The Night Agent – Season 2 Episode 9 “Cultural Exchange” Recap & Review

Cultural Exchange

Episode 9 of The Night Agent Season 2 starts with a flashback to ten months ago, just before Peter left for his training. Rose felt sad that they didn’t have enough time to spend together. However, Peter was optimistic they would always find each other.

Presently, Cole and Rose have been busy in the lab. So far, they have made several batches, but Markus still refuses to set them free. Cole worries about the massive terror attack they are weaponizing. Rose suggests they make a bad batch to slow things down. Cole is all in, but it is risky.

In the meantime, Peter and Noor make their way to the UN building. She advises Peter to look for Lars Troost, the Principal Advisor to the Secretary-General. Peter asks Noor to call Saidi as soon as she is done and reunites with her mom. He apologises once again, and they go their separate ways.

Peter sneaks into the Secretary-General’s office by stealing an IT key card and gets on the Secretary-General’s computer. However, Lars discovers his charade, and Peter is forced to change his approach. He uses minimal force on Lars, and he sings like a canary about where Peter can find the file he is looking for. Since the file is old, it has been backed up in the archives. Peter uses Lars to get into the archives, but Lars tries to raise the alarm. Thankfully, Peter gets the files and quickly escapes.

Meanwhile, Abbas tries to explain to Javad how Noor got away. Javad questions if Abbas betrayed the regime, but the ambassador refuses. He gives Javad a possible lead into where Noor might be. Haleh overhears the conversation and calls Noor to warn her that Javad is on his way to the UN building.

Thankfully, by the time of the call, Noor had already warned one of the Secretaries and given her the files. She quickly makes her way outside but runs into Javad. He tries to kidnap her, but Noor intentionally sets him up to get into a street fight.  

She uses the distraction to get away and runs into Saidi who takes her to her mom. Javad makes it back to the embassy but is surprised when Abbas uses the footage of him and Noor subtly flirting to accuse him of treason.

With the help of Haleh and her husband, they paint a perfect picture off ow Javad fall into Noor’s trap and allowed himself to be used. At first, Javad thinks it is a joke, but Abbas uses the fact that Javad took the list to his office instead of letting Abbas keep them safe to prove his point. In the end, Javad is escorted away, waiting to be sent back home to pay for his treasonous acts.

On his way out of the UN, Peter is spotted by Catherine. She tries to follow him, but Solomon stops her. He leads her to the parking lot, but Catherine fights back and kills him.

At the chemical lab, Markus picks up on Cole and Rose’s games. He brings up Cole’s wife and stabs her to prove his point. Backed in a corner, Cole gets back to producing the right batch. Markus leaves his men in charge and leaves to call Viktor. He informs Viktor of Tomas’ passing and says it was necessary; Viktor is dead, but life goes on and there is a revenge mission to live for. He gives Markus the go-ahead.

On the other hand, Peter makes his way to Jacob and gives him the file. But first, he asks what is in it. Jacob explains that the file is proof that the Secretary-General messed with Viktor Bala’s case.

The file has proof that Viktor got the K.X poison he used on his people from the CIA. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find the evidence to back his claims, but now Peter has handed it to Jacob. After confirming the file is on the drive, Jacob tells Peter where to find Rose and the chemical lab. He promises to protect Peter and wipe his fingerprints and CCTV footage from the UN. He also gives Peter a phone and welcomes him into his organisation.

After his meeting, Peter calls Catherine and gives her the location of the chemical lab. At the same time, Rose and Cole use Markus’ absence to create a different chemical to take out the guards. They wear masks and make their way to Cole’s wife and daughter. Unfortunately, there are more guards than they anticipated. Rose and Cole’s wife don’t make it out. Cole takes his daughter to safety and then returns to save his wife and Rose.

Cole’s daughter runs into Peter, and she gives him her mask, and he directs her to safety. He then makes his way inside and finds Cole passed out. Fortunately, he finds Rose and Cole’s wife hiding in one of the cars.

Peter tries to fight their way out, and the police get to the lab just as Rose, Peter, and Cole’s wife make it out. Rose quickly briefs Catherine on the number of K.X batches they made, Tomas’ death and that Markus and his other men left with the batches. Rose thinks Markus is heading to the UN, and Peter explains why the Bala family is targeting the UN. The episode ends with Markus and his men already installing the K.X bannisters into the UN air conditioning system on the rooftop.

The Episode Review

Night Agent drops another intense episode as we head to the finale. Markus has everything he needs, and it is now up to Night Action to stop him before he finally executes his mission. Time is of the essence, and they need to get moving. Markus and his men have a huge head start.

Everything is irrelevant until they get Markus and stop the attack. Catherine and Mosley will have to wait until things settle down to talk to Peter about his rogue mission.

Everything leads to the UN, and it will take all hands on deck to stop the attack. So far, Night Agent Season 2 has maintained a steady pace. Most episodes have ended with a cliffhanger and the writers have nicely built up to the finale.  As we all know, the finale can be the make or break of a show. Will Night Agent Season 2 end with a boom or a sad, anti-climatic whimper? Let us dive into the finale to find out!

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