Star Wars: Outlaws Guide “Partners” Walkthrough

Star Wars: Outlaws: Partners

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Meet with Hoss in the cantina

Search for Nix

Get the key

Rescue Nix

Defeat the beasts



Return to Moss Eisley and go talk to Hoss in the docking bay. Take the elevator down and then the side door heading into the loading bay. However, Hoss isn’t there. Typical!

Turn back and go sit on the cube to wait for Hoss.

Meet with Hoss in the cantina

Go to Chalmun’s Cantina next, which you’ll find marked on your map here:

It’s hard to miss, given it stands out against the relatively quiet square outside, and when you enter the building, a cutscene will trigger. Unfortunately, Hoss is quite the gambler and he ends up trading Nix when he loses a gambling debt.

Break into Jabba’s palace

Of course Jabba has his slimy hands all over this and now you’ll need to break into the palace. Head north west and be sure to hop on your speeder to slow the distance over to the palace.

As a sidenote, on the list of very few stand-out moments this game has, seeing Jabba’s palace while you cruise in the distance with your speeder is definitely one of them!

When you get near, leave your speeder behind and then platform across the gaps until you reach Jabba’s palace. Keep quiet and takedown the guards silently along the way.

You can avoid a couple by dropping down through the broken parts of the bridge and shimmying across the gap (pictured below).

After this section, wait for the three guards to face the chasm, and then sneak past, grapple over the gap and continue along the way. Eventually grapple up the gap and you’ll make it into the palace.


Search for Nix

Make sure you don’t trigger any alarms and when you head down the next spiral stairwell, do so quietly to avoid Jabba’s guard. When he turns back to face the room, sneak past and continue descending.

On the next level, you’ll find a vent you can crawl through. When you emerge, take out the human standing watch, then follow Jabba’s guard through the hallway. Now, you want to stay crouched and keep your distance, hugging the right wall (pictured below).

When you reach this spot, hop up on the containers and hang from the pole across the hallway. Wait for the guard to return on its patrol up the hallway, then drop down when it passes and turn left at the end of the hallway.

Sabotage the alarms at the end of the hallway before turning right and continuing down this new route until you find another right turn (pictured below).

Grapple down the gap here but be careful as there’s another guard at the bottom. Go slow and wait for them to turn their back on you, then drop down and approach the computer terminal. Hack in and open the door on the level below.

Now, to reach this optional area, you’ll need to hang onto the platform and shimmy across to the right (pictured below).

On the other side, hoist yourself up then slide down the ladder in front of you. Loot the room and return whence you came.

The guard will be gone so you’ll be able to open the door to the next area. Be careful here but you’ll find a vent to squeeze through to avoid the two guards (pictured below).

On the other side, wait for the guard to turn their back, then sneak past to the right, and approach the door. Use your Dataspike to open it up.


Get the key

In order to retrieve the key, we’ll need to stealth our way through. Thankfully, the AI in Outlaws is not great so it should be quite straightforward. Follow the two guards along and take out the human by the console on the right.

In the next room, circle around to the right, through the vents (pictured below).

Use the covers to remain hidden and then head into the next area (coloured with orange light). Be sure to take out the human guard facing away from you then head to the left and do the same to the guard we’ve been following. He’ll drop 1x Quest Item: Storage Room Keycard.

Rescue Nix

With the keycard in hand, retrace your steps back through to the original chamber we followed those two guards from. Now, with the keycard, we’ll be able to enter that orange door.

On the other side, squeeze through the vents on the left. Go down the ladder and follow the path south. Flick the lever on the left at the end of the hallway, then through the doors on the right that this opens.

In the next area, wait for the two guards to leave their post before making your move. Stick to the right side of the room, staying crouched and using the boxes for cover.

Along the way you want to wait for this guard (pictured above) to move off its post so you can press the lever down. This will open up a doorway on the opposite side of this corridor for you to pass through.

You’ll need to time your walk across to make sure the guard in front and behind are mobile and walking before you head through this doorway.

On the other side of this shortcut, wait for the guard to move up the hallway, then hurry across to the other side and through the door. On the table, you’ll find 1x Menagerie Keycard. This will open the door outside the hallway on the left.

You’ll need to time your walk over to the door while the guard is wandering up the hallway. Don’t worry about leaving the doorway open, the AI is definitely not smart enough to figure that out in this game!

When you’re ready, open the door and you’ll find Nix in a cage on the far side of the room. Now, if you completed Kijimi first, you’ll have your handy charged-blast shot which will take down the guards here quite quickly. If not, keep hitting headshots and back-up at the same time to keep mobile.

Escape with Nix

Leave through the doorway and head down the stairwell to find yourself facing Jabba in another cutscene.

Defeat the beasts

When you fall into the rancor pit, kill the two beasts and use the Dataspike to open the door to the south.

Loot everything here and follow the corridor around, killing all enemies that pop up. At the end of the linear path, drop down and as the blast doors shut, a familiar sight will arrive behind you. Uh oh.

With the Rancor before us, the boss fight is actually quite easy to deal with. Use the explosive barrels hanging from the ceiling on either side to stun it. Don’t bother shooting constantly at the Rancor right now, it’ll deflect gunfire with ease. Instead, stand in front of the hanger door and bait it to come charge at you with a Single shot. 

The first hit against the doors will trigger guards to pop in the room but the Rancor won’t attack unless you provoke it… so don’t right now. Focus on killing the guards that show up first.

Once that’s done, shoot the Rancor once to make it chase you. Use the explosive barrels to stop its progress each time and then approach the hangar door when Kay is ready, and hit the Rancor, baiting it to come charge at you once more.

After two shots, head up the room and use Nix to restore power (pictured above). Once that’s done, use the explosive barrels to slow the rancor, stand in front of the hangar door again and let it charge a third time. You’ll know it’s going to charge when the red icon with an angry face appears above its head.

After killing the Rancor, head through the gap… and trigger another cutscene. This will also complete the mission, and increase the Hutt reputation with you.

<< The Heavy

Jabba’s Favor >>

You can check out our full walkthrough and game guide here!


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