The Frog – K-drama Episode 7 Recap & Review

We’ll See The End Together

Episode 7 of The Frog starts with Yeong-ha in the hospital breaking down, claiming it’s all his fault that everything has taken place. We then cut to Sung-a, who notices the mud on the front of her car as she pulls into the art gallery parking lot.

In the midst of this, a guy called Jae-sik shows up in her car and throws Sung-a off-guard. It turns out, he’s Sung-a’s estranged partner and he’s been in prison and has just got out. Sung-a is frosty with him and for good reason too. He chases her through the parking lot and the pair end up fighting.

Jae-sik lashes out at her and claims that she took her anger out on Si-hyeon, blaming her for their kid being murdered. He’s convinced that she killed him.

It’s here that we learn that Si-hyeon’s birth mother walked out when her son was born and Sung-a has been adopting that role ever since. She continues to feign ignorance, claiming she has no idea what happened to Si-hyeon. However, she soon rings the alarm and throws a fire extinguisher through a car, racing off and locking herself in the office. In the midst of this, she does antagonize him and admits she killed Si-hyeon.

Jae-sik eventually hits her and as she lies on the ground passed out, a whole bunch of witnesses see this commotion. Jae-sik runs away, while Sung-a heads back to the gallery, despite her busted lip.

Sung-a makes quite the elaborate scene as she winds up driving right into the middle of the exhibit in a white van. She doesn’t hang about though, as she approaches Dr Yoo and demands that he keep Jae-sik somewhere for a few days for her. She then leaves the gallery and heads home.

Sung-a erratically throws her bloodied shirt up on the lights, which Gyeong-nam notices when he checks back on the CCTV footage. Sung-a though doesn’t care and while she hangs around the Rental Motel, causing havoc for everyone, Yong-chae starts to get annoyed by her presence.

Yong-chae even offers to pay her off but she’s having none of it. Given Yeong-ha has already agreed to pay up, Yong-chae doesn’t believe her and antagonizes the woman. The pair end up butting heads, eventually leading to Sung-a stabbing him in the back before beating him to a pulp with his crutches.

On a mad one, Sung-a heads to the supermarket and starts buying up bleach, barbecue charcoal and other items. Who should be there shopping? Yep, it’s Bo-min! This woman is literally everywhere! She watches as Sung-a piles up items on her trolley and even sees the bleach for herself.

We then cut to her out in the fields. Bo-min follows her, just as Gyeong-nam rings and claims that he has something to report. While she leaves, Ui-seon receives a message that her father is not doing too well and is hurt. Unbeknownst to her, Yong-chae is tied up and bloodied in the basement, tied to a chair. Given he’s gagged as well, he can’t reply so this is all Sung-a’s doing.

Sung-a is back though and she invites Ui-seon inside for a drink. Ui-seon can’t get through to Yeong-ha, so Sung-a decides to spin her web of deceit. She claims that she and Yeong-ha are accomplices and killed Si-hyeon. She also tells her that Yeong-ha cleaned up the mess but of course, Ui-seon is not stupid.

Ui-seon heads outside and manages to blindside Sung-a, knocking her down before saving Yong-chae from his predicament. Unfortunately, Sung-a returns with a vengeance and the pair end up fighting around the basement, right amidst all the vinyl. Unfortunately, this ends with Sung-a choking out Ui-seon and presumably killing her. We then cut to Sung-a with a red suitcase, with the implication being that she’s stuffed inside.

This then catches us up to the moments at the end of the previous episode. Sung-a is covered in blood because of both Yong-chae and Ui-seon, and she goads Yeong-ha into returning. Well, he does just that, armed with his rifle, and determined to get his revenge.

Yeong-ha catches up to her down by the pool and a tense stand-off ensues. Yeong-ha explains he really was going to sell the rental to her until she went insane and off the rails.

As for Sung-a, she retorts that she does her best work in the Motel and that’s partly why she wants to buy this place. She offers him a chance to head down and save his friend, and gives a window of 30 minutes to do just that.

Yeong-ha finds Yong-chae bloodied and in a rough way, so he drives him up to the hospital. While he’s being patched up, Gyeong-nam, the laundry guy who noticed Sung-a on the CCTV footage earlier in the episode, confronts Yeong-ha outside, wanting answers. He doesn’t give them though, pushing the guy over and silently getting back in his car and racing back.

