Season 1 |
Episode Guide
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6 – 10 Best Moments So Far (episodes 1-6)
Episode 7
Episode 8 – More Best Moments (episodes 7-8)
Episode 9
Episode 10 – Final Best Moments (episodes 9-10)
Fly-on-the-wall TV has never been so charming
Leave it to Japan to share a reality show like no other. If you’ve watched Terrace House Tokyo or any number of other reality shows, you might be tempted to think you know what this is. No. Stop right there. The Boyfriend is different.
Let’s start by saying this right up front – 10 episodes is not enough. For us, nor the 5 hosts who comment at each juncture nor the 9 guys themselves. If you’ve waited to binge the whole gaggle, or – for shame! – not yet heard about this series, let’s back up a moment. The Boyfriend is Netflix’s winner of a reality dating show, the first in Japan to focus on male-only romance.
The bachelors gather together in a seaside beach house called the ‘Green Room,’ as well as run a mint-colored coffee truck, using the meagre profits as they wish. On the daily, they’re given tasks typically related to the coffee truck and occasionally interspersed with an opportunity to connect with a crush. Standard stuff.
But whether they’ve joined the cast to meet a romantic partner, find a lifelong friend or improve themselves, these men bring their hopes and dreams and are surprisingly determined to wear them on their sleeves. To keep things whipping along, with sharp editing, there’s a cliffhanger in nearly every episode.
The cast (in alphabetical order) includes:
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What’s remarkable, compared to other reality dating shows, is how incredibly sincere and honest they are, trusting each other to share their feelings openly on all manner of sensitive topics. Using the time they have to push themselves beyond their typical limits, there’s no back-biting, no one gets angry at rejection or because the one they like is interested in someone else. It’s an incredible lesson in how to date nicely and without game-playing. Everyone is polite while some are more shy than others. Episode by episode, you watch them learn from each other and quite literally improve, noticing growth in themselves.
Truth be told, you’ll love each and every sensitive, considerate one of them. But who’s your fav? In an earlier story – 10 Best Moments So Far – I promised to confess mine at the end of this full season review but I’ll flag it in advance so it won’t become a spoiler for you Nubes.
Back to the 10 episodes problem. While this is somewhat typical of Japanese TV – a short series that leaves you wanting more – even the hosts agree that there’s more to be had and it feels like it ended too soon. Will they all keep in touch? Likely they’ll host reunions like Japanese school classes to reminisce and catch up with friends and crushes. BUT WE WON’T BE THERE. Or will they randomly gift us in a year or two?
Thinking back to each of the chapters, there were slow moments like a rest here and there but nearly every one of the 10 is jam-packed with poignant moments. One of the hosts likened it to Summer Camp for Adults and I tend to agree. Between the running of the coffee truck, challenges, dates, confessionals and the day-to-day living stuff like cooking and cleaning, a lot is happening. That’s before the emotional breakdowns or friend-to-lover revelations. Even though everyone is so pleasant, it’s a gripping ride as to where each heart will go next. It certainly feels like we’re on a clock.
Ok, confession time – read beyond at risk to your own heart. When we started this thing, I promised to share my pick. Did you already guess? Just as he made such an immediate impression on so many of the guys, Kazuto was instantly my favorite. Right from the off, he was like a shimmering star completely without realizing it. Joining the group on their second night but bringing a mountain of food, he cooked for everyone. As soon as he lopped off that big fish head and tried to stand it up with a cute smile – hooked. I mean really, who can resist a man who can cook and find the funny in random things? But of course, that’s only the beginning. From the way he looks at Usak when they first meet to his shocked reaction to the many varied confessions he receives… He’s just a lovely guy in a weird situation.
While it took me a few episodes to warm up to Alan, in the end, he turned out to be a great potential partner for my precious. Though I would have liked to see Kazuto react to Usak when he had the chance or even afterwards (I secretly hoped he would text Usak). Ah well, maybe he needs someone who will help him become more expressive. And that’s certainly Alan – who surprisingly turns out to be everyone’s big brother. He should instantly give up the IT game and become a therapist, the way he sees through everyone’s feelings.
My second favorite was Taeheon, who seemed to give more than he received. But he’s got his own little journey to work on. You’ll see…
Ah, it’s been an emotional ride for all of us. Click on through to see a Final Best Moments story that I’ll be posting shortly.
Meanwhile, what are your thoughts on The Boyfriend? Who was your favorite from the beginning? By the End? What would you rate it out of 10? Time to confess in the comments below. Keep scrolling to see where we landed.
Stream the entire series of The Boyfriend on Netflix. Catch our 10 Best Moments (eps 1-6), More Best Moments (eps 7-8) and Final Best Moments (eps 9-10) stories for more of the good stuff.
READ MORE: Japanese content reviews or Full Season Reviews.
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Verdict - 9/10
Welcome CH!
So happy to see your comment. Completely agree – it is really special and unique. Fingers crossed your hopes come to fruition. Maybe with enough love for this show, people will feel moved.
Thanks so much for reading and for commenting!
10 out of 10
it is so strange to feel that i just watched something really special and unique
i am really hopeful that this show will have an impact on japanese society and their views on same sex rights and laws