Sniper Elite: Resistance Guide “Sonderzüge Sabotage” Walkthrough & All Collectibles

Sniper Elite: Resistance Guide: Sonderzüge Sabotage

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Find the Missing Resistance Cell

Find the Second Safehouse

Identify What The Gestapo Are Hiding

Investigate The Train Station



Welcome back to Sniper Elite: Resistance, where we’ll be gunning for the next mission! Now we’ll be heading deep into enemy territory to sabotage Gestapo operations, uncover cargo, and ensure it never reaches its destination.

Along the way, we’ll be infiltrating safehouses, decoding secrets, and putting our sniping skills to the test against high-value targets. This map is crawling with threats, so expect a tense, tactical challenge. Let’s break it all down.


Find the Missing Resistance Cell

Although this objective is marked as optional, it’s the closest to your starting location and well worth doing for intel and supplies.

Before you go anywhere, head forward up the stairs and when you reach a balcony overlooking your objective, swing round to face north and look up at the roof of the mansion. You’ll find Stone Eagle #1 here. Be sure to shoot it down.

Next, in the same area, go west until you find a set of stairs leading down to a door spot lit by lamps (pictured below).

This will be in the same area you’re currently in. Head down the stairs and just next to some wooden boxes on the left, you’ll find some Bolt Cutters. Pick them up and use them on the door. Inside, on your left, you’ll find Workbench #1.

From the starting point, head southeast down the trail, keeping to the tall grass for cover. As you descend, you’ll encounter two soldiers patrolling the area. Take them out quietly before crossing the road and sicking against the left-hand wall.

Now, head to your optional objective and follow the stairs up, where you’ll reach the first safehouse. Just outside, you’ll spot one of the Propaganda Posters on the outer walls—grab it before heading in. You’ll also find a Resistance Flag inside. When you head upstairs and speak to the rebels, it will automatically complete this part of the objective. On the table, you’ll find the Delicattesen Safe Key.

With the key, head along the hallway and out the window, down the pipe and across the little courtyard area. Here, you’ll find an open door which leads into a restaurant (pictured above). Head inside and you’ll find a safe on your immediate right. Use the key we just gained to open it up, where you’ll find Personal Letter #1.

Also, if you check the wooden crate on the first floor, you’ll find a crowbar. Then, head upstairs to the far side of the house and collect the documents on the table. This will also unlock Personal Letter #2.


Find the Second Safehouse

From the balcony, take the zipline down to the bridge and disable the alarm near the next safehouse (pictured below).

While we’re here though, head to the crossroads just left of the objective area. 

Instead of using the front entrance, circle around the back and climb the pole next to the building to enter through the top-floor window. Make your way inside, and you’ll encounter the resistance members hiding out. Once the conversation ends, the objective is complete.

While you’re here, grab any Satchel Charges you find. You’ll need them for an upcoming objective.

Kill List Target: Claude La Ronde

Your kill list target, Claude La Ronde, can be found on the street near the red-marked building, just before you descend into the area. He’ll be positioned behind a sandbag barricade, making it tricky to get a clean shot.

However, from the bottom of the descending ramp, you’ll have plenty of cover and a clear line of sight to make the shot.

Take him out and check the building just next to his location. Inside, you’ll find Workbench #2 —enter through the south door to collect your upgrades.

Within this area, if you climb the watchtower within the Kill List location, you’ll find Classified Document #4 at the top.


Identify What The Gestapo Are Hiding

Next up, head toward the hotel marked on your map. This place is crawling with enemy patrols, so stay cautious.

Outside, on the southern wall, you’ll find a boarded-up entrance. Remember the Crowbar we grabbed earlier? Well, use it here to pry open the wood and slip inside. Clear out any enemies in the hotel before proceeding.

Make sure you’re on the ground floor of the hotel then head to the open elevator shaft and climb down. Here, you’ll find Blueprints on the walls—take photos of them for evidence. You can also pick the lock on the metal door to the left as well, gaining access to the basement a lot quicker from the outside.

Next, go back to the ground floor and check the reception area, where you’ll find Classified Document #2. You’ll also find the Penthouse Key just behind this.

If you do want to take a slight detour though, if you head to the third floor, you’ll find the elevator and inside will be a Silenced K98K which can come in handy during this mission. There’s also a Med Kit here too.

Now, go back to the second floor, climb out of the open window, and use the pipe to reach the roof. If you’re struggling to find the right window, look for the white paint splashed on the wood.

Just before you head up though, if you shimmy all the way to the right, rather than up the pipe, you’ll find another open window. If you head inside, you’ll find Personal Letter #3 on the desk.

Once inside, you’ll come across a locked room requiring a Satchel Charge. It can also be opened with the Penthouse Key found behind the reception too.

If you didn’t head to the Safehouse prior to this to get Satchel Charges, if you grabbed the Boltcutters outside the Hotel, you can use these to pry open the chest in the basement, which happens to have a Satchel Charge inside. Either way, blow the door open and collect the documents (which is also classed as Classified Document #1) inside to complete the objective.


Investigate The Train Station

Your next stop is the Train Station. This is a simple in-and-out mission. Enter through the front door and head upstairs. Whilst there, pass the waiting area and move into a smaller office with a desk.

Search the desk for cargo transportation documents. Before leaving, head up to the second floor, where you’ll find Personal Letter #4 on one of the benches. Now, go up to the top floor and you’ll find Classified Document #5 in a small room up there.

Finally, if you head to the top of the building and look outside toward Stone Eagle #2 is just above the clock, making it easy to shoot from the surrounding area.

While we’re here, we can also find Workbench #3 just north west of the target area asking us to investigate the railyard. You’ll find an open door here, leading to a house with green walls. Open the metal door with either your Boltcutters or by picking the lock, then head to the top. On the far wall, you’ll find the Workbench.


Investigate The Railyard

Now it’s time to deal with the enemy’s shipments once and for all. Head to the camouflaged train in the railyard—it’ll be parked on the middle track near the overhead bridge. Plant a Satchel Charge on the train and step back.



With all your objectives complete, it’s time to get out of here. There are three exfiltration points available. There’s one next to your starting location, another in he middle of the map near the river and finally, a third at the furthest spot from your starting location.

A good idea here, if you’re looking to grab everything, is to head for the Northern exit. Just east of the Exfiltrate section, you’ll find an archway across a road you can climb up into via a ladder. At the top, you’ll find a radio. Just opposite this area, you’ll find Classified Document #3.

Just south of this, you’ll find a garden area. You want to look out on the west side of the tall vine-covered building for two benches. On one of them, you’ll find Personal Letter #5 (pictured below).

It’s also worth noting too that if you look at the rooftop just to the left of the northern exfiltrate section, you’ll find Stone Eagle #3 on the rooftop. You can actually see this really well from most of the map but since we’re in the garden area (if you’re following this guide of course!) head up to the top of that building pictured above and aim north to find it.

Once you reach the exfil zone, interact with it, and the mission will be complete, along with grabbing all the collectibles too!

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