As for Sung-a, she notices Yeong-ha return and he nearly smashes into her car. He’s on the warpath and armed with an axe, he goes all “here’s Yeong-ha!” and breaks in.

Sung-a offers him the chance to live at the Motel safe and sound as, after her successful exhibit (despite driving through the middle of it) she’s got tickets to leave the country. Sung-a promises that he’ll find Ui-seon safe and sound, apparently, and she’ll never come back.

However, if he does mess up, he’ll not only see Ui-seon die but she’ll make his life a living hell. All of this rests on whether he keeps his mouth shut about the attacks on both Yong-chae and Si-hyeon.

After what Yeong-ha has seen, and the damage that keeping quiet can do, he receives a call from captain Bo-min. He thinks about it…but then ignores the call. If he can make Ui-seon and Yong-chae keep quiet and forget all of this, she’ll slip out like nothing. However, she also needs his help in burying “something” in the vegetable garden. He agrees…but wants to see Ui-seon first.

Sung-a reluctantly agrees and they head down to the dock together. However, when they get there, the red suitcase is right on the edge of the dock…but it’s completely empty. Yeong-ha has set her up as Bo-min arrives with the police. She’s surrounded, as it becomes clear that Gyeong-nam was actually the one who called this in, with the CCTV footage incriminating Sung-a.

Bo-min, with the bit between her teeth, spoke to Yeong-ha outside the Motel before he arrived to confront Sung-a. He reveals everything about the kidnapping and how they set up Sung-a to try and buy some time to find the car and saving Ui-seon who, as we find out, isn’t dead but was stuffed into this suitcase.

After saving Ui-seon, Sung-a is taken away in handcuffs and arrested for assault and kidnapping. As for Yeong-ha, he charges into the hospital, determined to make sure Ui-seon is okay. She has bleeding from the abdomen… and she may need to abort her child. Yep, it turns out she was actually pregnant when all of this happened and Ui-seon is in a rough way. 

At the hospital, Yeong-ha blames himself for what happened and keeping quiet all this time. Bo-min though is there for him and tells Yeong-ha that he’s the victim and he did the best he could. As Yeong-ha breaks down crying, it appears this nightmare is finally over. Or it would be, if there wasn’t another episode to follow.

Yeong-ha heads outside and decides to open up to Bo-min, pointing out that he believes Sung-a has murdered someone and was going to bury Si-hyeon at the Motel. We then see someone show up and grab the rifle from the Motel basement… but who could that be?

The Episode Review

The penultimate episode to The Frog is where everything comes to a head. Having learned from Gi-ho the dangers of keeping quiet and how it can rip a family apart, Yeong-ha does the right thing and finally decides to speak up. It definitely takes courage to do this and Bo-min is a good detective, telling Yeong-ha exactly what he needed to hear to get him to open up.

The show has been a good watch and although the first half did drag on a bit, this second half has really put its foot on the gas and picked up in a massive way.

It’ll be interesting to see where this goes in the finale and quite what happened to Si-hyeon, but thankfully we don’t have to wait too long to find out!

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Expect  a full season review for The Frog later this weekend!

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2 thoughts on “The Frog – K-drama Episode 7 Recap & Review”

  1. Hey Lisa, thanks for commenting! I’ve just gone in and elaborated on that bit in the recap as she does initially feign ignorance before snapping and then telling him to his face that she killed him so I’ve hone in and corrected that bit. Thanks for the heads up!

    -Greg W

  2. Sang-a absolutely said she murdered Jae-sik’s son. Said it right to his face. I’m not sure why you said she feigned ignorance, claiming she has no idea what happened to Si-hyeon.

    I keep finding things incorrectly explained in every episode’s review but have chosen to comment on only a few. I have one last episode to watch and the only reason I’m still watching is because I can’t quit a show. Even one as stupid as this one. The actions of the two main characters are so absolutely asinine, I can’t believe anyone would actually find this even halfway decent. There are two things positive I can say about. It’s shot beautifully and the acting is quite good. The writing is atrocious, though. Watching this made me angry that the writers felt the audience would be too stupid to see how bad it was. This is tied with Inside Man as the top two worst shows I’ve ever seen.

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