Spy X Family – Episode 24 Recap & Review

The Role of a Mother and Wife / Shopping With Friends

Episode 24 of Spy X Family begins with Yor wandering the streets looking depressed. She feels that Loid doesn’t find her good enough. Loid overhears some of his neighbors’ gossip about the possibility that Loid might have an affair with another woman.

He worries that Yor might open up about her sadness to her brother, who’ll get the Secret Police to go after Loid. At home, Loid says he’s heading out to discuss something with Yor, angering Franky because he doesn’t want to discuss adult things in front of Anya. Loid pays him some cash to calm his nerves. Loid takes Yor to his favorite bar to discuss things. He thanks Yor for all her help with housework and looking after Anya.

Loid brings up Fiona and startles Yor as she’s worried that Fiona will replace her. Yor has problems telling Loid how she feels, so she gulps her entire beverage in one sitting. While drunk, Yor asks Loid if he loves Fiona, but Loid tells her to calm down. Loid accesses the situation and is puzzled. He thought Yor was scared that he’d end the contract with her because he undervalued her abilities. Loid tries using romantic tactics to calm Yor down, but this only embarrasses her, and she kicks him across the bar.

Loid barely lands on his feet. He questions if Yor’s kick was a sign of rejection than romance as blood drips from his mouth. Yor comes rushing to his aid and apologizes. Loid collapses. In a flashback, we see a young Loid being comforted by his mother. He awakens to Yor singing the same lullaby his mother sang to him. Yor reveals that the bartender chased them out for causing a scene. Loid’s stunned for being knocked out for so long and questions what he was doing in Yor’s lap.

Yor brings up that it makes sense for him to want to be with a woman who wasn’t all strength. He recalls being in his mother’s arms and her immense strength. Loid tells Yor that Anya adores Yor for her incredible strength because it makes her feel safe. Loid tells Yor even if she wanted Fiona to play as Anya’s mother–she’s not suited to taking care of children. Loid and Yor talk things out and share an intimate moment together.

Meanwhile, Anya’s irritated by everything but admits that she loves her parents to Franky. Yor and Loid arrive home, and Franky laughs at the large bump under his chin. In her mind, Yor’s thankful for the opportunity Loid bestowed upon her. The set piece concludes with Loid explaining everything to Yor because she couldn’t remember anything when drunk. The next set piece starts at Eden Academy, and Damian notes how Parents’ Day is coming up.

Anya spies on Damian from afar and plans to proceed with Operation Friendship to assist Loid. Becky stops by and still thinks Anya has feelings for Damian. Becky requests Anya to attend a shopping trip with her to help her in wooing Damian. In Becky’s car, she asks Anya why Loid wasn’t at her place when they picked her up. Becky says Yor will make a powerful rival since she’s prettier than in the photo. Anya reveals that Loid gave her a supply of cash.

In his mind, Loid says making friends with the Blackbells could help with Operation Strix, so he had the Intelligence Department supply him with money to give to Anya. Anya’s stunned by the shop’s marvelous design. Becky tells Anya that she booked the whole place so she could enjoy shopping with Anya. We get a montage of Anya trying on many luxurious outfits as Becky tries to find an outfit for Anya that’d impress Damian. Anya tells Becky that it would be ridiculous to get clothes if they’re permitted to wear their uniforms.

Becky refutes Anya’s claim saying as long as the teachers permit it, they can wear their clothes to the end-of-term part with the dorm students. After thinking about the possibility of Loid attending the party, Becky switches gears and wants to find clothes that’d appeal to Loid. After some shopping, Anya and Becky arrive at a cafe to talk things over. Becky buys all her things, but Anya didn’t get anything. Anya reassures Becky that she enjoyed shopping with her to lighten Becky’s spirit.

Anya notices a keychain representing the shop’s mascot. She wants it as a souvenir to remember this occasion. Anya buys one for Becky, but she’s worried about what her father would think about her having poor-themed items. Becky’s butler tells Becky that it’d dishonor the Blackbell name if she didn’t accept Anya’s gift. Becky accepts it. As Becky and Anya sleep in the backseat, her butler recalls Becky’s uptight and snobby attitude and not wanting to attend a school with the lower class.

We see Becky develop a better personality in time and see her telling her butler, named Martha, about her new friend Anya. Martha’s proud of Becky as Anya heads home to show Loid her expensive keychain. At school, Anya and Becky show off their matching keychains. Damian and his friends stumble upon Anya and Becky. Damian blushes at the sight of Anya. The episode concludes with Damian telling his friends that he’s fine.

The Episode Review

This was a wholesome chapter of Spy x Family. It tackles a relatable issue most couples face whenever a third party enters the fray. Not only do Loid and Yor reach a solid agreement, but we get a taste of Loid’s backstory as a child. This instance will make many ponder what happened to his mother and is she was a spy herself.

Loid tells Yor that she was an immensely strong woman, so it makes sense if Loid became a spy to pay tribute to his mother. Although it wasn’t the episode’s focus, it was nice for viewers to get a glimpse into Loid’s childhood past. The intimate moment Loid and Yor shared at the park was charming. Although many would like to see more about Yor’s past and assassin occupation, it’s great that the series tackled jealously. The second set piece gave me similar feelings.

Although it wasn’t as emotionally impactful as the first one, fans will adore getting peer into Becky’s past before attending Eden Academy. Anya serves as the glue that ties both set pieces together. It shows how important Anya is to the overarching plot as she’s the one that moves our cast forward through her quirky and childlike means. While the shopping segment felt necessary at points, it was great seeing Becky and Anya bond with each other outside of a school setting.

Hopefully, more episodes continue to flesh our side characters further alongside Operation Strix’s progress. Overall, this was a fun chapter of Spy X Family. It has some heartwarming moments between our spouse protagonists and tackles a relatable issue with grace. Based on the preview, it appears Loid will finally meet Desmond in the flesh. Let’s hope the final episode for this second part can deliver a satisfying conclusion.

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