The Accident (2024) – Season 1 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Episode 1

Episode 1 of The Accident (2024) aka Accidente begins 5 hours before the accident. It is Rodrigo Lobo’s birthday and his mom, Daniela gifts him a goldfish.

Moncho the groundskeeper is indebted to the Lobos for treating him as family while his son, Quique is friends with Rodri. However, his wife, Yola is cynical and believes the family is nice to them to win brownie points with God.

Meanwhile, the father, Emiliano shows Rodri the land where he plans to build the largest theme park in Mexico with his brother-in-law, David and best friend, Javier. However, it still needs to be confirmed as the men have to find their footing with the American investors who are funding the 40 million dollars.

We then see the guests that are invited. Lupita and Charro find Emiliano snobbish but they need his contacts. Their older son, Alex is dating Emiliano’s teen daughter, Lucia. Javier’s wife, Brenda has a kid with Mauricio.

3 hours before the accident we see that Lucia has candy-like drugs. Rodri spots them and she threatens to hurt him before joking. It cuts to Daniela who is a cop and her partner, Santos looking into the drugs case.

Outside, the air pumps for the bouncy house are broken and Moncho is sent out to get new ones. He drinks while resolving the situation.

2 hours before the accident we see the party in full force. Lucia and Alex flirt. David eyes Lupita and Charro notices while jokingly threatening him. Fabian is Daniela’s ex-psychologist while Charro wants in on the theme park contract.

A while later, chaos ensues as the kids clamour to get the bouncy house ready and Daniela wants more ice. Moncho needs to tie the bouncy house down and Emiliano tells him to get ice while he finishes it. Right when he is going to tie it, he gets a call from the investors and rushes inside. The call is a success and the investors agree to more than the set amount.

On seeing that the bouncy house is pumped up, the kids rush to it. Daniela takes their photos before letting them get on. Soon, a strong gust of wind lifts the bouncy house along with the kids. The parents scream and try to run towards it but the bouncy house is already in the air and floats away.

Santos arrives and Detective Fonseca reveals that 3 kids have died – Rodrigo, Brenda’s kid, and Charro’s youngest. Some of the kids have fallen and are injured. However, one held on to the bouncy house and is now missing – Fabian’s kid, Paula. While the search is on for Paula, the rest hold a funeral for the dead kids.

It’s been many days but Daniela continues to search for Paula. As for Charro, he believes his Gabito was murdered and he will avenge him. The cops try to explain that there have been 132 such accidents with 28 deaths in the past. However, Charro doesn’t care and vows to hold someone responsible.

Elsewhere, Brenda goes through the videos and photos of the party and finds that the bouncy house was not tied down. She tells everyone and the Lobos confirm that it was Moncho’s responsibility.

The hot-headed Charro heads to the Lobos’ and beats up Moncho. His men hold Yola and burn down the groundskeeper’s house with his kids in it. Fortunately, Daniela and Emilano arrive in time and save the kids. Along with Charro, Moncho is arrested for the bouncy house accident. Emiliano promises to get Moncho out but looks disturbed when the latter says he did nothing wrong.

At home, Daniela blames Moncho for being careless and wants him to pay. Emiliano tries to convince her it was an accident but she doesn’t believe him.

At the end of The Accident Episode 1, Emiliano tells David to look after his family and the contract. David is confused as he wonders what’s wrong. Emiliano finally comes clean that he was the one who forgot to stake the bouncy house down.

The Episode Review

Well, The Accident Episode 1 is definitely off to an intriguing start. Netflix’s trailer made it seem campy and hilarious with viewers wondering what could come out of a bounce house flying off. But in the first episode, we see that the bouncy house was only a catalyst. The actual show is a thriller with strains of classism and mafia-level revenge. Charros and his family definitely have a gangster-like background while poor Moncho is about to become the scapegoat.

Sebastián Martínez is likely to steal the show as Emiliano as he plays the weak-minded rich guy pretty well. Despite the focus of this episode mostly being on the incident and exposition, the limited screen time has Emiliano coming off as the righteous guy who unfortunately can be easily swayed or manipulated. We can already guess that his initial need to tell the truth will be waylaid either by his wife or his business partners.  


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