Subteran – Season 1 Episode 5 Recap & Review

The Mole

Episode 5 of Subteran starts with Bones and Cami rushing Dorothea to the hospital accompanied by Cornel. The blow to the head caused head trauma, and Dorothea had to be rushed to the operating room.

Cami is anxious about her mother’s condition and her son. She sends Cornel to get a change of clothes for Dorothea and asks Bones to find her a laptop. We learn that Cornel is also an undercover cop and is in charge of Tanase’s case. He is Bones’ direct superior, so Bones updates him on the progress so far.

Cami is certain that she has leverage, since Tanase cannot access his money without her, which she intends to use as a bargaining chip for Matei’s life.

Tili locks up Matei at Tanase’s house. She believes that Crisi must be dead, but Dracu asks her not to tell Tanase until they confirm the identity of the body found in the car. Tili talks about doing to the boy everything Cami and Bones did to her sister. She says she will kill Matei and burn his body as Cami watches.

Meanwhile, Cornel and Bones try to devise a plan to arrest Tanase. They have the option of either using Mateo’s kidnapping and arresting him for blackmail and extortion or waiting until the day of the upcoming deal with Lars and arresting him red-handed. Either way, they need to find a trustworthy police officer to make the arrest, and Bones suggests Tatu.

Cornel makes a call to Tatu’s number, but Golescu answers. Cornel poses as Tatu’s father asking about his situation. Golescu finds the call suspicious, so he follows up with Vasile and learns that Tatu’s father died a long time ago.

Cornel and Bones then decide to visit Tatu at his house and bring him up to speed on the undercover operations. They need Tatu to make the arrest when they go after Tanase.

Bones and Cornel then head back to the hospital to deliver the laptop and the clothes. Tanase finds out about Matei and calls Cami using the number she left on the laptop.

While on call, Cami tries to locate their location. She gets proof of life and asks for Matei back in exchange for the key to access his crypto. Tanase agrees and asks Cami to keep her phone on. Tanase disconnects the call but Cami had already managed to tap into the CCTV cameras around his house. Simultaneously, one of Dracu’s men told him about Bones’ whereabouts.

Dracu and Tili storm the hospital to find Bones and Cami. However, Bones notices the strange behaviour of one of the nurses and learns that Dracu and Tili are at the hospital. Cornel, Cami, and Bones work together and narrowly manage to escape the hospital with Dorothea.

Meanwhile, Golescu visits Tatu at his house to give him back his phone and tell him about his father’s call. Tatu plays to his trap by not saying that his father is dead, which makes Golescu start to suspect him.

Golescu says that Bones is the prime suspect, but Tatu has footage of Tili taking off the blonde wig. He recognises her as one of Tanase’s daughters, which makes him certain that the murder case relates to his organisation.

Back at the precinct, Golescu receives a call from the coroner. They have identified the body as Crisi Tanase. He also receives additional evidence that proves that Cami is still alive, so he orders that she be brought in for questioning.

Cornel, Cami, Bones, and Dorothea arrive at Cornel’s safe house. Cami continues to spy on Tanase’s household on her computer and we see the arrival of Golescu. He walks in to inform Tanase about Crisi’s death and that the suspected killer is Cami, Luca’s girlfriend, and Bones.

Cami iAs happy to see Golescu walk in because she thought he could find Matei. However, he walks out minutes after without Matei and she becomes frantic, wanting to contact him. Cornel and Bones ask her to calm down, since the reason Golescu left without Matei is that he works for Tanase.

At the end of the episode, Cami learns the truth about Cornel’s involvement with Bones. She gets angry at both for getting her family involved in the mess. She hates that for their mission.

They got Luca killed and they now want to use her nine-year-old son as bait to catch Tanase. Cornel tells Cami that Tanase killed her father, but she does not believe him. Instead, she storms out of the house, locking Bones and Cornel in the basement. She intends to go find Matei alone, but she is soon stopped by the police since they recognise the stolen vehicle she is driving.

The Episode Review

The major issue resolved in this episode is that Golescu is Tanase’s man in the prosecutor’s office. The realisation did not come as a shock, given that the police investigation has not made any significant progress.

He has been acting suspiciously, especially when he took Tatu’s phone from the hospital. Cami impressed us with her hacking skills in this episode, but, unfortunately, she is still quite gullible. Understandably, she may not know who to trust, given that Bones and Cornel have hidden so much from her. However, as someone whose parents were police officers, her naivety is somehow frustrating.

Tanase finding out about Crisi’s death and that Cami might be involved puts Matei’s life at stake. What if he tries to take his life since his mother killed his favourite daughter? Also, Cornel and Bones are conflicting on priorities. While Cornel wants them to stick to the mission, Boss feels that rescuing Mateo should be their priority.

With one more episode to go, it is difficult to predict what might happen in the showdown. New questions arise, such as about Cami’s death. Will Cami manage to save her son? What about the deal between Tanase and Lars?

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