Study Group – K-drama Episode 4 Recap & Review

study group kdrama

Lee- joon

Episode 4 of Study Group starts with a background story on Lee-joon. He joined Yusung Technical High School because he wanted to be good at fighting. He has always wanted to repay an elderly friend of his who protected him when he was a kid. Unfortunately, the friend later joined the gang and pushed Lee-joon away.

Ironically, he is really bad at it. His reason for joining the study group is because he wants to learn how to fight from Ga-min. However, Ga-min refuses to let him into the group unless he agrees to study. To show his sincerity, Lee-joon agrees to take a math test while the others visit Han-gyeong at the hospital. As Lee-joon does the test, another man approaches him and asks if he is Ga-min. Lee-joon lies that he is indeed Ga-min and is taken away.

The man, Jang-ho, takes him to a secluded warehouse and promises to give him a car if he passes the Yeonbaek Gang test. As expected, Lee-joon fails miserably. Ga-min and the group return to the school and find Lee-joon gone. They look at his test and realise he did well, but wonder where he is. Geon-yeob arrives and informs them that Lee-joon was taken by the gang.

Ga-min, Geon-yeob, and Ji-woo rush to the warehouse to save Lee-joon, while Se-hyeon and Hee-won head to the police station to report the matter. Ga-min and the others arrive to find Jang-ho beating Lee-joon for lying about his identity and failing the test. Another intense fight ensues, and once again, Ga-min tricks Jang-ho into thinking he is more powerful. Seeing Ga-min getting beaten causes Ji-woo to worry they might be in over their heads. However, at the opportune moment, Ga-min reveals his secret strategy and beats Jang-ho to a pulp.

Simultaneously, Detective Tae-man starts to suspect corruption at the police station. He questions why Pi Han-ui was quickly let go without an interrogation, but his superior asks him to look away. Detective Tae-man also worries that Han-gyeong might be in serious trouble. It seems like he knows what happened to her a year ago.

After Hee-won and Se-hyeon report Lee-joon’s incident, the police rush over to arrest Jang-ho and his men. Tae-man gives the students his card and advises them to call him if they get in trouble again. However, Geon-yeob leaves to chase after one of the gang members who left after mentioning his mother’s death.

As the situation at the school escalates, Pi Han-ui continues to plan how to stir things up some more. Meanwhile, the study group sets up their messaging group and welcomes Lee-joon. As the days go by, they start their study group sessions and continue to support each other. After her recovery, Han-gyeong returns to the school and meets with the principal. She calls him out for overlooking Pi Han-ui’s involvement and writes an official report on it.

Later, she meets with the study group students and informs them of an upcoming trip to a different school. She hopes the students will learn more about how to operate a study group and is taking them to visit a school in Seoul. Excited, the students put on their best clothes and met on the day of the trip. Unfortunately, Ga-min is late, and Ji-woo accidentally sends him the wrong name of the school.

The Episode Review

It is no surprise that the police are overlooking all the criminal activities happening at Yusung Technical High School. Obviously, Pi Han-ui’s dad has a long reach. He is probably blackmailing or paying a few cops at the station to turn a blind eye to all the murder and illegal schemes his son has going on. Everyone is afraid to speak up since they might end up dead. This episode also sheds some light on why Geon-yeob’s mom was killed. She challenged the principal on how he was handling Pi Han-ui. It seems going against Pi Han-ui is equal to signing your death certificate.

Han-gyeong is determined to restore Yusung Technical High School’s honour, but the price is too high. What was her motivation, and what happened to her? Whatever happened one year ago might be linked to Yusung Technical High School. We will have to tune in for the next episodes to find the answers we seek.

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