The Elusive Samurai – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review

The Gentle Uncle

Episode 2 of The Elusive Samurai begins with several men searching for someone in a forest. We see someone hiding somewhere and learn that it’s Tokiyuki’s brother, Kunitoki. Then, Kunitoki and Tokiyuki’s uncle Muneshige notices Kunitoki. Muneshige tells Kunitoki that Yorishige plans to help Tokiyuki escape Kamakura.

Then, some low-ranked samurai arrive. Muneshige says they should be okay since low-rank samurai don’t know about their true identities. He approaches the samurai and informs them that the boy nearby is Takatoki’s son, making Kunitoki realize Muneshige betrayed his family, much like Takauji did. Meanwhile, Tokiyuki has a nightmare and Yorishige teases him about it. 

Tokiyuki yells at Yorishige and questions why they’re still in Kamakura. Yorishige says that Kamakura’s exit is heavily guarded so they should hide here until the path clears. Tokiyuki reflects on his current situation and still can’t fathom that Takauji betrayed his family. He confronts Yorishige. Yorishige explains the”game of tag” idea he mentioned in episode one to Tokiyuki. 

Moreover, Yorishige says he foresaw Tokiyuki achieving something incredible with his divine eye. He hopes Tokiyuki will have faith in what he envisioned and suggests they wait it out by placing a board game. Tokiyuki departs. He doesn’t trust Shizuku or Yorishige one bit. Tokiyuki vows to find any remaining members of the Shogunate himself.

Tokiyuki arrives somewhere and eavesdrops on two men discussing Kunitoki’s execution. Tokiyuki yells at the men and tells them his brother didn’t die. The men grow suspicious of Tokiyuki. Before Tokiyuki reveals his true identity to the gentlemen, Yorishige and Shizuku arrive. Yorishige tells the men that Tokiyuki is one of his apprentices who views Kunitoki highly. 

The men tell Tokiyuki that Muneshige ratted Kunitoki out to Nitta’s army. Then, the narrator chimes in. She says Muneshige sold Kunitoki out because he wanted to gain power. We learn he became known as one of Japan’s most brutal warlords. Then, we see Kunitoki getting beheaded. After that, Tokiyuki goes for a stroll with Yorishige and Shizuku at his side. 

Tokiyuki can’t believe more people, even those in his family, betrayed him, Takatoki, and Kunitoki. Muneshige offers Tokiyuki some intel on Muneshige’s current happenings via his future sight. Yorishige extends his hand and asks Tokiyuki if he wants to find Muneshige. Tokiyuki grabs Yorishige’s hand and Yorishige tells Tokiyuki that avenging his brother will serve as his first step to reclaim his country. 

Yorishige also says this ties directly to the “game of tag” idea he spoke of. Then, we cut away to Muneshige asking several folks why they’re not worshipping him for what he did. Muneshige argues he’s not getting much praise for his accomplishment because a concubine birthed Kunitoki. He argues he’ll need to capture Tokiyuki to achieve his goals. 

Yorishige, Shizuku, and Tokiyuki observe Muneshige from afar. The former argues that Muneshige’s demonic personality drove his supporters away. Yorishige suggests they return to their hideout to initiate the next phase of this revenge plan. Before they arrive, Yorishige asks Tokiyuki if he’s nervous. Tokiyuki informs Yorishige that he never took his martial arts training seriously. 

Yorishige tells Tokiyuki that he knows some people who can assist him. The trio return to the hideout and two folks named Kojiro and Ayako greet them there. Yorishige informs Tokiyuki about Kojiro and Ayako’s families concerning the Suwa and Hojo families respectively. Yorishige tells Tokiyuki that these two will train him.

Later, Kojiro and Ayako share their initial impressions of Tokiyuki. The former finds him to be a weak person while the latter thinks he’s adorable. Nevertheless, Ayako hopes she and Kojiro can protect Tokiyuki. A while after, Yorishige presents Tokiyuki with a sword and Shizuku tells everyone that Muneshige is nearby. Muneshige spots Tokiyuki and asks him to come to his side. Tokiyuki asks Muneshige why he betrayed Kunitoki. 

Koshiro and Ayako try attacking Muneshige but he defends himself. Muneshige tells Tokiyuki how he became Kunitoki’s guard. Then, Muneshige fights with Tokiyuki, Koshiro, and Ayako. Tokiyuki observes their fight from a close distance. Then, Muneshige rushes at Tokiyuki and we enter several flashbacks depicting Takauji, Muneshige’s assault on Kunitoki, and Muneshige’s view of this “game of dice” concept. 

During Muneshige and Tokoyuki’s fight, Yorishige tells Ayako and Koshiro to stand aside and let Tokiyuki fight this battle alone. Tokiyuki uses his incredible evasive and observational skills to dodge Muneshige’s attacks. Yorishige explains what sets Tokiyuki apart from other warriors. Then, Yorishige asks Shizuku, Koshiro, and Ayako if they’d serve someone like Tokiyuki.

The three share different answers but argue they wouldn’t mind standing by Tokiyuki’s side. Yorishige asks Koshiro and Ayako to rejoin the fight. However, Yorishige wants them to create an opening for Tokiyuki so he can finish off Muneshige. Tokiyuki finds an opening and beheads Muneshige. Then, we receive a flashback. In it, Tokiyuki and Kunitoki chat about their toy ball. 

The episode closes with Tokiyuki inviting Kunitoki inside for dinner.

The Episode Review

Cloverworks Studios delivers another fun episode of The Elusive Samurai this week. While it’s a bummer we didn’t get to see Tokiyuki compete in a training regime with Ayako and Koshiro, this episode addresses his lack of martial arts talent decently. Seeing Tokiyuki utilize his evasive tactics against Muneshige will excite any Shonen and action junkie. 

Moreover, it’s great that our heroes defeated Muneshige using incredible strategies and proper teamwork. Having Ayako and Koshiro support Tokiyuki during the fight was a brilliant move. However, seeing Tokiyuki develop his martial arts skills over time would be great. Again, the showrunners should dedicate an episode or two to someone teaching our young samurai hero some useful swordsman skills. 

That aside, this episode’s imagery wasn’t just pure eye candy. The visuals inserted in this one carry weight. From Muneshige’s devil-like appearance through a field of smoke to seeing Tokiyuki grieve Kunitoki’s execution, viewers will admire this episode’s meaningful and intense sequences. 

All in all, this was another wonderful showcase from The Elusive Samurai. While the chapter has flaws, this adventurous narrative offers many positives worth highlighting. I’m excited to see where Tokiyuki’s endeavors with Yorishige and his new companions lead him next.   

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