision falls to Kristi’s mum over whether to go ahead and she refuses to allow this abortion.
The Episode Review
Well that’s a very awkward situation we’ve found ourselves with at the end of this episode. Whether the truth about Robby forging those documents will come to light is still unknown, but it certainly doesn’t look good.
Meanwhile, we get more drama with the different patients and the ongoing comedy involving Whitaker needing to change his scrubs continues. Honestly, this kid is going to run out of credits soon!
As for the episode itself, we do learn more about the different nurses, including McKay’s ties with her child, Javadi’s slice of humble pie when she tries to do everything by the book, and Mohan receiving conflicting advice about how to handle patients. Of course, there’s got to be a fine line between helping patients and giving them time to process, and this could well become a mainstay across the season.
For now though, everything is left open for next week’s episode, which looks set to be quite the dramatic chapter!
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