The Boy Next World – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review

The Identity of the Stranger

The Boy Next World Episode 2 brings us back to the hospital, now from Cirrus’ perspective. He’s distraught to find himself there with no Phu in sight. But as he runs to Phu’s dorm that first night, it’s Phu’s feelings we hear.

The next morning, Phu can’t stop thinking about it. Meeting with friends, they patiently explain that Cir must have a thing for him. As a guy with many walls, he wouldn’t be bringing Phu stuff if he didn’t like him. Shocked to receive a call from Cir because he misses him, Phu continues his fluster.

Daydreaming in class, Cirrus recalls their first meeting back in high school. His recollection fades as friends enter the classroom, arguing and soaking wet, just before class begins. Raining? Cir ditches class and runs to get an umbrella – Phukan always forgets his.

As expected, Phukan is outside complaining to his angel. And Cir appears with exactly what he needs. Cir marvels at how Phu is just the same. He continues to surprise Phu, knowing the passcode to his room and recalling his cute mannerisms.

Inside, Phu invites Cir to talk but he immediately back-hugs Phu, overwhelmed by his feelings. Believing Cir has him confused with a Phu from a parallel universe, he tries to understand how they knew each other. They don’t get far when Cir takes a call from the hospital – he’s late to get his head stitches removed. So, Phu quickly drags him out.

At the hospital, a nurse scolds Phukan for letting Cir escape three days early with a concussion. He forces Cirrus to explain why he left the hospital. Having been told that they weren’t boyfriends Cir had to see Phu for himself. Phukan reminds him that he is not the Phu he knows. But cajoles him to promise that he won’t miss further hospital appointments only to be forced into a promise of his own.

The next day, pondering how a guy like Cir could like him, Phu lands that Cir must be an alien. Cirrus is just thankful that Phu is giving him a chance to get to know him again. Before they get far, thunder rumbles and Phu runs to get his laundry. Cir solves it for him so Phu dries Cir’s hair. Accidentally bumping his scar, Phu lands in a compromising position and quickly runs away in embarrassment.

Returning in dry clothes, he finds a cup and string set up like a phone. Demonstrating their first meeting, Cir recalls their exact conversation. But in Phu’s world, no one ever answered. With that, Phu is keen to hear more things Cir knows about him. In addition to his penchant for lucky-colored underwear on specific days of the week, Cir knows about a mole on his hip. Phu agrees to let him stay close so Cir kisses him.

At school, Cirrus runs into Phu’s friend Jin, who suggests he tell Phukan the truth. Elsewhere, Phu argues with himself about Cir, telling Jin that he’ll help Cir get back to his own world as the other Phu must miss him. Jin tries to dissuade him but Phu is determined and sets off to find Cir. As his head spins with thoughts, Cir appears to pull him out of harm’s way.

Flashback: When Cirrus finds the cup phone, he doesn’t respond but hides instead.


The Episode Review

In this episode, what seems like a lot of time is spent rehashing Episode 1, clarifying different points of view. It also drops the nugget that there’s more to this story than meets the eye. Who’s spotted that both Jin and Rome appear a bit other-worldly? Random people who see things differently? Or guys in on whatever is happening?

This episode, titled ‘The Identity of the Stranger’ doesn’t feel like it answered the identity question. Or perhaps this is where Phukan is – he believes Cirrus is from a parallel universe – so, identity issue solved. For him. Who else is buying it?

There’s rarely an Asian drama that doesn’t have some little piece harkening back to a previous childhood connection. Or could the rub be guardian angels as Phukan believes? Either way, lots to come. And the chemistry is already starting to glint between the pair. Good old BossNouel. If you’re enjoying this and haven’t yet caught Love in the Air, this could occupy you until next week’s drop.


How did you hear about The Boy Next World? Are you a BossNouel (Love in the Air) fan or is finding this drama a happy accident? If you love the pairing, stick with us – there just may be an interview story… Check out their video message here!

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 

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  • Episode Review

2 thoughts on “The Boy Next World – Season 1 Episode 2 Recap & Review”

  1. Hi P,

    Yes, I totally get it. There were charming together in LITA. How are you enjoying this drama so far?

    Thanks for reading & for commenting!

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