Maze Runner Plot Summary
How does Thomas, Minho and Alby survive inside the Maze?
Before Thomas joined the Gliders, there was peace in the Glide. The rules made by Alby, the first Glader and the leader were straightforward – fulfil your duties, never hurt a fellow Glider and never go into the Maze if you are not a Runner. However, when Alby gets stung by a Griever, leading to his nervous breakdown, and he and Minho, leader of the Runners, get trapped in the closing Maze, Thomas, an unlikely and curious “greeny” enters the Maze without permission.
Thomas and Minho hide Alby by tying him with vines at a height as they are attacked by a Griever. Both of them run and Thomas is able to kill the Griever by luring it between closing gates. For the first time ever, the three return to the Glide alive by spending the night inside the Maze. Thomas and the Runners retrieve a beeping device from the dead Griever and Minho and Thomas use it to find a new exit.
What are the changes in the Glide after Thomas and Teresa’s arrival?
Soon after the Thomas and friends’ stint at the Maze, a new “greeny” arrives at the Glide, this time a girl with a note that she is the last one with an antidote. She soon remembers herself as Teresa and confides in Thomas that she remembers him and people. Thomas shares the same memories of her. They give Alby the antidote who recovers his senses and says that he remembers Thomas and that he was always “their favourite”.
At night, the gates of the Maze do not close and the Griever’s enter the Glade, massacring the Gliders. Alby is lost and once the situation returns to normalcy, Gally blames Thomas and his curiosity for the catastrophe. Thomas injects himself with Griever venom and is given the antidote. He remembers that everything is an experiment and there might be a way out of the Maze.
However, Gally has taken over and intends to sacrifice Thomas and Teresa in a hope of fixing the status quo. However, they break loose and Thomas with his friends along with some other Gladers enter the Maze to find the exit.
What is the truth about the Maze?
After frantically fighting the Grievers and brainstorming the passcode for the door – which is the sequence of the Maze’s numbered locations, they enter a door with an “exit” sign to find a shattered lab with dead bodies sprawled across the floors. They come across a video of a woman who introduces herself as ” Hello. My name is Doctor Ava Paige. I’m Director of Operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department.”
Dr. Paige further explains that the youth were part of a survival experiment and that the Earth is scorched. There is a new disease called “The Flare” which attacks the nervous system and that the winners are “different” and can be a breakthrough to a new world order. The scientists were studying their brain patterns to ascertain what makes them different. She tells them that the Maze trials have not ended but hints that there may be other against the way the organisation works. Later, as soldiers appear in the background, she shoots herself.
What happened to Chuck and Gally in the end?
As the video ends, Gally appears at the end with a gun. He has been stung and proceeds to shoot the group. Minho throws his knife at him and kills him, but the bullet has already hit Chuck who dies after giving Thomas the toy figurine to deliver to his parents.
What happens to Thomas in the end?
As Thomas is frantic with shock, unknown men enter the room and guide the group towards stationed aircrafts outside the institution. Some pull Thomas and usher him to towards the aircrafts across a devastated landscape drowned in sand. Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho and other gladers survive the Maze and are taken to some unknown place.