Sniper Elite: Resistance Guide “Dead Drop” Walkthrough & All Collectibles

Sniper Elite: Resistance Guide: Dead Drop

Mission List (Tap to jump down the page!)

Collect Vertigo’s Dead Drop

Enter the Basilica & Retrieve the Dead Drop

Search Vertigo’s Apartment

Library Side Mission

Recover Vertigo’s Intel



Welcome to Dead Drop, the second mission in Sniper Elite: Resistance. This time, we’re heading into a dense Nazi-occupied town, filled with tight alleyways, open windows perfect for sniping, and boasting multiple routes to reach your objectives. You’ll be hunting down a Nazi informant while sneaking (or shooting) your way through a basilica, a heavily-guarded library, and a fortified mansion. It doesn’t matter which order you do these in, so feel free to jump down the page using the links above.

Along the way, we’ll be grabbing all classified documents and personal letters, along with finding the Stone Eagles too, which you’ll need for a separate trophy.

It’s also worth noting that this is the first mission where you can be invaded by other players, so do be wary of that. Now, let’s get started.


Collect Vertigo’s Dead Drop

Right off the bat, you’ll be faced with a broken bridge just after an abandoned barn. Before proceeding, grab the crowbar inside the barn—it’ll come in handy later. Climb the ladder inside to get a good vantage point and take out the sniper on the ramparts before heading forward.

At the broken bridge, you’ve got two choices:

  • Go left and climb the wall – More loot, but more enemies.
  • Use the crowbar on the planks to open the tunnel – A stealthier option with fewer threats.

Both routes lead to the same stairwell area, so pick whichever fits your playstyle. Personally, we’d recommend the stealthier option.

However, regardless of the path taken, climb the stairs inside the stairwell building and keep an eye out for a La Resistance Propaganda Poster on the wall. Pick it up to unlock the first Propaganda mission, accessible from the main menu.

At the top of the stairs, there’s a soldier—take him out quietly. From this vantage point, you’ll have a clear shot of the basilica courtyard. Tag enemies, take cover, and use the bell tower’s ringing as a sound mask to snipe the enemy sniper up top.

If you haven’t been spotted yet, use the bell’s ringing to pick off as many enemies as possible before moving forward.

Before heading to the basilica, there are some important upgrades to grab.

Stick to the town wall as you move west, and you’ll reach scaffolding and a large door. Unlocking this grants an alternate starting point for future runs.

From here, keep following the wall north until you come across a guarded house. Take out the Gestapo officer, then slip inside. Clear out the soldiers inside, then lockpick the gate on the upper floor to access Workbench #1.

Once you’ve upgraded your gear, head back out and make your way toward the basilica.


Enter the Basilica & Retrieve the Dead Drop

Approach the scaffolding near the checkpoint, climb up, and enter the church through the open window. Inside, there are two soldiers near the altar—your call whether to take them out or sneak past.

Quietly climb the belltower stairs to the left of the entrance, being sure to circle all the way to the very top until you find the sniper’s nest. Look for a portrait hanging on the far wall and interact with it to retrieve Vertigo’s Dead Drop.

While inside the church, on the first floor and you’ll find a safe. Use a Satchel Charge to blow it open to find Personal Letter #1 inside.

Outside the church, to the west on the map, you’ll find two tents. In the one on the right, you’ll find Classified Documents #1.


Search Vertigo’s Apartment

Time to find Vertigo. His apartment is in the reddish-brown house you sniped an officer outside of earlier. If you head back to the top of the church and leave via the door to your right (after finding the portrait), you’ll have a good vantage point to show exactly where this house is.

Circle around to the zipline but just before you do, use your sniper to look jut left of the zipline spot to find Stone Eagle #2 you can shoot down. It’s just past the three towers with navy tiles atop, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to spot. 

Next, head down the zipline to a patch of tall grass. Move quietly to the climbable vines near the apartment on the right hand side, take out any remaining soldiers, and sneak inside. If you wanted to grab another collectible, just outside head west into the small garden area. You’ll find a stone bench in the middle holding Personal Letter #2.

Just before we head inside, if you enter the building north east of Vertigo’s apartment, you’ll find a restaurant. If you head inside and go up to the second floor, you’ll find Classified Document #4 on one of the tables. 

