Sweet Home – K-drama Season 3 Episode 1 Recap & Review

Episode 1 Recap

The recap of Sweet Home Season 3 Episode 1 begins with Monster Hyun-su explaining that he is part of Hyun-su. He is simply letting the human side rest so he can recover. But when he gets too close to Eun-yu she butts heads with him and Human Hyun-su resurfaces.

At Bamseom, Ui-myeong aka Sang-won shows Lim his original human body and the doctor connects the pieces. In a flashback, we see Lim provoking a tied-up Sang-won by calling Yi-kyung who is trapped in Green Home. She can’t pick up and Lim claims she is dead.

Angered, Sang-won evolves and escapes from his original body into that of Ui-myeong before possessing Sang-wook at the end of Season 1. However, Sang-won doesn’t want to kill Lim as he thanks the doctor for completing him. They go to Chi-seong (the leader of the Bamseom MHs) who Lim recognises as Patient MH3. 

Angry with Lim for experimenting on them, Chi-seong tortures Sergeant Kim and his men. The MHs give a beaten-up Kim a gun while Choi Yong-seok, Jong-hyun and Seo-jin are tied to the ceiling. He can only take one of his men with him. Lim asks what the end game is and Chi-seong shares that he wants to push special humans till they turn into MHs (Monster Humans who can control their monsterization).

However, Kim pulls the gun on one of the MHs. Unfortunately, Jong-hyun is killed for this act of defiance. A cocky Lim deduces that Chi-seong’s experiments haven’t amounted to much cause of people like Kim. At that moment, Kim pretends to kill Seo-jin but shoots his rope. He then runs and cushions Seo-jin’s fall. They do their best to evade the monsters on the ground but Sang-won is bored. He orders the child MH, Ja-yeong to kill the humans and the MHs leave. 

Meanwhile, Hyun-su goes to the pit where he pushed Yi-kyung. He wants to save her as he believes there is a chance to bring out her human side. Eun-yu wants to help but he tells her to sit it out. Once he reaches Yi-kyung, he goes into her mind and sees Monster Yi-kyung taunting and mentally torturing Human Yi-kyung. Elsewhere, Chan-young is halfway home but he keeps worrying about Eun-yu. He wants to go back to her and right then, Ha-ni shows up.

Back at Bamseom, Seok-chan arrives with a flamethrower. Ja-yeong warns him but he refuses to listen. However, he is too late as a monster fatally injures Seo-jin. Ja-yeong sighs before killing the monsters, allowing Seok-chan to run to Seo-jin and Kim. All this while, Lim watches the little MH before joining the MHs who are preparing to travel to the stadium. We see Yi-kyung’s daughter, Mystery Girl heading there as well.

The Stadium Survivors have their own problem as they notice that Seung-wan is missing. They fear that he is the monster they heard. While they are distracted, Chief Ji tries to get her daughter, Ye-seul to leave. It seems Ji wants Ye-seul to leave since she got caught causing the blackout. Ye-seul’s begging leads to a startling revelation as we learn that Ji is not her mother and her real mother died last year due to the monsterization.

Ji almost feels bad for the girl but her priority is her son. Since Ye-seul refuses to leave, Ji drags her to the basement where her son resides. Seeing him for the first time in his monster form, Ji is shocked. Using the advantage, Ye-seul knocks her out. Tak hears the scuffle but his men can’t find the door to the basement.

Back at the pit, Ha-ni and Chan-young arrive to see Eun-yu waiting at the edge. A monster shows up and jumps into the pit after being lured by Yi-kyung’s screams. With the two MHs being out of commission, Chan-young and Eun-yu jump in to defend Hyun-su and Yi-kyung. It’s a tough fight and one of the ropes needed to climb out catches fire.

Worried, Chan-young gets Ha-ni to rescue Eun-yu against her will and continues to fight alone. With no more ammo or gasoline left, he gives up. However, Hyun-su finally gets through to Yi-kyung and comes back to the real world. He kills the monster and brings up Chan-young and Yi-kyung. Her burned body heals but her eyes are human. And with that, the recap to Sweet Home Season 3 Episode 1 ends.

The Episode Review

Now that Parasyte K-drama has been released, we can’t help but compare the whole monster and human side of the MHs to the Parasyte aliens. But it was pretty funny with the way Monster Hyun-su was trying to intimidate Eun-yu but she couldn’t care less.

In true Sweet Home fashion, we get action, melodrama, overdramatic poses and confusion in Season 3 Episode 1. The Bamseom angle was intriguing as we saw the MHs enjoying their captives’ pain. But why are they bringing Lim everywhere along? Sure, he pushed them to become monsters but what other purpose does he have? And what was the point of the glowy cocoon that he couldn’t take his eyes off in the finale?

By the way, everything about Chief Ji makes so much sense now. While we thought she kept contradicting herself, it turns out she was just putting on an act. Everything we have seen so far has been a facade and all she has made are empty promises and decisions with ulterior motives. Guess, with it being between Infectee Tak and Fake Ji, it is now a matter of choosing the lesser of the two evils to lead the survivors. 

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