The Heart Killers – Season 1 Episode 10 Recap & Review

Episode 10

Episode 10 of The Heart Killers begins with Fadel, Bison, Kant and Style arriving back in town. The brothers decide to stay away to keep Kant and Style safe while they deal with Ruerat. They act as real estate agents and set up a meeting with Ruerat. Once they are alone, they confront him.

However, Ruerat suddenly reveals that he never killed their parents. Mother aka Lilly was his assassin and decided to leave and start her own “family” which consisted of the children of her hits. Which means she killed the parents of Fadel, Bison and Keen among others. Bison is heartbroken while Fadel insists that they will get their revenge.

They fake Ruerat’s death and go back to Lilly. They have a cordial farewell as the boys resign. Fadel spots Keen’s tattoo and recalls the assassin who shot Style had the same one. After the boys leave, Mother tells Keen to hire a professional to kill the boys so there are no loose ends – it is the only out an assassin can get. Keen looks troubled by this reasoning.

Meanwhile, Kant misses Bison. Babe tells him to show Bison that he is on his side, no matter what, even if it is to help him with his revenge. Bison thinks about it as he sulks at the bowling alley alone. Of course, he isn’t alone as Bison watches him from afar. Kant spots him and hurts himself while trying to get to him. They bicker before Kant convinces him to let him help.

Fadel too sneaks up on Style as he misses him. Style is upset that he pushed him away. He insists on helping and Fadel gives in too. The four come up with a plan – Kant and Bison will spy on Lilly and Style and Fadel will go after Keen. Fadel is still skeptical about involving civilians but Style keeps assuring him.

On to the stakeouts – Kant and Bison follow Lilly to a golf course where she hangs out with senators’ wives. She picks handsome caddies to look after the women and Kant bribes his way in. Lilly is displeased by the change in staff but he starts flirting with Nuch, one of the wives. She leaves him be but looks suspicious.

After Nuch leaves, Lilly books Kant for her birthday party. She also wants him to get more boys like him to “attend” to the female guests. Bison watches from afar and tries to play it cool.

Elsewhere, Style is loud and clumsy and almost reveals himself to Keen. After lunch, Keen goes to a hotel room. Fadel plans to wait nearby but Style is too impatient. He pretends to be room service and Thanon opens the door. But since they haven’t ordered room service, Keen catches on.

He points a gun at Style and Fadel is forced to show himself. Keen gloats about how he had put a tracker on Fadel’s jeep and plans to kill him. Fadel tries to convince him that Lilly has killed their parents and he will never be free. Keen looks disturbed and Style takes his chance and grabs the gun. Before Fadel can kill him, Keen reveals that Lilly killed his ex. Fadel is upset and he takes Thanon hostage so Keen can act as an informant.

Meanwhile, Bison wants Kant to take a step back, having secured the birthday party invite. Kant refuses, insisting that he is in it till the end. Touched, Bison brings out Kant’s necklace. Turns out, when he saved Kant from the sea, he also brought back the necklace. They promise each other that they will stay alive and play around as they pretend to be on the Titanic.

At the end of The Heart Killers Episode 10, Fadel mourns his ex while Style comforts him. Fadel confesses that he thought his ex left because he was scared of him but he is dead because of him. He also thinks about all the what-ifs that would have kept his ex alive. He believes Style may die because of him and asks him to leave. Style refuses as he will not give up on their love and that Fadel deserves love. Fadel cries as Style kisses and hugs him.

The Episode Review

The Heart Killers Episode 10 slows it down a bit now that we are in the final stretch of the Thai BL. It also gives Fadel and Style their time to shine. Fadel’s aloof and cold nature is further explored and why he acts the way he does. Style has time and again assured him that he is a good man, but that final scene was quite sweet and wholesome. Fadel’s vulnerability is a pleasant surprise and allows Joong to show his range apart from constantly playing the cocky lead or the tsundere.

Bison and Kant are sugar-dripping sweet as usual, even when they are busy spying on a dangerous assassin. The golf scene was quite hilarious with the way Bison acted jealous of Kant and Nuch. But despite all their flirting and bickering, their love is genuine as they constantly remind viewers with their grand declarations. 

But we are ready for some action in the next episode which also happens to be the penultimate episode. There is also the bit with Officer Christ who is still searching for Bison after he kidnapped Kant. Wonder what new heartbreak the show will give us as we wait for the finale?

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