The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today – Season 1 Episode 13 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

The Masterful Cat is Depressed Tomorrow as Well

In episode 13 of The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today, Dai-chan impersonates Yukichi. She’s making an effort to imitate Yukichi by walking and dressing in an apron. Her owner records her fumbling attempts at walking. The clip makes its way to Saku, who is relieved that it isn’t one of Yukichi’s walking videos.

The episode shifts to Yukichi, who’s seen with Yume, the chief’s niece. Knowing how much Yukichi enjoys the UMYU-sea show, Yume presents him with footage she recorded of the show.

Why does Saku ask Yukichi to teach her to cook?

Saku shares her lunch with her colleagues when they are hanging out during the workday. Following this, her colleagues are so impressed by the dishes that they push her to teach them how to prepare them. Following this, Saku freaks out as Yukichi prepares the dishes.

When Saku gets home later that day, she asks Yukichi to teach her to make an omelette so she can teach her colleagues. As a consequence, Yukichi is shown adding ingredients based on his hunches, while Saku misses his instructions. When Saku estimates the ingredients for her coworkers, they mistake her for a professional cook and assume she puts them in solely on her gut instinct.

Why did Yukichi learn to cook?

The final tale of the season reveals why Yukichi began to work and cook to help Saku out. When Yukichi was a young kitten, he noticed that Saku was gradually losing energy. As a consequence, he resolved to help her out.

Yukichi’s first baby step was mastering the art of trash sorting and disposal. Following that, he made an effort to master the art of cooking. The final episode of the season ends on a rather typical day sort of note. We don’t witness anything special, no huge revelations. It is a fitting end for a slice-of-life show like this absolutely gem of a series.

The Episode Review

This episode features three different stories. It opens with us watching Daichan attempting to imitate Yukichi. Then, after tasting some of the food Saku takes to the office, her coworkers are so amazed that they want her to teach them how to cook. The concluding story of the season sheds light on why Yukichi began helping out in the first place.

This episode is just as heartfelt, humorous, and engaging as the previous ones. Every week, without fail, we were both entertained and moved to tears by the show.

At first, we’re amused and entertained as Saku gets into trouble and, as usual, comes to Yukichi for help. The season concludes on an emotional note by showing us the extent to which Saku and Yukichi are connected.

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Expect A Full Season Write-Up When This Season Concludes!
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