The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch – Episode 10 Recap & Review

Episode 10

Viola pays a visit to Lira’s house in the beginning of the episode. While Lira is away, Pound is pleading with their son to leave his room. The stubborn boy though refuses to leave.

Viola attempts to approach Pounds’s son and inquire about his reasons for refusing to leave his room. However, he won’t tell her. After this, Viola resorts to extreme tactics, such as calling upon the sun to heat up the boy’s room. Though Pound forbids her from using force, she does so nonetheless.

Soon after that, Aunt Lira returns home. When she learns that her son isn’t leaving his room, she forcefully gets inside and finds him wrapped in bandages.

Viola, Alyssa, and Lira accompany Guita and her newborn to the park in the episode’s second half. The baby’s debut is expected to take place at the park. On the other hand, Lira encounters Tsundere, an old acquaintance.

It becomes clear that Tsundere has a lot of respect for Lira. However she can’t tell her how she really feels about her. Instead, she picks fights with Lira to mask her nervousness. In this scene, she dares Lira to hold a contest between her friend’s baby and Guita’s baby, with the winner being the parent who socializes with others the most.

During the competition, both teams make an effort to mingle as much as possible. However, Alyssa is able to recognise Tsundere’s true feelings. While announcing the results she declares a tie and asks Lira and Tsundere to shake hands and make amends. Tsundere, though, loses it in the nick of time, smacks Lira’s palm, and bolts.

The Episode Review

In this episode, we follow two major events. Lira and Pound’s son stays in his room for most of the first half of the episode. During the second half, we get a glimpse of Guita’s babies debut and the competition that follows.

In keeping with the spirit of the previous episodes, this one is entertaining and engaging. Despite the show’s best efforts though, the jokes do fall flat. Be that as it may, the show is nonetheless enjoyable to watch.

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