The Madness – Season 1 Episode 6 “Loco” Recap & Review


Episode 6 of The Madness begins with Muncie washing up on shore after his run-in with Julia. He’s found by a guy called Rome, who happens to be in New Rochelle. He brings him to his caravan out in the woods, where Muncie is not in a good way.

Rome is distrusting of the feds but also doesn’t believe that Muncie is the killer. There’s some serious Stephen King “Misery” stuff going on here, as Rome gushes over how he likes Muncie Daniels as an inspirational Black voice and believes he could be the catalyst for setting up some sort of race war. Muncie soon knows what’s up and races out, where he finds himself to be right in the middle of the woods.

Quinones continues to do his research back home, where he finds ties for the murders to Revitalize and somewhere which he circles multiple times called Sea Gull Lake. However, he’s called to Stu’s mansion, where he finds Stu and Don Sloss’ bodies found after being dispatched last episode. With this billionaire out the picture, Quinones wants to know exactly where Muncie is. He isn’t convinced that Muncie is the guilty party here, although everything is being pinned on him.

Julia shows and introduces herself to Quinones. She also blames Muncie, echoing the current story being pedalled. She brings up how Stu didn’t listen to her and lowered his guard around Muncie, leading to him killing the pair. Quinones has his Spidey-senses on and he believes Julia is hiding something from him. He works with his associate to figure out exactly what that may be.

This is certainly believable but for the wildcard here. This happens to be Lucie. She knows what’s going on here, and she rings Quinones, wanting to give him what she needs.

Muncie collapses and once more awakens in bed, this time at the hospital and not in some nutjob’s caravan, which I guess is an improvement! Kallie is there with him and he needs her help. Given he’s handcuffed to the bed, Kallie works to get him out. Julia, posing as a doctor, breaks into Muncie’s room to finish the job. However, he’s not there given the bedframe is broken and the pair hide from the assassin. 

Quinones is onto her though, and Julia hurriedly escapes before he can arrest her. She does graze his arm from a stray bullet and kill one of the nurses, but it also confirms to him that this thing is far from over.

While Kallie is allowed to go, Muncie is going to be moved over to a safe house (ie Quinona’s pad), with the intention being of putting him in front of HQ folks the next morning who are coming up from DC specifically for this case. It’s either that or jail, so Muncie doesn’t have much of a choice.

However, Lucie’s evidence has helped to show there’s something extra going on here, although it annoyingly doesn’t completely clear Muncie’s name either. According to the evidence Franco Quinones has found, there’s been at least three deaths in the last half a year, all linked back to Revitalize and men opposed to a powerful man by the name of Ross Wright.

Franco believes this is actually politically motivated, and both Stu and Jennings were working together to take down anyone opposing their schemes to get the “right people” in power.

It’s here we also learn the reason Quinones is so invested here. It’s all linked to personal reasons surrounding his brother. Manny got sucked into the extremism bubble and while it started out simple, he ended up getting in deep, accusing Franco as being a sheep to the system and eventually shut him out his life completely. He worked with Antifa and ended up getting himself killed.

Julia however, is clearly working for someone even higher up the chain of command. She needs an extract to get out, but she’s also in the midst of a job, which she needs to finish in order to get out. That’s easier said than done though, when she ends up shooting up the police.

After switching up her vehicle, she heads out, while Lucie and Muncie arrive at the station. As they wait outside, Quinones finds himself meeting bureaucratic red tape as they want the pair to go after the extremist groups like the Forge rather than taking down the big dogs in Revitalize. And even worse, he’s got to hand over Muncie to the Philly PD. Franco is not happy.

He’s spent 5 years on this only to reach a dead-end. He speaks to Muncie and Lucie in the parking lot and gives them less than 24 hours to try and find the truth. He apologizes and eventually leaves.

Now, Muncie decides to go looking into the connection to Laura Jennings. Her computer has been wiped but according to one of her friends, she was talking to someone a week before she died. After handing over the number, it gives Muncie something to go on. Whoever this person is, they agree to meet but only if Muncie is alone.

Muncie meets this contact, Noah, who points to a data analyst called Rodney Kraintz. He’s been working at Revitalize for a while now and appears to be the silent majority investor there. His endgame is unknown but could well be linked to seizing power. Noah is actually linked to Jerry Park, one of the men killed from a car accident connected to all of this.

That night, Quinones heads back to his car after a drunken night at the bar, only to then shoot himself in the head.

The Episode Review

So the plot has just thickened and it appears that all of this is going to be linked back to Julia and Revitalize. There’s obviously a more powerful player at the heart of this we don’t know about, although it now seems to be connected to this Kraintz fella. Whether this is actually the person pulling the strings or another dead-end is yet to be decided.

One thing’s for sure though, this conflict is far from over. Quinones seems to know his days are numbered, or even that his efforts have all been in vain these past years, and killing himself like that is certainly pretty shocking.

Either way, with two episodes left, we’ll have to wait and see where this one is going to go next!

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