Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures – Season 1 Episode 23 Recap & Review

Episode 23 Recap

The Caves of Batuu

In Episode 23 of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, we’re back on Batuu with Master Drow and Celesta. Kai blocks blaster bolts from three target droids covered with smoke by using the force. Master Drow shows the younglings an expert saber sequence. Kai tries to do it himself but fails. Master Dro takes Kai to a cave, hoping it will give him a vision.

In his vision, Kai wrestles with his desire to be a perfect Jedi. He attempts and fails at the sequence, loses his lightsaber, and ends up at Yarrum Tower, speaking with Taborr. Tabor tries to convince Kai to become a pirate. Kai accepts that even if he can’t be perfect, he’s still a Jedi. Yoda returns Kai’s lightsaber but tells him it’s just a tool. He reminds Kai that he gave him his own lightsaber because of who Kai already is. Master Drow reiterates that no matter where you are in life, remember there’s always more to learn.

Finders Keepers

Kai, Lys, Nubs, and Nash meet up with Eren. She’s a scrapper, which means she salvages parts from huge junkyards. As they help Eren find parts on Bracca, Eren’s droid is injured. They have to rush to a new dump site to find a power cell before her droid shuts down.

Eren finds a bunch of power cells, but as soon as she takes them, small scrapper creatures steal them. They give chase, but they get away and Eren’s droid powers down. Eren and the young Jedi approach the aliens, hoping to reason with them. After a short fight, they relent and agree to give Eren one power cell. In return, Eren ends up trading happily with them.

The Episode Review

Episode 23 of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures levels up by playing it safe. With lower stakes, there’s time to develop characters with promise and feel more like an actual part of the galaxy far, far away. We get to see more of Master Drow. Rather than show him as some epic warrior, he’s a kind-hearted master. While he clearly has the ability as a warrior, it’s his ability to teach humility that truly shines.

It was a crucial reminder that Kai Brightstar was gifted Yoda’s lightsaber, which was fairly glazed over in the opening episode of the show. Kai lost his saber in order to help Nubs in “Yoda’s Mission.” So, Yoda reminding Kai to afford himself the grace he gives freely, was a smart callback. Having all of this take place within a vision in a cave was appropriate. It nearly makes up for the seeming break in canon that such young younglings have their own lightsabers without having been through the trial on Ilum, shown in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Kai having Yoda’s saber must indicate that this trio is special. Perhaps they got their sabers extremely early due to their talent.

Finders Keepers feels short, sweet, and to the point. Eren’s character is established and able to grow in a fairly astonishing amount of time. We learn her values, watch her struggle and even cry over her droid, and then watch her evolve. While very little happens in the episode, it feels fitting that the struggles of these children aren’t always super high-stakes. Fans might recognize the planet Bracca from the game Jedi: Fallen Order. As these new episodes near their close, it seems even clearer that this final batch upped the ante.

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You can read our Season 1 Review of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures here!
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