The Grimm Variations
The Grimm Variations is a six-part anthology based on the renowned Grimm’s Fairy Tales. The chapters include the classic stories of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, The Elves and the Shoemaker, The Town Musicians of Bremen and The Pied Piper of Hamilton. Each chapter will have a “grimm” twist to the tale, starkly different from the versions of children’s folktales popularised by Disney.
The series consists of the overarching story where Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm narrate their famous folktales to their sister, Charlotte, who questions the traditional ending of these tales – “Do you suppose they really lived happily ever after?” she asks, and then revisits to the tales to add her own dark twists.
If you’ve been following this anime, you may be curious to know when the next episode will be released. Well, wonder no more!
The Grimm Variations Release Date
The Grimm Variations will release on Wednesday 17th April worldwide at approximately 8am (GMT)/ 2am (PT)/ 3am (ET).
The anime will be released in original Japanese audio with English subtitles as well as in English dub for viewers to enjoy at their discretion. Each episode is around 45 mins long, which is consistent with the timeframe of the entire series.
Where Can I Watch The Grimm Variations?
The Grimm Variations Season 1 is making it’s grand debut worldwide on Netflix as part of Netflix’s commitment to the anime’s fan community.
How Many Episodes Will The Grimm Variations Have?
It has been officially announced that The Grimm Variations will drop with 6 episode with all the episodes releasing all at once. So with that in mind, after the official release, it conclude season 1 of the anime.
Is There A Trailer for This Anime?
There is indeed! You can check out the brand new trailer below:
Are you excited to watch more of this show? What’s been your favourite moment so far? Let us know in the comments below!