Sullivan’s Crossing – Season 1 Episode 2 “Homewrecker” Recap & Review


Episode 2 of Sullvian’s Crossing begins with Maggie’s growing insecurities about the trial. She is plagued by nightmares of her reputation being taken for a toss. She phones Scott, her lawyer, and insists she comes back. But Scott asks her to stay out of sight as these things resolve on their own in no time. Phoebe calls Maggie and tells her that Walter, Maggie’s stepfather, has approached the best law firm in Boston to handle her case. They do not think the case will be trouble but want to get it wrapped up quickly. Maggie, though, has a lot on her mind and goes for a coffee.

Rob and Sydney jointly own it. Cal is there as well. Maggie and he share some apparent tension and she is curious to know more about him. When Sydney walks in for a shift change, Maggie opens up to her about everything that has happened back home. She does not know when all of this will blow over and if she will ever get her practice back. We also learn that Hollis, Maggie’s boss, is accused of committing billing fraud at the clinic.

Back at the Crossing, Sully greets Maggie and asks her to help around. If she has to stay at the house, she cannot be a “freeloader.” Maggie has trouble operating a fax machine and is eventually helped by Cal. After he leaves, Maggie isn’t able to help but breaks down in tears as she explains to Edna what’s happening. Edna is supportive and says exactly what Maggie needs to hear to calm down.

Sully and Maggie have been in a cold war ever since she came to the campground. She is upset with him for not coming after her when Phoebe took her away. And Sully has given up all hopes of mending things with Maggie. Frank and Edna try to play peacemakers and nudge them in the right direction. Scott calls Maggie and informs her that the insurance company is offering a settlement. Maggie won’t have to accept blame for something she didn’t do either. It might be a sound resolution to things but nothing is confirmed, yet.

Cal picks up Maggie from the house as Roy, the elderly gentleman we met in the first episode, falls over and hits his head. The only ambulance available is on a call and Maggie is required to handle this medical emergency. Lola and Cal help out Maggie as she deals with Roy’s wound. He is disoriented and still thinks his wife is alive. Cal sees inside his fridge and finds that Roy has been skipping meals lately. This explains his weakness and faint pulse. He also has an infection which might be serious, although Maggie does well to spot it. Cal drops her back home and they bond in a renewed context, with subtle hints that they’re attracted to each other.

Maggie goes over the papers from Kevin’s case to see if she made a mistake in his treatment as Sully opens up about how hard it is for a parent to lose their child.

To get away from all this stress, Maggie has a fun night out with Sydney at the bar/cafe. The drinking gets a little too much for her to handle and Cal volunteers to drop her back home. To her utmost surprise, Andrew greets them at the front door. Cal walks away, respecting their relationship. He goes home to empty rooms and his beer bottle. He also marks the date 22 July on his calendar, but we do not why. Andrew apologizes to Maggie for saying that she ought to have known Bob’s misdealings and also professes his love for her, despite their recent mismatch. 

The Episode Review

Andrew definitely seems like a good guy and perhaps the writers have balanced Maggie and Cal’s pairing with his characterization. It is yet not clear what Sullivan’s Crossing is – a goody two-shoes drama about family dysfunction; a burgeoning love triangle with no clear winners; or an aspiring mantlepiece for responsibility, love and community. One can say it is a mix of these three things but we have seen in the past dangling in the middle hasn’t always worked.

We can’t say for sure which one of these storylines will work either. Maybe it is best to figure it out as they overlap and progress in the upcoming episodes. As of now, the plot does not seem to hold many surprises. It is easy to guess what’s supposed to happen next, including how the characters are going to react to certain situations.

I don’t see it changing drastically over the next few episodes but here’s hoping there is at least some semblance of surprise. 

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