The Boy Next World – Season 1 Episode 4 Recap & Review

Closing the Distance

The Boy Next World Episode 4 finds us back in the rain, this time under a bus shelter. Cir wants to know if Phukan wants him to leave this world but Phu turns it around, wondering if Cir misses his other life. Cir is happy wherever there is a Phu.

Cir suggests they travel to university together but Phu has plans tomorrow to meet Jin. Jealous, Cir tries to get Phu to agree that there’s something between them, but out wiggles out of it, distracting him by mentioning that he’s also going to the movies with Jin tomorrow evening.

At dinner, Jin chuckles that Phu accompanies him to movies he doesn’t understand but Phu claims it’s because Jin always treats. Jin asks if Cir knows that he’s out, presuming he’d be jealous. Phu wonders if Jin can read his mind and is curious about why he encourages this sudden relationship with Cir. But Jin is happy to see him with someone who gives him all his attention.

When Phu makes it back to the building, he’s soaking having been splashed by a car. Cir is waiting and jumps to wrap him in his jacket and drag him upstairs for a shower. Phu resists when Cirrus starts unbuttoning his shirt but he lets him kiss him before leaving. When Cir notes that he’s happy Phu reacts to him, he’s immediately tossed out by a now completely embarrassed Phu.

Having received a text from Jin, Cir meets him outside. In a mysterious conversation, Jin seems to understand Cir’s circumstances, possibly having a similar affliction. Jin indicates he can hear people’s thoughts. Even knowing his secrets, he tells Cir that he’ll support him as long as he treats Phu well.

In the cafeteria, Achi jumps on Phu for spending time with Cir. Just as he tries to dig for dirt, Cir appears scaring off their other friends. Achi tries to introduce himself but Cir stonewalls him. Instead, Phu and Cir go for a walk, Phu wondering if the Cir in this world would like him too. Of course, he answers.

Just as they decide to go for hotpot, a man pulls up demanding that Cir go home for dinner with his mother. Cirrus resists but Phukan encourages him to drive himself to meet his mother.

Rained on again, Phu makes it home with a sneeze. Now at his mother’s house, Cirrus texts Phu to ensure he arrived home safely. The man suggests he take a rest until his mother gets home, noting that dinner may take a while. He waits by talking to Phu who tells him he can call whenever, that he likes talking to him.

Having had enough of waiting, Cirrus aims to head to the dorm but is dissuaded. Perhaps he should stay over and talk in the morning? Cir would rather leave but the man insists he should wait as his mother would like to talk about the rules. Like making contact with his father. Cir heads back in the house noting that he’d like to speak to his mother as well.

Working on a group project, Phu’s cold is getting worse. After he sneezes on Achi, his friends send him home to rest. Phu calls his mom for some sympathy, noting he’s wishing for her special dishes. But she won’t be back in Thailand anytime soon. Feeling sad, Phu rushes off the phone, missing his deceased father as well.

While at Cir’s mother’s house, she’s less than happy to see him. Annoyed, she claims he broke the rules as he goes through them one by one. She believes it’s his father encouraging him to date a boy to ruin her reputation. Yet Cir insists that he hasn’t breached their agreement so she capitulates. He can have his freedom until the day he graduates.

Ready to head back he gives Phu a quick call instantly guessing he has a cold. He offers to bring Phu a few items even though he claims he’s not sick. Cir rushes out while his mother thinks about how nice it will be to cage him after graduation, especially now that he’s got a taste of freedom.

Racing back with supplies, Cir knocks a few times but hears no response. Worried, he lets himself in. But Phu appears, wanting a hug to feel better.

Flash to: Wim getting scolded by a teacher for Cir’s absence. Spotting Achi he asks if he’s seen Cirrus. When Jin joins them, he shares that Cir went to his mother’s house. Wim runs off calling Cir’s sister to find out if she knows anything about it. Jin watches him leave with fond eyes.


The Episode Review

I’ll pretend I didn’t see the previews for next week and work with what we know. So, Jin has some kind of gifts too, as we suspected. And it looks like he’s somehow intertwined with Cirrus, having similar abilities. It’s looking like they can hear other people’s thoughts.

And we’re starting to see that Cirrus isn’t exactly what he seems, continuing to drive a relationship with Phukan like it’s a necessity. Phu, of course, is falling for the treatment even as he believes Cir is from a parallel universe. It would be tough to resist that charm offensive, wouldn’t it?

Meanwhile, Cir’s relationship with his mother seems fairly corporate, which reminds me of a comment Wim remembered him making previously about being a robot. No doubt, his mother will have an arranged marriage ready for him upon graduation as well. But if she’s upset about him meeting his father, who could that be? Someone we’ve already met?


How did you hear about The Boy Next World? Are you a BossNouel (Love in the Air) fan or is finding this drama a happy accident? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 

If you love them, check out our interview story where the guys talk about the intensity of creating the drama, working together and upcoming projects. 

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