Sniper Elite: Resistance Guide: Devil’s Cauldron
This mission sends you deep into enemy territory to neutralize Nazi operations, sabotage key transport routes, and take down high-value targets. There are multiple optional objectives here, including a hidden secret mission, so let’s break it all down.
Neutralize the Coastal Defense
From your starting location, immediately aim to the left to look at the sea. You should see a lighthouse in the distance. Aim with your sniper for the top of the lighthouse, right where the light is, and you’ll find Stone Eagle #1.
Now, go up the hill toward a checkpoint, which is on the right, just at the checkpoint before the big house with Nazi banners outside. You’ll find Personal Letter #2 on the table.
Next, head inside the large house draped in Nazi banners. Go inside and on the second floor, you’ll find Classified Document #3 on a desk. Follow the road toward the first main objective (Disable Kleine Blume Production), but when the road forks, look to your east and you’ll find a crane off in the distance. Aim for this with your sniper and you’ll find Stone Eagle #3 perched atop, which you can shoot down.
Furthermore, take the road east into the tunnel. Once you go inside, look to the left to find a room with Workbench #3 inside.
On the way, just past the house with Nazi banners, follow the road north and you’ll find a small barracks building, near where the road forks. Go inside and you’ll find Personal Letter #5 on the table.
Return to the road and head back down to the big Nazi house. Look to the right for a zipline leading down to the lower section. Take the zipline to descend to the ground, which will unlock the secret objective on your map. As you head east to the marked location, take a slight detour and you’ll find the railway depot. Go inside and up some stairs. There’s a secret entrance here to the factory, but also Classified Document #4 next to a secret door entrance.
Head back outside and you’ll find a small building. Inside, place a Satchel Charge on the beige box in the side room. Step outside before detonating and you’ll see that the explosion will collapse the building. If you’re short on Satchel Charges, there are several lying around the building’s exterior.
While you’re here, continue toward a tall church building—there’s a sniper positioned at the top, so be careful. If you check the outer walls, you’ll find another Propaganda Poster.
Now, enter the church from the west side and pick the door on the left. Head into the basement and you’ll find Workbench #1. From the church location, don’t zipline back just yet. Instead, exit the church and circle around to the west, where you’ll come to a graveyard area. If you follow the stone path, search toward the far west and you’ll find Personal Letter #1 on a stack of boxes.
Once done, climb to the top of the church and zipline back to your starting point to move on to the main mission.
Sabotage Kleine Blume Transportation – Tanker Trucks
From the tunnel exit, head northeast toward the large concrete wall. At the top platform, you’ll have two paths. Going left will lead to the main non-optional objective and progress the game. However, if you go right, it’ll lead to an optional sabotage mission. Of course, we’re going right… right?
Follow the road north to find four tanker trucks. Climb onto the northern wooden platform for the best vantage point. Shoot the glowing red sections of the trucks to detonate them. However, be careful as this will also set off alarms, so quickly shoot the marked speakers to silence them.
With the tanker trucks destroyed, head back to the concrete wall and take the left path into the mountainside to continue on with the main objective.
Disable Kleine Blume Production
This is the main objective, so now it’s time to shut down Nazi production efforts. There are two entrances here, one from the east, and another from the north. If you head toward the north-facing entrance, you’ll come to a checkpoint that looks like this:
Cut the fence with bolt-cutters (there are cutters at the bottom of the dirt road hill. Cross the road and you’ll find some laying on a box if you haven’t picked any up yet). Inside, head through the open yellow door on the left. On your right at the end of the hallway, you’ll find another open doorway. On a desk with radio equipment, you’ll find Hidden Item #2.
Inside the facility, make sure you disable the alarm to avoid reinforcements. Before heading toward your location, you’ll find a door en-route that you need to blow open with a Satchel Charge. If you do this, you’ll find Workbench #2 inside. However, the adjacent room also has vents you can crawl through if you wish. This is on the eastern side of the facility, close to where the trucks are parked up on the lower level.
Next, push into the main factory area and eliminate the enemies inside, including a white-coated science officer on the higher level. If you loot his body, you’ll find a useful key that we’ll use later on.
Before you descend, follow the walkway around and you’ll come to a room overlooking the circular main chamber, full of radio equipment. If you face the circular platform, you’ll find Classified Document #1 on the table.
Now, on the lower level, you’ll find a green safe tucked away in the corner, near to where the circular platform in the middle of the production facility is. If you blow this open with a satchel charge, you’ll find Classified Document #5 inside. This is also needed for your mission objective, so it’s unmissable.
You’ll find the control panel near the production machines, opposite the safe. Interact with it to scuttle the factory.
Once you’ve set off the scuttle process, alarms will sound, so move fast and exit south through the facility tunnel.
Sabotage Kleine Blume Transportation – U-Boat
As you exit the factory tunnel, take the stairs on the left toward another optional sabotage mission. Head southeast into the Industrial Yard and locate the large building. Inside, find the fuel line in the middle of the building. Turn the handle on the control panel and shoot the marked fuel line leading to the U-Boat.
Before you leave though, go into the officers on the left-hand side and up the stairs. Inside, you’ll find Classified Document #2 inside. The next section is a little tricky, but there’s an excellent trick with this one to make life easier. First, look for the railway bridge and follow the route across to the rock face. Then, look toward the rocks and you’ll find Stone Eagle #2 on a platform near the top of the cliff.
Boom. That’s another sabotage objective completed.
Kill List Target: Eloi Cost
Kill List Target: Eloi Coste |
Eloi Coste is hiding out in a house near the water, making him your next target. Approach the building from the hill and use the tall grass as cover. Snipe the enemies around the house first, as this will then provoke Coste to start shooting from inside. This makes him an easy target for a sniper shot through the window so take hum out to complete this Kill List objective. When he’s dead, head inside the building go upstairs. In the bedroom at the far end, you’ll find Personal Letter #4 next to the bed. |
If you exit the building and head east you’ll notice a walkway heading up.
Follow this path up and turn left. Kill the enemy and look inside the tent to find Personal Letter #3.
From the Kill List area, if you head south east until you come to a windy road, you’ll be able to grab our final hidden item. Go here, and next to the lit barrel, you’ll find Hidden Item #1 midway up the hill.
Follow the road until you find a checkpoint, If you crawl through the barbed wire, you’ll be able to enter an indoor factory area. you’ll find a checkpoint on the road.
With everything done, it’s time to leave. There are three exfiltration points, so take your pick over which you want to go for.
With the Kleine Blume factory sabotaged, transport routes destroyed, and Eloi Coste eliminated, this mission is a major success. Now, it’s time to push deeper into enemy lines.
<< Sonderzüge Sabotage |
Assault On Fort Rouge >> |
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