Teacup (2024) – Season 1 Episode 6 Recap & Review

Episode 6

Episode 6 of Teacup begins with Maggie healing Ellen’s head injury, unaware that she’s a Visitor. Visitor Ellen tries to transfer to Maggie but Valeria enters the room in time. James, Ruben, Meryl and the rest of the gang return to the house. Nicholas tells his parents everything and Ruben asks to be taken to McNab’s car. Meryl helps Maggie treat McNab while Donald fills James in about Olsen. From what Travis said, James figures out that the Visitor simply moved from Olsen to Ellen.

Ruben, Valeria and Nicholas walk back through the woods. Valeria realises Ruben knows about the affair and tries to explain that it wasn’t her intention to hurt him. They find the broken jar with a bit of the rainbow liquid still left inside. Ruben gets transfixed but suddenly a wolf is staring at them. It drinks the liquid. Nicholas shoots a bullet towards it and it runs off, across the line, perfectly safe. Nicholas then finds a diary on the ground that belonged to McNab.

Maggie speaks to Arlo, who says that Harbinger’s mission is to find a machine without waking up more Assassins (hidden within people). Harbinger says he is the on switch for the machine after which, they need to prepare.

McNab wakes up and threatens Maggie to hand over her son. Arlo says McNab is one of the good ones but McNab is paranoid and can’t trust anybody else. Of course, Maggie doesn’t give up Arlo. He ends up shooting at Donald and then making a run for it.

With McNab on the run, the family holes up while James and Donald look for Ellen. He tells the others that she could have Assassin in her. This is when Ruben, Valeria and Nicholas return. Nicholas goes up to Arlo’s room and shows the others McNab’s diary. When they begin to hear noises, Maggie heads downstairs to check but doesn’t find anything.

Meanwhile, Ruben searches the garage while Valeria waits outside. James looks through Maggie’s clinic but the only sounds are from Duke, Donald’s dog. Donald is the one who finds Ellen in the stables.

Everybody convenes in the living room and Ellen says she thinks the Visitor has gone out of her. Which means it’s in someone else and could be any of the six adults in the room. At the end of Teacup Episode 6, as they argue about what to do, Nicholas says that McNab’s diary claims that Assassin can be removed from the human host. The catch? The human has to drown.

The Episode Review

Teacup Episode 6 brings the story back on track. It’s also shorter and faster and moves the plot along smoothly, catching up all the characters on what’s happened and bringing them together for a dangerous game of Who’s The Visitor. This is one of the season’s stronger and better written episodes that manages to create high stakes and enough suspense to keep one wanting to know what’s going to happen. 

The second half of the episode is also a good reminder that Teacup is meant to be a horror show. The sequence of all the adults looking for Ellen is executed well, with a tight sense of foreboding and two light jump scares. This shows the full potential of the show when it’s focused on the terrifying idea of aliens inhabiting humans versus the lacklustre quality of all the rainbow liquid-glowing tree logistics.

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