Sniper Elite: Resistance Guide “End of the Line” Walkthrough & All Collectibles

Sniper Elite: Resistance Guide: End of the Line

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Neutralize the Flak Batteries

Trap the Eastern Zugwerfer

Kill List Target: Hermann Gottshalk

Trap the Western Zugwerfer

Trap the Central Zugwerfer

Mission 9 – All Or Nothing

The stakes have never been higher in Sniper Elite: Resistance’s final mission, End of the Line. Your job? Take out the heavily armoured Zugwerfer trains before they can derail the Allied invasion. So lets go full steam ahead (and don’t worry, we’ll stop the train puns now!)

Neutralize the Flak Batteries

Before tackling the main objectives, this level allows you to find all three stone eagles in one fell swoop. From the spawn point, look directly ahead and either side of the metal crane, you’ll find Stone Eagle #1 and Stone Eagle #2. The latter can be found at the far edge of the map and it’s in front of a spotlight atop a large bunker.

You can actually find Stone Eagle #3 while up here too. If you take a right, just before heading down the ramp, aim just down and to the left of the previous Stone Eagle location and you’ll find it.

Before sliding down that ramp though, circle back to your starting position and go left instead. Go down the ladder and take the open doorway on your right to find Classified Document #2.

Proceed forward from this section until you reach the ground floor. When you do, you’ll find a large building just next to the train tracks that looks like this:

Watch out for enemies inside and you’ll find Hidden Item #2 on one of the near boxes. On the second floor of this building, ascend up the stairwells (there are two) until you reach an outdoor area. Whilst here, you’ll find some weapons but also, more importantly, Hidden Item #3 on the wall outside.

Leave the building and if you open your map, you’ll notice there’s another small dark-grey building just to the south east of this location. You’ll find this huge bunker has a long walkway. If you head through, you’ll find Hidden Item #1 inside.

Whilst we’re here, lets take out the Flak batteries protecting the area, which will make later fights much easier. The first Flak battery is on the west side of the trenches, but you’ll need a Satchel Charge to destroy it. If you don’t have one, check nearby crates for supplies. Plant the charge and detonate it to take out the first gun.

Now, head east and you’ll find the second Flak battery is located on this side of the trenches. However, on your way look to the south east side of the map, and you’ll find a building that looks like this:

Head inside and on the top floor, alongside a bunch of weapons, you’ll find Personal Letter #1. Leave the house and across the street, in the adjacent building, enter via the vines up into the attic. Then, destroy the boards and head down, where you’ll find the Pistol Workbench.

Head over and complete your optional objective by blowing up the second Flak battery. 

When you leave this area via the bunkers, you’ll notice that each of these have numbers on them. Look for Bunker 2 and head inside. Don’t descend yet but instead circle around the perimeter inside and on one of the desks, you’ll find Classified Document #4.

Leave Bunker 2 and head east (on your compass) to reach Bunker 1. Inside, you’ll find Personal Letter #2 on the desk. If you didn’t get it earlier, if you head outside, there’s a great vantage point to snipe Stone Eagle #3 as well.

Trap the Eastern Zugwerfer

With the Flak guns gone, make your way to deal with the eastern Zugwerfer. Exit the trenches, keeping to cover as you climb higher ground. From here, use your sniper rifle to take out any enemy snipers or patrols before advancing.

Once the area is clear, head down to the eastern objective marker. Your task here is to sabotage the Roundhouse turntable—a circular platform in the middle of the train yard. Find a Satchel Charge (there’s one just east of the turntable, on a yellow crate). Now, plant the charge and detonate it to stop the Zugwerfer in its tracks.

Kill List Target: Hermann Gottshalk

Next, let’s deal with our Kill List target, Hermann Gottshalk.

To find him, head north west until you find what looks like a large platform at the top of the map (if you open up your map you’ll see it). Gottshalk is outside, positioned near a large gas cylinder. If you want to complete the Kill Challenge, wait until he walks past the cylinder, then shoot it to trigger an explosion, taking him out instantly.

If you’re not worried about the challenge, simply take him out with a clean shot. Completing the challenge will also unlock a special weapon, so it’s worth the effort.

Just south of this objective, you’ll find a small building you can enter. Inside on the desk, you’ll find Personal Letter #4. 

Next, just east of where we killed Gottshalk (if you look on your compass), you’ll find another large building, marked by a dark grey rectangle on your map.

Heas inside via the doorway on the right and you’ll find Classified Document #3 and a bunch of weapons. Leave this and continue heading west on your compass. You’ll find a large brick building with a faded advertisement on the side. Run past this and enter the open shutters on the right. Inside this building, go up the stairs and in this room, you’ll discover Classified Document #5 and the SMG Workbench.

Trap the Western Zugwerfer

Time for the next Zugwerfer. Move west toward the last objective marker but on the way you’l find a large two-storey building with balconies outside. It looks like this:

At the bottom of the ladder at the bottom, feel free to grab the Satchel Charge before ascending the ladder. There is also an officer patrolling the area with a key so you can always kill him and come back, it’s up to you. Either way ,circle around the building then head inside the open doorway. Inside this room, you’ll find Personal Letter #3.

On your way, look for a campfire at the far northwest end of the map, which will unlock the Bombed Factory starting point. To sabotage the last train, look for a wheel near the railway tracks, just beneath a tall metal awning. Be mindful of nearby patrols and snipers as you approach. Turn the wheel to cut off the train’s fuel supply, then shoot the fuel container to trigger an explosion, disabling the Zugwerfer for good.

With that, lets move to our final main Zugwerfer objective.

Trap the Central Zugwerfer

Head to the large objective building we’ve been circling throughout this mission. Inside, you’ll find a cylindrical room with a control box—this is what you need to jam the doors and trap the train. You’ll find a crowbar on the opposite side of the room and a ton of enemies too. Be sure to take them all out. Within this area, you’ll also find Personal Letter #5 on the eastern side of the large area, up a staircase and tucked away inside a room. 

Climb up the stairwell toward the circular platform but before interacting with the control mechanism, look to the south eastern edge of this area (on your compass) and you’ll find a door we can blow open with a Satchel Charge.

Inside, you’ll find Classified Document #1 and the Rifle Workbench. With all of this done, use the crowbar to jam the control mechanism, preventing the Zugwerfer from moving.

Exfiltrate and Kill Kruger

With everything complete, it’s time to exfiltrate—but there’s one last job before you can escape. If you finished at the central Zugwerfer, you’ll find the nearest exfiltration point close by. Instead of a normal extraction, you’ll need to place a transmitter, which triggers the final cutscene. 

Mission 9 – All Or Nothing

When Kruger is making a run for it, he’ll attempt to flee on a motorcycle and you need to take him out before he leaves. From your starting position, run over to the adjacent building with the lamps outside and scramble up to the balcony. Then, line up your shot and take him out before he escapes. Miss, and the mission fails—so make it count. If not, you’ll have to repeat this section.

A single well-placed sniper round will finish the job and complete the campaign, bringing this game to an end. Great work guys and thanks for following our guides, your support and views are massively appreciate!

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