The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin Episode 6
Episode 6 of The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin starts with Tommy Silverside spewing hate about Turpin in front of Hempstead’s residents. He is standing atop Moose and Honesty. Nell and her mother watch from a carriage nearby. Nell reminds her mother of the negotiated terms – to not kill or torture Turpin if she continues to keep making Tommy be the new highwayman of Hempstead.
Is Dick Turpin still in prison?
After the opening credits, we are shown the Syndicate Prison. The time is just after brunch. Turpin is in prison and not happy with the arrangements. He expects some special treatment. He engages in a conversation with a guard named Geoffrey and asks him about washroom facilities, food options and also an escape route. Geoffrey calls the prison ‘Your Annoying Second Cousin’s Wedding’, the one which you can’t get out of.
Back at Hempstead, Tommy Silversides calls for a meeting with the Essex gang. He gives them new uniforms which match with his. Tommy says they would look good in the background. Nell says his flattery won’t work even if he kisses her. Moose asks for a loose-fitting outfit. He says that Turpin encourage expressing one’s individuality. Tommy won’t be doing that. He assigns them a role and asks them to play that only.
Moose is the heavyweight fellow, Honesty is the psychopath and Nell is just ‘a woman’. Moose believes that Turpin’s ways are different while Tommy retorts that he does not like them personally to allow them to be free.
When Moose says that he misses Turpin, Tommy says he is free to leave. Moose and Honesty ask Nell to support them, but she gives up and sides with Tommy. Tommy begins to train the three for the dance, song and other performances. The trio and Tommy head to Craig the warlock’s place and rob him.
Tommy has reported Craig to the Warlock Council for unlicensed enchanting. Tommy proceeds to burn all pamphlets about Tommy and gets new ones made about him. He sits at Little Karen’s pub for the signing and decides on his next target.
At the Syndicate Prison, Turpin dreams about his father. His head is on a table and his father reprimands him for letting fame get to his head. His father plays the devil’s advocate and says that Turpin’s gang does not care for him otherwise they would have rescued him. Turpin defends them by saying that they don’t know where he is. But he is confident that they will come to save him.
What is Tommy Silversides upto?
At the village, Tommy is preparing a plan to rob The Ruin. Nell protests but Moose and Honesty agree with Tommy. Tommy has not let Moose and Honesty sleep and thus he is able to control them to his command. Nell is unhappy with the arrangement and Tommy says that she can take it up with her mother if she has a problem.
Nell promptly visits her mother and her mother has plans of her own. She wants to expand beyond the Hempstead. Nell says her mother won’t find enough highwaymen to work with to which her mother hands her a note. Nell says that she wants to work for Turpin only and her mother accidentally reveals that he would be dead by the next day. Her mother says that he is a good influence, which worries her, hence he will have to die. When Nell says she won’t let her do that, her mother challenges her to stop her.
Geoffrey goes to the prison cell to visit Turpin. Turpin is sporting a beard which he made out of rats’ eyelashes. Geoffrey hands him the new pamphlet about Tommy. It begins to thunder and rain soon after.
Who is Tommy Silversides truly?
Nell takes Moose and Honesty to show who Tommy truly is. Tommy is preparing a performance with his crew. His long hair is a wig, the noble family whom we saw when Tommy was introduced are also paid actors. He is actually an actor named Albert Crumb. Moose and Honesty are happy to know that Tommy is fake. They ask Nell how she knew about this and she brings them up to speed.
At The Ruin, Moose says he will take a lot of time to trust Nell again and begins to trust her not a minute later. Nell says that Turpin is being kept in a secret prison. It is so secret that even the horses are blindfolded when travelling there. Craig is hired by Little Karen after he is put out of business by Tommy. Craig also reveals that his real name is Balthazar the Magnificent.
He only calls himself Craig because his real name does not sound very suitable for a warlock. He says that they need an insider’s help to get Turpin out. Moose, Honesty and Nell remember something and promptly leave to retrieve Turpin from the prison.
How does Dick Turpin get saved?
At the prison, a hooded person walks in. Geoffrey comes to take Turpin to a torture chamber. He says it is a parting gift from Helen Gwinear. The hooded person is none other than Jonathan Wilde. His son Christopher is close behind. Jonathan says that after their last run in, he has been on a journey of self-care and mindfulness. He is warm and affectionate towards his son as well.
Jonathan asks Turpin to pretend that he is being tortured and that he would leave the door open to allow him to escape. Jonathan gives him a pep talk that even if he is a bad highwayman, he has achieved some incredible feat. He gives Turpin his hat and gives him the confidence to overtake Tommy. Jonathan also tells him to take down Helen Gwinear and take his revenge. Turpin closes the cell’s door on his way out thus locking Christopher and Jonathan inside.
Helen Gwinear is angry to find out that Turpin escaped. She fired Geoffrey and heads to Hempstead. Tommy comes to get the Essex gang to rob The Ruin but they are nowhere to be seen. He sees a blackboard with a message ‘It’s Turpin Time’. He is asked to come to Lord Rockwood’s at two o’clock that day.
Tommy arrives at the location and Turpin challenges him to a duel. Tommy tells Gwinear that a rematch was not in his contract. Gwinear threatens him that he will be killed if he does not follow through and win the duel.
Turpin uncovers all of Tommy’s plans. He never did any shooting. It was always well-hidden some marksmen who did it for him. Turpin says that Tommy’s team hates him whereas his Essex gang actually likes Turpin. Lord Rockwood begins the countdown for the duel and Tommy promptly runs away. Turpin is declared the winner.
What happens next with Dick Turpin and his gang?
Gwinear takes the gun to shoot Turpin but Nell comes in her way. Nell says that she chooses her gang over her own mother. Her mother says that makes them enemies now and leaves. Turpin’s father and cousin Benny greet Turpin. His father stammers to say he is proud of his son. Turpin invites them for a group hug and everyone around them comes in.
At The Ruin, Ms Beans introduces her new pamphlet to the gang. Craig is fired from the bar and he returns to warlock activities. Turpin says that they will have to wait for the next adventure to present itself to them. Nell says one has to look for them and it can take time. Just then, a royal guard comes in with the news that a royal carriage containing jewels will pass the village and that no one is allowed to rob it. Turpin sees it as an opportunity.
Back at the prison, Jonathan and Christopher are still in the prison cell. Jonathan tells Geoffrey that he is not Turpin and Geoffrey says that he has no way to know that. Geoffrey says that it is time for his holiday swim and promptly leaves. Jonathan vows revenge on Turpin again as the episode, and thus the first season comes to a conclusion.
The Episode Review
Well, what an end to a funny little ride of a show! We all knew that Dick Turpin would be saved and reunited with his Essex gang. But the way he was saved and reunited is truly in Turpin fashion – full of panache and sheer luck. With this episode, the first season of The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin comes to a conclusion.
It was quite a revelation about Tommy Silversides, won’t you agree? We knew he was a fraud of some sort, but being a hired actor is surprising indeed. All is well that ends well, right? Turpin and the Essex gang have found their next adventure. Let’s hope they will return with more adventures!
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