Tehran – Season 2 Episode 8 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

Blood Funeral

Episode 8 of Tehran Season 2 starts with Milad phoning Tamar and telling her the bad news. Mohammadi is on the way and she needs to leave immediately. The thing is, the place is surrounded by security.

Does Tamar escape The General’s compound?

Tamar does her best “I’m super suspicious” impression, as she evades the eyesight of the security guards and watches as The General’s wife breaks down into tears when news of Peyman’s death reaches her.

In fact, this news spreads like wildfire as Tamar heads back to see Milad and Marjan; she’s not happy. Faraz rocks up in this apartment after, hitting out at Marjan and telling her she needs to finish the job. After their botched attempt on Mohammadi’s life, it’s only a matter of time before they figure out that everything was staged and Peyman’s death was no mere accident.

What is Faraz’s idea?

In order to thwart that, Faraz suggests thy should use Peyman’s funeral to get the upper-hand. There will be a moment when Mohammadi will be alone with Peyman’s body; they can use an underground passage to get to him and take the guy out. Brilliant.

Unfortunately though, Mossad refuses and tells them to evacuate. Marjan defies her superiors and tells the group after her private call they’ve been given the green-light.

How is Tamar going to kill The General? Does Mossad get involved?

With the plan laid out, Faraz urges Nahid to come with him to Peyman’s funeral. Marjan briefs Tamar, giving her something to kill Mohammadi with.

This happens to be an aerosol that enters the bloodstream through the respiratory system. With this in her possession, Tamar shows up at the funeral but her name isn’t on the list.

Thankfully, Faraz is working as security details and he lets her pass, checking her bag himself.

With eyes on the villa, Yulia sees Tamar show up and immediately rings Marjan, demanding an explanation. She’s unable to get through so she sends Amir to threaten Marjan and Milad, who are waiting outside.

Yulia hands over the phone to Marjan, telling her she has 15 minutes to get Tamar out. If not, she’s going to run her husband’s name into the ground and make him the biggest traitor in Iran.

Does Mohammadi learn the truth about Peyman?

Meanwhile, the engineers from the wreckage have found something that looks Mossad in design (which we know is the bug planted in Betty). Faraz is called to the checkpoint outside to investigate, where Marjan happens to be waiting to get in.

Faraz reluctantly lets her in, where she immediately heads over to see Nahid, who happens to be inside but struggling. She is, of course, there to make sure Tamar follows through with her goal. If not then Tamar is going to be killed.

Is The General killed?

Well, drama involving Vahid sees him kicked out the building after almost blowing Tamar’s cover. Marjan takes Tamar aside and urges her to get out, admitting that Yulia haven’t approved this operation.

Tamar is shocked and decides to go for “Plan B.” Part of this comes from Nahid double-crossing Marjan, spraying the aerosol in her face.

As Marjan passes away, Mohammadi learns about the device bugged in Peyman’s car. Tamar rings from Peyman’s phone, and presses a button that blows it up completely, exploding the whole room.

How does Tehran season 2 end?

Faraz and Nahid are reunited, noticing Marjan choking and gasping for air on the floor. They shut the door and let her die. Milad and Tamar drive away.

The pair arrive at a parking lot, with a silver car waiting for them to move into. Only, there’s one final twist to come.  Tamar steps out the car, ready to get her stuff from the boot, but as Milad steps into the silver car, the whole thing explodes. Milad is gone. And as for Tamar, she’s forced to run.

The Episode Review

So the final episode of Tehran bows out this turbulent second season with lots of unresolved plot points. Was it Mossad that tried to kill Tamar there? Is the General actually dead? What happened to Faraz? Will The General’s men figure out about the device? What about the engineers and what they’ve discovered?

Not only that but we also don’t really get an ending here. Tamar is back on the run, just like she was at the start of season 2, but this time without Milad who has got himself blown up. The cynic in me sees that as a blessing in disguise, given how much of a liability he’s been all season, but then Tamar hasn’t been much better either.

It’ll be interesting to see if this series is renewed again or not, although the story does conclude the General storyline – unless he’s actually still alive. We don’t see a dead body so it could be that he’s survived that… somehow!

Either way though, Tehran has delivered a pretty messy second season, one that’s hobbled over the finish line rather than triumphantly sprinting. Still, it’s definitely been a tense affair all the same!

Previous Episode

You can read our full season review for Tehran season 2 here!


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13 thoughts on “Tehran – Season 2 Episode 8 Recap, Review & Ending Explained”

  1. The first season was quite promising. Well-timed, suspenseful, characters seemed believable. The chemistry between Tamar and Milad worked great. Then it all descended into a chaotic, messy, incomprehensible nonsense. Too bad!

  2. Why did Nahid poison Marjan? Unless perhaps ….Nahid is also deep undercover for Mossad and carried out Yulia’s threat to have Marjan killed if she didn’t get Tamar out within Yulia’s designated time limit. I know that sounds ridiculous but can’t think of any other rationale.

  3. This review has a few details wrong… no Israelis saw marjan die.

    Faraz got it done, delivered the explosives… tamar pushed the button.

    Who set up the silver car? Seems like Fares did.

  4. Omygoodness just love this show and was very addictive. Crossing fingers there is Season 3

  5. “Hobbled over the finish line”?? Rubbish! Episode 8 was fantastic, it sprinted past the finish line with (hopefully) Season 3 coming right up.

  6. I mean the phone was the bomb. It caused a huge fire ball, blowing out all the windows. The bomb was next to the General’s head. So yeah, the General is dead, dead. Unequivocally dead. There is no more General. They showed it. He is not coming back. Because they killed him off.

  7. Much better than the first season. And the music score is amazing, as much a part of the intensity as anything onscreen.

  8. I thought this was a great season, probably better than the first season. There was more action, and thankfully nothing boring like that trip Tamar took to the far away drug city where she and Milad first had sex. I’m hoping this series is renewed. Although Glenn Close was great in this series, Niv Sultan and Shaun Toub are the true stars, rightfully so. I actually feel bad for both of their characters as their governments continuously threaten them. They can kill off any other characters, but if either Tamar or Faraz die, end the series.

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