The Heart Killers – Season 1 Episode 9 Recap & Review

Episode 9

Episode 9 of The Heart Killers begins with Bison and Kant talking about their parents. They get worried about Kant going to prison if Christ follows through with his threat. Bison jokes that he’ll get locked up with him.

Meanwhile, Fadel’s jeep is back to business. On the way, Style accidentally sees a photo of Fadel’s ex. He continues to joke about his death which annoys Fadel. He suddenly wants a fresh change of clothes and Fadel indulges him. Style teases him that it feels like a shopping date with his boyfriend. They are interrupted by a masked Keen who tries to kill them. Style is shot in the arm while trying to help and this allows Keen to escape

Back on the island, Bison and Kant are being lovey-dovey when an injured Style and Fadel show up. Kant and Style are glad to see each other but Fadel only lets Bison help. 

Once Style is all stitched up, Fadel corners Bison about the whole spying mess. Fadel doesn’t trust Kant and Bison goads him, telling him to kill Style as well. Fadel realises he can’t. As for the masked assassin, they believe it is Ruerat’s man.

Inside, Style teases Kant that the power of love saved him. But for himself, he is still not sure about his fate. Kant points out that Fadel was worried about Style’s injury and didn’t leave his side the whole time. 

However, Fadel is still mad at Kant and punches him when he sees him again. He blames Kant for the mess while Bison and Style try to stop him. Kant somberly states that he deserves to die but to leave Style alone. Style too jumps in as he claims he knew what he got into and to kill him as well. Fadel starts wavering and finally gives up when Kant and Style claim they will do everything for the brothers. 

Alone, Bison tells Kant to give Fadel some time to heal. He himself is still hurt but he loves Kant. The boys then wonder about the rift between Fadel and Style and decide to help. 

Elsewhere, Mother reminisces about young Keen, Bison and Fadel. She had yet to launch her agency as she trained them as assassins. Bison and Fadel did well during the training and she shared their motto was to kill bad guys. At present, she scolds Keen for messing up and tells him to hire an assassin to kill Bison and Fadel. 

Back on the island, Bison tells Style that Fadel is waiting for him at the beach. Style freaks out, thinking he is going to die and Bison reveals that Fadel never hesitates when he wants to kill someone. In the other room, Kant takes another approach. He apologises to Fadel and reveals Style has truly fallen in love. Fadel doesn’t buy it and Kant claims Bison is calling him to the beach.

Of course, he finds Style who gives his declaration of love. Fadel claims actions speak louder than words and Style starts walking into the sea. He will only stop if Fadel gives him a chance. Fadel panics as Style’s wound may get infected and he stops him. Fadel looks sullen as he reveals that he has actually never lied about anything except his job. Style promises to do the same going forward. They kiss and Bison and Kant are relieved.

Later, Kant asks Bison to give up his revenge on Ruerat but Bison cannot. He reminds him that it is hard to love a hitman and Kant assures him that he is just worried. But they can still have a future together. 

As for our other couple, Fadel is fretting over Style’s wound. Style asks about the photo and Fadel tells him about his ex. A flashback shows Fadel getting Mother’s permission to quit so he can move in with his ex. They are excited but one day, the ex just disappears.

At present, Fadel jokes that maybe the ex was too scared to break up with him. Style promises that he is not scared of him and that he is a good guy. He knew it when Fadel saved the woman at the bowling alley. As for Keen, he is sneaking around with Thanon. Turns out, Keen plans to leave Mother.

The next day, we see Kant trying to get over his fear of the water. Bison reveals that he had a fear of guns after seeing his parents get murdered. But his need for revenge helped him get over it. He promises to help Kant and they play around as he gets comfortable in the sea. Style drags Fadel in too and the four play frisbee. 

Later, they all sit by the shore and wonder if they can ever return to the island. Fadel believes that after they deal with Ruerat and quit, they can do whatever they want. At the end of The Heart Killers Episode 9, they head back to the mainland.

The Episode Review

The Heart Killers Episode 9 quickly wraps up the angst and gets viewers ready for the final stretch of the Thai drama. Now that Style and Kant are pretty much forgiven, this chapter seems like the calm before the final storm. The boys act domestic and are happy as they play around and constantly assure each other of their feelings.

As for the final conflict, we believe it will indeed come in the form of Mother. Who else wants to bet that she killed Fadel’s ex? Or is at least responsible for his disappearance. It’s going to be quite entertaining once she realises that Keen has had enough of her abuse and manipulation, and is planning on leaving her as well.

However, the writers handled Kant’s fear of water a little too oddly. From the moment this particular plot device is introduced, Bison disregards it. Sure, we can chalk it off to anger or him not believing Kant. But he never apologises for it, having forced Kant to fish despite seeing his fear firsthand. 

And then, in this chapter, they just quickly “fix” it and go on to have a frisbee party in the water. We get that the whole scene must have looked pretty to shoot but if they always planned to keep it, the writers should have not given Kant this particular fear. We can ignore his too glossy fake tattoos and the complete disappearance of Bison’s BDSM preferences but this aquaphobia angle was weirdly treated. 

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