The InBetween – Season 1 Episode 10 (The Finale) Recap & Review

The End Is Here

The InBetween has been one of those crime dramas that ticks all the boxes but doesn’t quite have enough originality to justify a second season. Despite an unnecessary cliffhanger ending, the finale does a good job wrapping up all the loose plot threads here, with a satisfying enough ending for Ed Roven and enough mystery to keep things ticking over. When the dust settles though, The InBetween is unlikely to be a show remembered for very long, but has certainly been an enjoyable enough watch over the past 2 months.

We begin the finale with Ed Roven taunting Cassie before she wakes up, realizing it’s just a dream. Pushing it to the back of her mind, Cassie reassures Brian that everything will be okay with his upcoming surgery until the group are called away to a murder, seemingly conducted by Hayes, the man who attacked Cassie last episode.

Calvin Hayes is brought in and tells Damien and Tom about the “spirit guide” he’s been hearing in his head. After telling Hayes he’ll be spending his life in prison, the crazed killer begins singing the Peter Rabbit song, prompting the others to share concerned looks. Tom thinks Roven has influence over the man and deduces that he and Waterman could be planning something together.

It doesn’t take long before they get their answer either, as Waterman escapes from the hospital and is picked up by a woman outside named Deborah. It turns out she smuggled pills into the hospital to fake a heart attack; a plan instigated to get Waterman out. Determined to find out the truth, Tom and Damien track them down and find Deborah on the sofa of her apartment, with bruises around her neck. She confirms as much, telling the detectives that Waterman was hearing voices that told him to attack her.

Meanwhile Cassie has issues of her own as the police officer outside her house is visited by Roven, who tells him he needs to leave. This gives Waterman time to sneak in the back door, chasing our medium upstairs where he strangles her. As she begins to fade, Cassie grabs the taser and kicks Waterman, knocking him out the window and to the ground below, killing him instantly. Ed Roven appears soon after and stares at her “This aint over,” He says through gritted teeth.

However, Cassie bites back, calling on the power of Abigail and all the girls he killed to take his soul during the final showdown while Brian is in surgery. The girls surround him and as he screams in pain, his body dissolves and fades from existence. It turns out Cassie’s Mum was the catalyst for bringing these women together, prompting Cass to say her goodbyes to Abigail once and for all, knowing her Mother made a big difference in this spiritual fight.

With the Ed Roven saga finished, the Doctors tell our group that Brian has survived his surgery. They breathe a sigh of relief and as Cassie speaks to Brian about what he plans to do next, Cassie gazes into a nearby mirror only to find a menacing version of Brian who antagonizes Cassie about her Mum, where we leave the episode hanging on a cliffhanger.

After a dramatic and well written finale, the final 5 minutes of the episode feel out of place and a deliberate, almost desperate, ploy to justify a second season of The InBetween. If I’m honest, it’s unnecessary. There’s enough in the framework to justify a second season if the ratings are good enough, and the rigid structure of each episode is enough that if you miss an episode, you’re unlikely to feel too out of the loops with this one. Even if it does pale compared to so many other options in this genre, The InBetween has been a fun ride nonetheless.

Still, the finale does a pretty good job wrapping things up and although it may not be the best drama out there, there’s enough enjoyment here to justify its 10 episode run.


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Expect A Full Season Write Up When This Season Concludes!

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10 thoughts on “The InBetween – Season 1 Episode 10 (The Finale) Recap & Review”

  1. i loved’the in between, the characters and ow they linked together certainly in the earlier episodes were a bitonfusing but apart from the evil looking spirit on the hospital bed in the closing scene, i’m buggered if i could tell if it was brian,ed roven,escaped (again) or something else altogether

  2. I love the in between i hope that there’s a second season it was an intense series and I enjoy it very much please come back!!

  3. This is the kind of show that deserves a limited run of 4 or 5 seasons of 12 or 13 episodes each (although I think 10 episodes per season is just about right to keep it from going stale). It has a wonderful sheen of expert storytelling, expert acting, great cast camaraderie, at least on the surface, and great visual work.

    I don’t find it lacking in originality at all. It just tells a great story without trying to artificially over extend the sentimental moments or go overboard in the shock department. And it has a very, very appealing heroine and supporting cast.

    The “cliffhanger” is not much of a cliffhanger at all. It’s just a delightfully understated way of trying to set up a second season. I mean, the stupid thing to would be to try and extend the excellent season villain into a second season to try and keep your audience. I have no problem with what they chose to do instead.

  4. Thank you to everyone who commented on this review! I actually went back and re-watched that last bit and you guys are absolutely right – it was Brian. I’ve updated the review accordingly so thanks again for the correction, very much appreciated!

    Greg Wheeler

  5. It wasn’t a patient from the hallway. Cassie looked into a mirror and saw a reflection where Brian’s face has been replaced by a what, “demon/ghost” of sorts? I got the impression that the writers wanted to put forward the idea that either Brian isn’t who we think he is (and have something to do with Cassies mum’s death), or that Brian is being possessed.

  6. It is actually a reflection of Brian in the mirror on the door not a menacing patient from the hallway. The outfits are identical and you can see the mirror on the door in the scene where the person is speaking to Cassie.

  7. I felt the menacing patient, to which you refer, in the the last five minutes of the episode had taken over Brian’s body. It was represented by showing the three of them – Cassie, Brian and Tom, then she sees the reflection of them in the mirror which shows her, the menacing patient in place of Brian, and then Tom. It’s a cliffhanger for sure. I’m wondering if they’re going to have Problems with Brian in the next season if the menacing spirit has taken control. I just rewatched the ending to see if it’s correct what I saw, and it is a reflection. I’d love to know your thoughts on it. I enjoyed watching the whole season too.

  8. She didn’t see the patient in the hall. She saw it in Brian’s body – leading one to wonder did Brian really die and another spirit took over his body – hence the remarkable recovery.

  9. Your comment about the series is understandable but you were totally wrong about the ending.
    Cassie sees Christopher Heyerdahl in a mirror as if he was IN or invaded Brian. It would be some family dinner if sometimes Cassie saw Brian and sometimes she saw Heyerdahl.

    To me the series was a much calmer, female version of Dean Koontz’ Odd Thomas.

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