Somewhere Boy- Season 1 Episode 5 Recap & Review

Episode 5

Episode 5 of Somewhere Boy begins with Daisy and Danny who are left in the vehicle by Aaron, who reluctantly goes away to get supplies. Daisy reveals that her father served time in prison when she was a young girl. In spite of his desire, Danny refrains from telling her the truth.

The youngsters use mushrooms to kick off the evening’s celebration. Daisy commends Aaron for his concern and care for Danny. They appear to be developing feelings for one another.

Danny is high on mushrooms and he is immersed in his own sweet world. He genuinely relishes his time spent drinking, dancing, and having fun. However, once he has visions of his dad, the scars of his trauma start to show.

Daisy and Aaron kiss and seem genuinely attracted to one another. After some time, Danny struggles with resentment and guilt and tells Daisy the real story. Danny informs Daisy of the fact that Mark murdered his mom despite Aaron’s efforts to stop him.

The Episode Review

The episode really emphasizes how similar Danny and Aaron are to one another. Aaron has led a typical life, but he is shy and reclusive, which restricts him from making friends. Since his mom has a new partner and children, he feels cut off from her. It’s obvious that Aaron can relate to Danny because of their similarities and because he cares about Danny.

After taking some mushrooms during a party, Danny winds up telling Mark’s daughter the truth. This ends up happening when Aaron and the girl are beginning to develop feelings for each other. Aaron is furious with Danny as the episode comes to a close. It will be interesting to see how things develop from this point.

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