Upstairs, interact with a squeaky floorboard at the back to uncover Vertigo’s next location: the Library.

Kill List Target: Philo Beck

Before heading to the library, now’s a good time to go after our Kill List target—Philo Beck.

Beck’s the easiest target to eliminate here, as he’s standing directly in front of an open window, making him perfect to snipe. To get a clean shot, stick to the southern wall and circle around north until you have a clear line of sight.

Whilst within the Red Kill List area, look for a restaurant with white tables outside. It should be in the south-west corner of this area. On one of the tables you’ll find Personal Letter #4.

After taking out Beck, stick to the south-eastern wall and head north. Watch for a building with stairs leading underground (marked by a cross sign).

Head inside, turn right at the statue, and you’ll find a locked gate. Inside is Workbench #2.

Furthermore, this tunnel also provides a stealthy entry into the Library, which you’ll need for an upcoming side mission, especially if you wish to collect everything in this game.


Library Side Mission

Be careful with the library as there are guards dotted about but it’s worth the risk as it contains important intelligence files that can help the resistance – and plenty of collectibles too. The documents are placed in the rotunda, ground floor, and the back room behind the statue at the entrance. Sneak past or eliminate guards and collect the three files.

Whilst inside the library, you’ll also find Personal Letter #3 too, on the curved desk with the red chair.

Now, exit the library and circle around to the north. Along the road, you’ll find a bench with Personal Letter #4. If you’re struggling to find it, look for a stairwell on your left. 

If you head out the library via the main entrance, turn back so you’re facing the entrance. Now, look to the building on the right and you’ll find Stone Eagle #1 at the top. Shoot it down.


Find and Make Contact With Vertigo

After all of this, head to the small round building in the courtyard. Unlock the entrance to the tunnels and move through them until you find a door on the right.

Inside, you’ll find Vertigo’s dead body. His intel is still missing, which means one final objective remains.


Recover Vertigo’s Intel

Your last stop is the large mansion in the northern-central area of the map. Rather than going through the front, enter via the garden alleyway on the right side.

Follow the stairs up to the vines, climb to the top, and use the ramparts to sneak into the building unnoticed.

There are two enemies on the ramparts—silently eliminate them before proceeding. Continue along the walkway to the western side, where you’ll find a satchel charge behind some crates.

Inside the mansion, an officer is inspecting the fireplace. Melee kill him, search his body for the Safe Key, and prepare to head over to unlock Vertigo’s office. Just before you do though, on the ground floor you’ll find a table with some radio equipment on it. You’ll also find Classified Documents #2 as well.

Now head, up to the office and retrieve the intel from inside. Once you’ve done this, head up to the top floor and look outside, facing south. You should see three towers to the south west, each with navy blue roofs. Infront of the third tower, you’ll find Stone Eagle #3. Shoot it down.

Before exfiltrating, grab the final workbench and an extra starting location for future runs.

Workbench #3 can be found outside the mansion. Head back to the walkway and climb down the ladder. Sneak past the remaining soldiers and you’ll find a locked gate on the right. Inside, you’ll find the last workbench in the mission.

To unlock the Citadel Apartments Starting location, exit the mansion and turn right into a wider section behind the Library. Follow the outer wall until you find a large blue locked door. Picking this unlocks a new starting point, complete with a balcony sniping spot.



Now, it’s time to get out. You have four different exfiltration spots, with the North-eastern or South-eastern exits closest. However, there’s also the southwestern spot near Workbench #1 and Scaffold alternate start we unlocked earlier on. 

Finally, we have the tunnels under the library, which will get you out. 

Whichever you choose, you can also mop up some extra collectibles while we’re here too.

If you head directly east, in the middle of the map just beyond the gates into town, you’ll find a house you can enter. Climb to the first floor and you’ll find a safe. Use the key located on the floor above, or blow it open with a Satchel Charge to find Classified Document #3 inside. 

From this location, head west, near to where the destroyed bridge into town is located, and the one we had to sneak either side of. You’ll find an enclosed tent. You can get in with using the Crowbar we found earlier on Bolt Cutters to reach this area. Inside on the table, you’ll find Classified Document #5.

Once you’ve chosen your route, interact with the exfil door, and Dead Drop is complete!

With Dead Drop done, these alternate start locations make replaying missions a lot more easier, especially if you missed anything the first time through. 

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