Sweet Home – K-drama Season 3 Episode 4 Recap & Review

Episode 4 Recap

The recap of Sweet Home Season 3 Episode 4 begins with Jae-jin being excited to play with the mountain monster. Eun-yu is caught in the crossfire and Monster Hyun-su is annoyed that he has to save her. It’s a tough fight but Hyun-su takes the mountain monster down. Jae-jin is super excited to meet him but Hyun-su cuts his hand. He finds Jae-jin weak and after learning that Sang-won is at the stadium, drags him with him.

3 hooded MHs show up at the stadium looking for someone. Sang-won arrives and kills them. He then asks Mystery Girl for her reward and it cuts to her snatching Yeong-su’s baseball from the bullies. She also takes one of the kids’ gloves and puts it on.

Yi-kyung finds her and pulls her into a hug. They sit at the secret exit vent where Yi-kyung apologises for everything and declares she doesn’t hate her. She was afraid but would like Mystery Girl to give her a chance. She will wait for her at the vent and if Mystery Girl decides, they will leave together.

Meanwhile, the Bamseom MHs lock the hooded MHs who have now turned into cocoons. To stop Sang-won from lashing out at his men who want to look for Kim, Tak reveals he is infected, earning Sang-won’s trust. The MH asks Tak if he has seen a cocoon before as these attract the hooded MHs and it cuts to the soldiers spotting Ji’s son turning into a cocoon.

Tak keeps quiet and Sang-won continues to tell him about these hooded MHs who call themselves neohumans and keep pestering them. However, every time they are killed, they turn into cocoons and are reborn. And so Sang-won kept killing all the MHs who came to Bamseom looking for something and it cuts to the glowy beating cocoon that Lim was fascinated with. 

With Tak outing himself, he then rushes to Lim to figure out the next step in him becoming an MH. Lim shows him the cocoon shell and says Tak needs to fight a neohuman before his monsterization is complete.

At the church, we get Eun-hyuk’s side who is a neohuman and shares that the cocoon is like a heart. Along with being reborn, they are also fast learners. He tells Kim how it is the next step of the evolution but the MHs are threatened by it. To kill them once and for all, these MHs are looking for the neohumans’ home.

But all the neohumans want to do is find others like them and exist. Eun-hyuk then asks Kim to take him to the stadium. While Kim gathers supplies, Eun-hyuk finds a picture of his family in his old clothes and takes it. When Kim asks him if he has his human memories, Eun-hyuk deflects.

As for the street survivors, Eun-yu reunites with Chan-young and Ha-ni. They head to the stadium as she believes Hyun-su is going there. It cuts to Jae-jin wondering why Hyun-su does what he does. Monster Hyun-su claims it is all for Human Hyun-su’s sake. At that moment, Jae-jin’s hand regenerates and he burns Hyun-su before running off.

Meanwhile, Yeong-su finds the baseball and realises that Mystery Girl got it for him. He approaches her and tells her to go with her mother so that she doesn’t have any regrets. He takes the pin that Mr. Ahn had given his sister in Season 1 and gives it to Mystery Girl. However, Cheol-jong overhears.

In the tunnel, Mystery Girl asks Yi-kyung if she has a name. Before Yi-kyung can share it, Sang-won finds them. It seems like a tearful reunion as he hugs Yi-kyung and she drops her gun. However, she stabs him and tells Mystery Girl to run. He is furious as he attacks both of them. Desperate, Yi-kyung begs him to possess her but his true colours show as he spits that her value ended the moment she gave birth to Mystery Girl.

She shoots him in the face and tries to get Mystery Girl to run away. Yi-kyung shares that Mystery Girl’s name is Seo Yi-su and that’s when Sang-won fatally stabs Yi-kyung. Yi-su cries as she takes off her gloves and tries to turn Yi-kyung but it doesn’t work as she is dead. And with that, the recap of Sweet Home Season 3 Episode 4 ends.

The Episode Review

Sweet Home Season 3 Episode 4 gives us more insight into the world of monsters. So not all MHs are neohumans like Sang-won said in season 2. But all neohumans are MH that can be reborn. This most likely means that Green Home resident Ms. Im is alive. But it seems that Ji-su is gone for real since her name is taken out of the Season 3 cast list now.

There is a whole lot of info-dumping in this episode as well. The biggest issue of this K-drama since season 1 is the fact that the pacing is weird. The important stuff is shoved in exposition one after the other while a lot of filler scenes are dragged out. Couldn’t they have explained all of that neohuman stuff in the season 2 finale while we were confused about the glowy cocoon?

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