Terror Tuesday: Extreme – Episode 3 “Ode To My Family” Recap & Review

Ode To My Family

Terror Tuesday: Extreme episode 3 starts with a horrible accident befalling a family as Win is the suspect in a crime. This hangs heavy over him as Win finds himself rejected by the rest of his family after getting his father busted by the police. In the house, there’s a strange room bolted shut that appears to hold someone (or something) inside.

Win can’t stop thinking about the door, so in the middle of the night, he tries to open it. However, the paper binding the door shut breaks, and just like that the padlock disappears. Win is clearly possessed and when he comes to, Win’s sister is there to snap him out of his entranced state.

After dinner the next day, the gang work and manage to open up the locked door. However, there doesn’t appear to be anything inside. Or, well, anything left now. That night, things take a spooky turn. Win’s mother is stalked in the kitchen as she hears strange screeching.

While this is going on, Win and his sister Linda discuss the party and the cops showing up. She’s not happy that he didn’t wait until she was abroad, and they float the idea of moving some place else. Win is uneasy when some of his noodles go missing (must be a hungry ghost!) and he tries to tape up the mysterious door again. However, in the morning the tape is ripped up again.

Win’s mum appears to be possessed throughout the day, giggling strangely and lashing out at dinner and cackling like a witch. She chops up the meat and overacts the entire scene, eventually leading to her cutting her own hand.

Unfortunately, this results in Win’s dad killing his mum, while Linda and Win watch in shock. Unfortunately, it’s a massacre as Win is forced to shoot his sister. All the family come at him in their zombified states, so Win heads into the hidden room and shuts the door. When Win ends up coughing up blood and hallucinating, he finds the strange spirit locking him up inside after snapping a family photo.

However, we then cut to Win outside the door, with the family inside, as Linda calls him back. The tape is replaced on the door too and it appears as if the spirit is locked inside… or is it?

The Episode Review

So this ambiguous episode of Terror Tuesday sees another tale of possession, this time with the family unleashing some strange demon into their house which ends up causing havoc everywhere.

It’s a simple enough set-up and some of the imagery is quite good but it’s not particularly original. There are some nice moments but the episode itself feels like ground we’re re-treading, even within this anthology. Hopefully the next episode is an improvement.  

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You can read our full season review for Terror Tuesday here!

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