The Heart Killers – Season 1 Episode 8 Recap & Review

Episode 8

Episode 8 of The Heart Killers begins with Style and Fadel stopping at the brothers’ usual motel. Bison hasn’t shown up but the receptionist convinces them to stop for the night. Elsewhere, Kant finds himself in Bison’s family home on the island. Bison holds him at gunpoint and claims he has to pay for fooling him. 

Style and Fadel get a car-themed room and the latter is annoyed. Style flirts till Fadel handcuffs him to the door. As they turn in for the night, Style suddenly asks Fadel to tell his dad he loves him once he is killed. Fadel is shocked and troubled to see Style crying. He wants to comfort him but doesn’t.

Back at Bison’s, Kant has to fish or starve. Kant begs to see his brother and gets his chance to explain Officer Christ’s threats to take up the undercover mission for Babe’s sake. Bison refuses to listen and forces Kant to get in the water. After catching some fish, he makes Kant start a fire. He hurts his hand and Bison gives him a lighter and a bandaid, pretending it is out of convenience. 

After he leaves to get some rice, the caretaker shows up with food for them, amusing Kant. He learns of Bison’s murdered parents and how the culprits have not yet been caught.

Meanwhile, Fadel’s car breaks down. Style is back to his comic self as he whines about pushing it alone. Fadel once again looks uncomfortable as Style jokes about dying from exhaustion instead of a bullet. They don’t make it far and Style suggests leaving the car. Fadel threatens to take Style’s car should his get stolen. Style claims he belongs to Fadel who is flustered and leaves the car.

Back to our beach couple, Kant confesses that everything was real between them and he regrets letting Bison down. Bison points out that even if he was forced, he should have told the truth. He tries to kill him but cannot as Kant uses their safe word, “penguin.” 

Our road trip couple finally finds an abandoned, creepy house and Style’s imagination runs wild. However, it just belongs to an engaged couple who are arguing. They learn that Jimmy won over Popcorn and then betrayed his trust by having affairs. Fadel offers to shoot Jimmy and Popcorn defends him as he loves Jimmy.

However, Fadel projects onto the couple as he lashes out at Jimmy. However, Jimmy apologises for his transgressions and to prove that he loves Popcorn, tells Fadel to kill him. It cuts to Style officiating Popcorn and Jimmy’s wedding. It is a sweet moment and Fadel is lost in thought. 

At HQ, Keen reveals the client wants a refund for failing to kill Ruerat. If they don’t return the money, the client will destroy Mother’s organisation. But they cannot get in touch with Bison or Kant. Keen adds fuel to the fire by claiming they have run away. Mother is hurt by the betrayal and believes the brothers may go as far as to hurt her. She gives Keen permission to clean up the mess.

Meanwhile, Kant is able to free himself. Bison is still upset and tells him to knock him out and leave. Kant refuses as he doesn’t want to leave, he wants to fix things. He bares his soul as he claims he fooled himself too. He always wanted Bison to see the real him. Bison cries and begs him not to fool him again. They kiss and Kant comforts Bison.

Back to the wedding, Popcorn assures Fadel that he has forgiven Jimmy. In his defence, Jimmy shares he was lost before but he has finally come home. They start dancing and Style gets Fadel to join in. The song is about overlooking trivial matters and Style accepts that his betrayal is not trivial. But he will do his best to make up to Fadel.

Suddenly, Jimmy and Popcorn attack. Fadel is quick to stop them and tie them up. He berates Style for trusting too easily but the mechanic notices that he didn’t kill the married couple.

Kant has much better luck as he has patched up with Bison. They make out on a swing and talk about their future. Kant assures him that everyone deserves a second chance. Bison asks him to move in with him once he quits and Kant agrees.

As for Fadel, he is tired of the antics and takes a bath. Style takes his chance and joins him in the bathtub. He questions Fadel about his job and assures him that he is a good guy. Fadel tells him to stop with the lecture and Style claims he is the only one who cares for him in this way.

He makes a move only to be stopped. Style declares he will kiss him once before he dies. Fadel is flustered and as he looks around, he spots a beach photo. At the end of The Heart Killers Episode 8, he suddenly recalls Bison’s island house.

The Episode Review

Style crying not only surprised Fadel but us as well. But it makes sense that despite his cockiness, he is just human who is scared of death and worries for his loved ones. It is also exactly what Fadel needs to soften up and start forgiving Style. Anyone notice how Fadel starts looking uncomfortable as Style comes to terms that he is going to die?

The parallel with the thieving couple further drives the point home that everyone deserves forgiveness and a second chance should they repent. But despite such a heavy episode, Jimmy, Popcorn and Style keep it light as we get back-and-forth jumpcuts between Bison and Kant’s angst and Style and Fadel’s hilarious road trip.

The Heart Killers Episode 8 also sheds more light on why Bison reacts the way he does. We were quite surprised in the previous episode that he refused to listen to Kant even when he shared he had no choice. Turns out, he wasn’t just mad about the betrayal, but the fact that Kant never confessed despite loving him.

Bison trusted him but Kant did not trust him enough to tell him the truth. Despite being hot-headed, had Kant told him the truth voluntarily, we doubt Bison would have killed him. But to be fair, Christ did use that prejudice of Bison’s ruthless assassin image to ensure that Kant would remain afraid of him and retribution and hence, keep their mission a secret.

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